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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Good stuff Walman, us bass players are made of strong stuff
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='615573' date='Oct 3 2009, 11:02 AM']Guys, guys, guys - can we please get back on topic? I'm itching to hear how Michael got on with his dysfunctional band last night, and who was actually on the receiving end of a technicolour yawn. (Just because I'm itching don't necessarily mean I got shingles, OK?) [/quote] Thanks Jack. Well from a health point of view, it went ok. Made sure I had lemsips, strepsils and pain killers every four hours. Had the chicken soup as recommended for lunch and by the evening I was feeling much stronger. The only downside was, because of the amount of fluids I have taken in, I was going for a long wee every 10 mins. Playing wise I actually did really well. Felt totally locked in and after the gig had quite a few compliments on my playing which gave me big smiles Lots of people there and we went down really well. First gig with my new Fender MIA 75 Jazz and it is the most beautiful, easy to play bass in the world. I love it. As for the band, well, what can I say. Last week, the biggest issue we had was no drums and our drummer saying he can't get to the gig on time for sound check. We needed to be there for 6pm and to give him credit, he made the effort and actually arrived before all of us However, as per usual, our singer and percussionist (a couple) were totally late by an hour. Same as the last gig and the same as most rehearsals. He then did his usual and dumped all his gear all over the stage and where I would normally stand so again, I have to ask him to move it. He then as always blasts his guitar full volume needing to be asked to turn down. As the rest of the night is kind of open mic with acoustic acts with two full bands, the general vibe is chilled, sit down and listen to audience. So the band think it would be cool to just tone it down a bit and play softer to fit in, all that is apart from the singer who says he would like to play loud and blow there heads off The show is also running a little late so I say we may have to drop a song. I mention the last song into the set which is the weakest and more a filler and one the singer said sounded ropey at last practise only for the singer to say he thinks we should play it as its a good one. I asked him to name a weaker song in the set and he did not answer me. His reply was then we should not think about dropping songs but which extra ones we should add and then the rest of the band discuss which songs to add At that point I walked off. Then as the other band play their set, I noticed the singer had left his guitar pedal board all over the stage and his guitar tripod with two guitars on right in the centre of the stage with all the other acts having to work around it . Oh, and we had a discussion some weeks ago about image and we said the geeky scruffy 70's look would be cool. Similar to Weezer with Polos shirts, shirts with ties etc. So I turn up in my tight black polo shirt and blue jeans and the drummer in black shirt and blue jeans so both very similar only to be told by the singer and percussionist that I look to normal and could I change. I thought ok but then thought, no, I am matching the drummer, wearing what we discussed, actually match what the percussionist is wearing. So in my head I said f*** off, they never got to the gig on time which is more important and so never got changed After that I never really spoke to the band all evening and I think they noticed as after they kept asking if I was happy. So, at this stage, I am unsure what to do. The songs are amazing and we always seem to go down so well but the band as people are so frustrating, especially the singer who seems to be totally on another planet, unable to accept self critisism, accept others opinions and is oblivious to his own actions. Despite the band having a great chance musically to do well, I can't see them actually doing well due to lack of comitment and the singers ego. I am 50% set on sending an email saying I am leaving and 50% set on staying but taking a more back seat role not giving a sh*t and in the meantime look for another band.
  3. [quote name='alexclaber' post='614703' date='Oct 2 2009, 12:38 PM']Could you take this as an opportunity to vomit on your drummer? Alex[/quote] I think my first target would be the singer, and then the drummer. I won't bore you all why
  4. [quote name='beerdragon' post='614693' date='Oct 2 2009, 12:27 PM']Are sure it's not Swine Flu? best stay ay home if it is.[/quote] I thought it might be but I don't have the temperature so ruled that one out.
  5. Got a gig tonight which thankfully, is only a 30 minute set. Been feeling ill all week and was actually off work Tuesday. Feel a little better not but still have chest cough, sort through, runny nose, aches and pain, headache, feel sick and no energy at all. Been drinking lots of water and energy drinks, plus ibuprofen, lemsips and strepsils. Any other suggestions for a quick fix to make me feel better and get me through tonights gig??
  6. [quote name='Briton' post='614168' date='Oct 1 2009, 07:57 PM']Nice choice of tunes Linus and played very well,I was quite a biggish fan of Simple Minds in the 80's so it was good to hear stuff taken off NGD on bass which is quite a rarety to see and hear these days. And for Christ sake mate just how many guitars do you own,I mean you have got the top two there in my opinion having a Jazz and a Stingray........ [/quote] HAHAHA well to be honest, a ot of those basses have been sold now. The Lakland and Fender MIM Jazz are long gone. I kind of miss the Fender as it had such a wonderful neck and feel but the Lakland was all wrong in my hands. My signature shows what I have at the moment. The Stingray is amazing but I just can't get a good tone out of it. Maybe one day I'll get it sussed. Thanks also for the nice comments. I love Simple Minds and Derek Forbes bass playing. Great stuff.
