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Everything posted by SisterAbdullahX

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  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1344755057' post='1768704'] Agree.... and as much as you may not want to, no one is going to go Carvin over a Fender....assuming either is made well enough. [/quote] I would and I love Fenders! What I've seen and heard of the SB5000, it's obviously a pretty serious bit of kit. If I was torn between two basses of the same value I'd take the best one, not the best known one.
  6. Decent bass player, decent reader, decent gear, decent voice, decent chap! Own transport, loads of experience. Looking for paid work in the Yorkshire area, will travel for right gigs. Functions, pubs, theatres, whatever. Regular work to supplement day job. Cheers!
  7. OK, so I need to send a message to someone with some pictures which are in my attachments (in the Manage My Attachments bit). How does one go about doing such a thing? Seems attachments can't be used in messages, or am I just such a Luddite? Ta.
  8. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1338111857' post='1669646'] I'm with the OP on this. I don't really like the black blocks. But diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. In fact - block inlays on anything Fender that isn't a Jazz causes me to question all I believed in during the 70s :-) Aargh. Since back in the day, I've had a 1974 Jazz in mocha brown with maple neck and pearl blocks. I've always loved it. CB [/quote] Yeah, I love it as well!! If you ever think of parting with it, give me first dibs!
  9. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1334420042' post='1616023'] I think Martin McAloon from Prefab Sprout used to have one in the 80's. [/quote] He did indeed, which, if I'm not mistaken, he sold to BossHog from this very forum. I don't think he still has it, though.
  10. This would be my choice.... http://ews-us.com/item_triLogic2.php
  11. Just received alyctes' copy today (cheers!). Should have it finished by the weekend. Who's next?
  12. It is a lovely thing, this. Almost tempted to ask if you'd be interested in a trade with my Pedulla Pentabuzz in 5A grade flame maple which I recently withdrew from sale. And I'm gigging in Darlington this weekend. Hmmmm...
  13. Lovely! Did it by any chance once belong to Teesside's very own Keith Pebberdy?
  14. Thanks for the interest from those who pm'd but this beauty is now WITHDRAWN.
  15. I had no takers for your old Pentabuzz and refused to let it go for less than it's true value. Have decided to keep it. Restrung it and playing it as I type, it's awesome! Good luck with your sale, someone's in for a serious bargain!
  16. Nooooooooo! Don't do it! That's too cheap!
  17. Having just put a new set of nickel strings and played with the action a bit (as best I can without the Pedulla truss rod tool, which I'm ashamed to say I still haven't got round to ordering) I think I may have only just realised just what a stunning thing I have the honour of owning and therefore think it's highly likely that I'll be WITHDRAWING IT FROM SALE!! I'll know for certain next week when I should have the Pedulla Owners Kit and can get the neck straighter (I put a heavier gauge string on than it previously had), although I think that will only make me want to keep it even more. It's fekkin' lush!! Looks like I'll just have to put some pennies aside if I want a Marcus Miller Jazz!!
  18. Darn it! Eventually that white MM will fall into the hands of someone who wants to trade it for my Ped within days (or even hours!) of them taking ownership!! On the other hand, I might just keep the Ped!
  19. Jeez! I've been chasing the white one around through a couple of different owners now, so I might as well ask you the same question I asked them. I know it's not a Roadworn but would this interest you at all? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/131843-pedulla-pentabuzz-fretless-5-string-still-up-for-grabs-price-drop/
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