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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Good stuff, keep us posted and all the best. Remember to post more pictures of the female singer :)
  2. Went out on Saturday and popped into Kingfisher Music in Fleet and noticed they had a fretless Aria Pro II bass in there in the traditional red with yellow stripes through the body. It looked fantastic and in good condition. The price was £575 which might be a bit steep and may be negotiable but just I would let you lot know in case anyone is after something like this.
  3. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='576563' date='Aug 21 2009, 11:48 AM']Racist.[/quote] ok ok, how about this. U2 wore mens clothes which I was more attracted to doing. Where as Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet and Kagagoogoo looked more like my sisters who had girls hair, hairspray, skirts and makeup which did not appeal to me.
  4. I was watching Live Aid, and U2 came on stage to play. I quite liked the music although I did not really know it but the bass player, Adam Clayton just looked so coool. He just strutted around with pixie boots, stuble, mean looking and a Fender precision. To me he just looked so coooooool and I wanted some of that. They did not look poofy like Duran Duran, Kagagoogoo, Spandau Ballet, they looked cool. So you can blame Adam Clayton.
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  6. Filthy peasant. On a side note, you know when you're a kid and you stick a bit of card to your spokes with a peg so when you ride it goes click click click and the faster your ride, the faster the clicking is, well, that just sounds like what Mark King was doing in that clip. Ok, technically good but from a sound point of view and musical aspect, it was just lots of clicking sounds.
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='573309' date='Aug 18 2009, 06:36 PM']Away on holiday for that gig I'm afraid - I'll try to catch you next time. Want to hear that DJ being played properly. Good luck, and enjoy.[/quote] Properly? You do realise its me playing it Totally loving the DJ. Will never sell it unless I have a personality transplant. Love playing it. By the way, I still have not found the 1% in-perfection with it. I have noticed some of the varnish on the back of the neck really high up has fadded away though. Is that the 1% in-perfection? No worries, will let you know when we are playing again and hope you have a great holiday.
  8. [quote name='HMX' post='573268' date='Aug 18 2009, 05:57 PM']Congratulations man, sounds like you deserved it [/quote] Thank you. Loving being in this band. Its so cool.
  9. [quote name='KASH' post='572691' date='Aug 18 2009, 10:39 AM']My guitarist played through their line 6 combo too...and he's used to play with his loud as f*ck Mesa half stack, sound wasn't too bad to be honest. Behringer is just a signal really and it goes straight into the DI box , can't even hear it lol you'll have to rely on the PA and trust the sound man skills, which was OK after all. Don't know how many people were there, but not many, we were on at 8pm and the band who was supposed to play after us never turned up!! Also, it was a VERY mixed bill, from hard rock to reggae and indie, etc...not great. I would say avoid play on Sundays, and early, unless you can pull 100 people every time you play:)[/quote] Thanks for the info. Was your guitarist allowed to play through his amp or did he just choose to use their Line 6 combo?
  10. Just another one to add to the positive vibe. Had one on my ESP Jazz since 1990 and used it a lot in one band. Also have one on my Lakland Darryl Jones and will get one for any future basses. Great bit of kit and does a great job. Just because you have one, does not mean you need to use it but really handy if you do.
  11. Thanks for the help everyone. The Shuttle and Cab is fine for bottom end. In fact the bottom end is very deep as with my Darryl Jones, I have to boost the High (-15/+15) dial. My other Jazzes sound great but the Stingray just does not sound good at all. Thanks Alex for the suggestions. I will give them a try tomorrow after work and report back. I really hope it works as I love my ray. I just want to love the sound to.
  12. I have a Genz Benz Shuttle 6 and the NEO 212. Very nice rig and sounds fantastic with my Darryl Jones and ESP Jazz bass. However, my Stingray just sounds a bit odd. The only way I can describe it is very Kenneth Williams sounding, just very nasally. I guess thats the mids. I can get an amazing slap sound but I don't play slap. I can get a great deep dub bass sound but I don't play dub. I can get an average finger style although not 100% happy. I can't however get a nice smooth middle of the road full fat balanced tone. A kind of smooth jazz tone. Its either bassy and muffled, twangy and trebly or as I describe, very Kenneth Williams sounding. I just don't want to give up on the Stingray as in my eyes, they are the best looking bass in the world. However, no point keeping it if I never play it due to never getting the right sound from it. I am beginning to wonder if the Stingray is just never ever going to be right for me. A bit annoying really when it always was my dream bass. Anyone got any Stingray/Shuttle 6 settings they can share? Apologies if this is in the wrong place. Was not sure if it should go in the bass section, amp section or just general bass so I chose the latter.
  13. [quote name='KASH' post='571787' date='Aug 17 2009, 05:04 PM']Played there last night. Nasty Behringer combo (apparently they didn't let us take our own backline?!?!) ...however, the sound guy knows his sh*t and even though it wasn't the best sound in the world, the stage sound was pretty good and according to the audience, the front sound was brutal! Oh, didn't pay to play or anything like that, didn't make much money either but we're from london, so no expenses, but had the same 'how many bands are playing tonight after all?' experience too. must say, the sound is pretty decent, at least for us was.[/quote] Not good about the Behringer combo. Were the guitarists allowed to use their own amps or did they have to use the water rats backline? What time were you on and were there many people there?