  7. [quote name='Briton' post='614168' date='Oct 1 2009, 07:57 PM']Nice choice of tunes Linus and played very well,I was quite a biggish fan of Simple Minds in the 80's so it was good to hear stuff taken off NGD on bass which is quite a rarety to see and hear these days. And for Christ sake mate just how many guitars do you own,I mean you have got the top two there in my opinion having a Jazz and a Stingray........ [/quote] HAHAHA well to be honest, a ot of those basses have been sold now. The Lakland and Fender MIM Jazz are long gone. I kind of miss the Fender as it had such a wonderful neck and feel but the Lakland was all wrong in my hands. My signature shows what I have at the moment. The Stingray is amazing but I just can't get a good tone out of it. Maybe one day I'll get it sussed. Thanks also for the nice comments. I love Simple Minds and Derek Forbes bass playing. Great stuff.
  8. Stoned quite badly once, not for the gig but for the TV interview after. We were playing at Dingwalls in Camden and Rebel Media TV wanted to do a piece on us, with interviews from A & R chaps, promotors, etc to then be shown on Eurosport/Sky Sports etc. It was a behind the scenes look at some of the bands that make the music for their extreme sports shows. Anyway, after the gig, my friend said do you want a smoke. So we had a smoke or two and rightly so, got very stoned. I then had to do a TV interview and the band knew this so made out I was not very well as I was desperatly trying to speak as it was just coming out as giggly gook. Anyway, it did not last and I said some crazy things and then burst into fits of laughter. So, for my debut TV appearance I was stoned. A good start into the rock and roll world Another gig, at The Dublin Castle in Camden, our guitarist was so drunk, he fell of stage into the crowd. The NME or Melody Maker were there reviewing the gig and gave us a great review and commented on how rock and roll we were with the band so drunk, they fall off the stage. So, all good really. When we recorded our album in the wilds on South Wales, we first set all our gear up in the live rooms, but because it was quite late, the producer sent us to the pub while he finished off in the studio. He said he would not need us until tomorrow so go and get drunk and enjoy yourself. Great, first night in Wales, recording our first album and so we celebrated, got superbly drunk with all the locals, playing drinking games with them until about 2 in the morning. Wondered back to the studio and settled down to sleep in the onsite cottage, only to get a phone call from the producer 5 minutes later saying we are all wanted in the studio. We staggered up and were told to play through the entire album. We all laughed and fell on the floor but were told its really important and need to do it. So somehow, we bashed through the album, how, I have no idea. I can remember I could not even focus on the strings let alone know what to play. It was quite clever though, the producer got us to do it to get us to relax and for him to get all the levels set, knowing we are going to thrash the crap out of our instruments. I just remember it as the funniest, craziest thing ever.
  9. [quote name='thunderbird13' post='613692' date='Oct 1 2009, 11:31 AM']This stuff really annoys me when I think of the grief I was given when I started off playing in bands as I didnt drive and had to get my bass amp to gigs by myself. Their attitude was its your gear so you bring it so I took trains ,taxis , walked whatever just to get my gear to gigs , a little harsh maybe but it did teach me a lesson. It sound like your drummer hasnt learnt this lesson yet and perhaps it might be an idea to let him organise this hire himself and if he turns up without a kit then its his problem and not yours. In the long term of course it sounds like you have are only going to get frustrated with these guys so its probably time to either start making ultimatums or if thats not suitable then just quit and look for another band before they annoy you more. From what I've heard of you on you tube it should be easy enough for you to get into another band[/quote] Hey thanks you for the nice youtube comment. The sad thing is, the songs are good and I have written some of my best bass lines ever. Still, I'm not worried because I know I can still do it so I will just do that with any new band I join. Yes its very frustrating about the commitment side. They really questioned me about being available for gigs and rehearsals etc and I had to jiggle a few things around to make it happen and yet they are the ones not commited. The way I am feeling at the moment, I am tempted to call it quits after Fridays gig.
  10. The crazy thing is, when I joined they wanted full comitment etc. I was worried about this having two kids. However, its turned out I have been the one most commited and always available so far for everything.
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  12. Here's a bunch from me. Nothing that hard or special but songs I like
  13. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='613235' date='Sep 30 2009, 08:23 PM']IMO, time for a quick summary of your position so far: It would seem they are a total bunch of piss-taking timewasters. Score yourself a new band, pronto.[/quote] Yeah, I think after posting in this thread and talking to you guys, this is the conclusion I have come to. We have three gigs booked, two in October and one in November. I will try to honour these and then call it quits. Thanks for your help everyone.
  14. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='612980' date='Sep 30 2009, 02:08 PM']You have got plenty of patience. I'd have probably ditched bandmates like that.[/quote] Well I have been told that many a time plus my name is Michael so they say I have the patience of a saint Back in July I put together a simple time line for the rest of the year based on things agreed. Nothing to taxing. 1. Ensure rehearsals are booked for rest of year 2. Update Myspace Page and keep updated 3. Update Facebook page and keep updated 4. Book 6 - 8 gigs for rest of year 5. Complete the 5 track demos 6. Book photoshoot 7. Look into website for band 8. Speak to video guy if he can edit video 9. Provide photo idea for photoshoot 10. Get T-Shirts made 11. Record two single 12. Find a video producer So far, I have done items 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11 and 12. Item 1 has always been done by the singer yet has still not been done. Item 5 is the singers job as the main songwriter and has been saying he will do since July and still not done it. Item 6 the singer knows the photographer but has still not booked it. Item 8 the singer knows the video guy but has still not spoken to him. Item 11 can't be done until the demo has been finished. Considering I have been last in to the band (March 09), I booked 3 of the four gigs and nobody else seems to be making any effort. Taken over the Myspace and Facebook page, updated it and keep it updated. I am now looking into the band website as nobody else is bothering to. Provided ideas for photoshoots and got the T-Shirts made. Lots of other little things in the pipework but nobody seems to be chasing it up and so it just dies a death. I got them on a radio show with some songs played. Who do you think was the only one to tune in and join in with the live discussions? Yep, me Its not even my band. There are so many brickwalls. Drummer who can't make soundcheck, rehearsals or gigs. Singer or percussionist who can't make soundcheck or rehearsals because of other comitments. Emails is the main form of communication yet people don't reply back to emails. Forgetting to bring gear or not doing the things they said they would do like chase up promotors etc. I seem to be doing all the running and the rest of the band seem to be sitting back and enjoying themselves. Oh well, rant over, I think I know what I am going to do. Was going to try and last the year but not sure I will be able to.
  15. [quote name='alexclaber' post='612975' date='Sep 30 2009, 02:02 PM']Let the other bands know that this is likely to happen and give them his email address and mobile number so he has the pleasure of explaining to them why he's entitled to act like a prima donna. Alex[/quote] HAHA that would only work up to a point in the sense, you hardly ever get any replies from emails so he would probably just ignore it. The rest of the band are slightly better but only by a bit. I think if this whole thing goes pair shaped then I'll just walk.
  16. [quote name='Doddy' post='612972' date='Sep 30 2009, 01:57 PM']If you do,you should take your own gear-it's not rocket science! If there are other bands on the bill,then make sure that they also have their own gear.You shouldn't have to supply your gear for the other bands if you don't want to. Balls to this gear sharing lark. Your Guitarist didn't take an amp to a gig??? No Excuse.[/quote] Yeah agree with you on this. So far its only the drums which the headline band has to provide but we have known about this for weeks yet nothing sorted. Its only slightly getting sorted as I am hassling them. If I was not, I can see them turning up with no kit and then wondering why a problem.
  17. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='612946' date='Sep 30 2009, 01:30 PM']Yeh, I hear it's exactly the same with Iron Maiden on tour ...[/quote] HAHAHAHA slackers
  18. Going back 10 years, when on tour, the record company would give us each £25 to feed and water us per day. You could not carry it over so if you did not spend it, you don't keep it but get another £25 for the next day. Can you imagine how great this was. Its hard enough now spending £25 a day on food and drink and a lot of the venues were providing food and drinks. So we ended up having a laugh and seeing who could buy the weirdest things. After a gig in Leeds, it was about 11.15pm and we had spent no money. So we went to the local 7-11 and I bought not one but an entire box of curly wurly. This shocked the sales assistant but I then realised I had money left over so I bought a second box. We had curly wurlys for the entire tour. Our singer bought a gigantic melon and a comb and our giutarist bought some tights We had bottles of whisky and vodka in endless supply on the tour bus and had some real nice meals out before gigs. Good old days
  19. [quote name='alexclaber' post='612927' date='Sep 30 2009, 12:58 PM']Well this is going to be a very special gig for him if he's just going to play it with a tambourine... Don't do anything yourself - if he wants to be able to play the drums at the gig, then he needs to sort some out. And if he won't bring his own kit then the expense of hiring a substitute kit should be his own. Alex P.S. Is his very good kit so nice that he refuses to hit it with small pieces of wood in case it gets damaged?[/quote] I totally agree with you. My concern is that as we are the headline band, we provide the backline and if we turn up with nothing, it will screw the other bands night up. Its bad enough he refuses to make soundcheck in time but I don't want him to screw up the other bands gig. Oh and it has been worse. The last gig we did, in Guildford, our singer/guitarist never bothered to bring his Guitar amp. By pure luck I knew the other bands playing and could borrow one to save the day. Oh, but it got worse. We have a Xylophone/percussion player who needs to put their kit on a stand obviously. However, they never bothered to bring it. Why?? In the past they usually just blag it and borrow a bar stool to place the stuff on However, this venue in Guildford has no bar stools and so they were looking around the venues kitchen for a tall bin or chair etc I did make a strong point that this is unacceptable so it will be interesting to see if they bring it next time.