  14. [quote name='molan' post='571712' date='Aug 17 2009, 03:46 PM']That made me smile (and I need all the smile I can get at the moment!). The '75 really is very nice, I hadn't ever really put it up for sale and will probably hang on to it for a while. In fact one of the nice things about loaning out basses is that when they come back home it feels like you're getting something new again [/quote] Half of me is smiling knowing that it might not be for sale and the other half is screaming "I WANT THAT BASS"
  15. [quote name='molan' post='571603' date='Aug 17 2009, 01:41 PM']He's got my '75 RI Jazz as well, do you think he's stockpiling them [/quote] Don't talk to me about your '75 RI Jazz. I have played it, love it and want it with a passion. It was one of my dream basses. However, I can't afford it and I can't justify having another Jazz bass. I already have a Lakland Darryl Jones as my main bass, an ESP 400 Series Jazz as my backup which is amazing and a Squire VMJ fretless. So the less we say about your '75 RI Jazz the better :) Of course, I am willing to carry out certain jobs but refuse to work with goat, small children and insects. After that, anything goes
  16. I've borrowed a fair few things from OBHM and my Lakland Duck Dunn is on loan to Old Horse Murphy at the moment.
  17. Just want to say thanks for all the info. When I get the money, I will go for one. Look forward to getting it.
  18. Still available for sale and would take £250 for a quick sale.
  19. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='567007' date='Aug 12 2009, 05:26 PM']I cant get my head around how much the USA Laklands cost. I know they use better wood etc but if the skylines are near perfect i find it hard to imagine the USA ones are worth almost three times the cost..[/quote] I am wondering if Lakland are being very clever with this. The Skyline range is made of superb wood from Korea (I think) and then sent to the USA for the electrics, assembled and set up by hand. To me wood is wood and makes no difference where it comes from. So being assembled, set up, quality checked etc in the USA makes this pretty much an American bass to me. So this competes with the USA Fender range which is I guess their main competitor. However, Lakland also have what they call the USA Laklands which are no different to the Skylines in terms of electrics, assembly and setup apart from the wood used. Like I say, to me wood is wood and the Skyline range already uses superb wood so the wood used on the USA makes no difference to me. However, those who are rich enough to afford the real deal (pro players, collectors, hard-core fans and rich people) will buy the USA range and I imagine Lakland are making a nice profit on those sold. The quantity is small but the profit is great and if the Skyline range is selling well which is seems to be and competing with Fender, then they will be laughing all the way to the bank. They also seem to have a lot of artists on their books who play Laklands so they must be doing pretty well.
  20. [quote name='Clarky' post='566855' date='Aug 12 2009, 03:33 PM']I love the look of the Fender Pino and - as I will never be able to afford a new one - wondered how much it would cost to have a Fender P re-sprayed in aged Fiesta red. To-respray a polyurethane painted P bass I was quoted £235 by a custom shop, which is just about bearable. But to re-spray a nitrocellulose painted Highway 1 P bass I was quoted £500-600 by a very well-known London bass shop. Thats just incredible. You can buy a bl**dy good bass for that money or even two![/quote] I was told a rather expensive price to get a 51 re-issue resprayed. Something like £400 which put me off doing it.
  21. [quote name='Beedster' post='566734' date='Aug 12 2009, 01:27 PM']Yes, Clarky's correct, sorry for the confusion Having thought about it a while, I think that if I were going to buy a fretless Jazz at the moment I'd be buying the Warmoth that (I think) is still on here at a ludicrously low price. I've played the MIJ, MIA and Custom Shop Jaco basses and, on reflection, all of them seem a little tame. Perhaps I was expecting too much from them but I guess there's something a bit off about a bass who's USP is that it looks like another bass Chris[/quote] Thanks again Chris. It has to be a Fender I am afraid as thats the make thats missing from my collection and the only place left to fill is my fretless.
  22. [quote name='Clarky' post='566714' date='Aug 12 2009, 01:13 PM']The amp is probably the same Hartke HA2000 that I played there some months back (see earlier post) and is a perfectly decent giging amp - quite loud and with a tube preamp so plenty of tonal range. When I played the cab was an Ampeg 1x15 which was fine, can't imagine an Ampeg 4x10 would be rubbish either. I say save the hassle and use the suppied back line[/quote] Thanks for your help Clarky
  23. Our singer has got us booked in at The Water Rats for the 8th September for a 7pm - 7.30pm show. I can't say I am looking forward to this gig. It says the bass backline is a Hartke 200w head and an Ampeg 4x10. Wondering if I should risk using this on the night. Also nothing about selling tickets in advance. I even questioned this and confirmed, no pre sale of tickets so I wonder if they have had a change of policy.
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