  20. [quote name='alexclaber' post='612900' date='Sep 30 2009, 12:32 PM']Confused! What abour your drummer's kit? Or is he happy air-drumming? Alex[/quote] He has a very good kit which he says, only comes out for special gigs. He is also used to London gigs who provide backline but this is an out of London gig and so we need to provide our own grear. A bit of a shock to him
  21. [quote name='bumnote' post='612908' date='Sep 30 2009, 12:40 PM']Just to add to that, the earlier skylines did have a weight issue on some basses, a problem that was aknowledged by Dan Lakin, and the specification was subsequently tightened right up. I had a beautifull CAR Skyline Jo osbourne that weighed 11 1/2 lbs. Very uncomfortable. Like all basses try before you by, but I would doubt you have a problem unless you have an older bass. Linuses comments are personal preferences but bear in mind the Duck Dunn and DJ are adaptations of the conventional jazz and precision. The Jazz clone is the jo osbourne, and the precision is the bob glaub. The Duck Dunn has a jazz neck on a precision body, and the Darryl Jones has aero pickups to give it a different sound to a jazz, and a revised and a downsized body, I cant remember if there was a change to the neck, and I cant find it on Lakland site. I still have 2 laklands and have owned in the past a number more. I think they are great basses, with impeccable customer service. Whether they are for you depends on you personal preference.[/quote] Just to add to that, my DJ weighed 10lbs and had Laklands own pickups. They moved away from the Aero's in 2007 which is when my bass was manufactured.
  22. First, sorry if this is the wrong forum and please feel free to move to correct forum Mr Admins I have a gig on Friday where we need to supply the drums. Our drummer is not being the most helpful and I can see that it may come down to a mad rush to hire some in. You would think that our drummer and the rest of the band would be slightly concerened that we have no drum kit for a gig in a few days and that somebody should really be doing something about it. So, does anyone know anywhere that hires out drum kits in the Surrey/Hampshire area? This is another example in a series of annoying things that my current band are doing and I am sure soon, I will be posting a thread asking what you guys think I should do, stay or go
  23. I have owned the Skyline DJ and DD and both were amazing bases. However I have now sold them both. The reason I sold the DD was to slim down my collection and I had no use for a Precision. However it was a great bass. I will give you my thoughts on the DJ as a pro/cons list. Pro Superb Quality, well made, top end bass Amazing Customer service Very playable Easy to use Big sound Cons To stiff and rigid Very deep sounding Heavy Neck too thin As you will see, the cons are more a personel preference rather than a fault of the bass. Compared to my Fender Jazz and ESP Jazz, it was very heavy. The tone, although being amazing, was not the right tone for me. The neck, despite being wonderfully thin, flat and smooth was the wrong shape for me and caused my hand to ache. Having moved to a more rounder Fender neck, I no longer get hand ache. As for the stiff, rigid feel, I find my ESP and Fender mould to me and move as I play. The DJ was very stiff and felt like I had a pole attached to me. My flexability or movement. As a bass the DJ I can't fault it and the quality was outstanding but as a bass, it was not right for me. My Fender MIA 75 Jazz re-issue on the other hand suits me perfectly and feels like an old friend. I suggest you try before you buy.
  24. [quote name='chris_b' post='610786' date='Sep 28 2009, 01:15 PM']My Lakland has Bartolini pickups. That's one reason why I brought it and I put Bartolini pickups on my Fender over 20 years ago. I’m not sure how people don’t like them cos to me both basses sound great. Also Bartolini seems to be the pickup of choice for most boutique basses. I can’t see my next bass having anything else.[/quote] I put Barts in my ESP Jazz about 20 years ago. How do you find the output in your Fender? My ESP Jazz has quite a lower output and I was wondering if this was something with the earlier Barts.
  25. Very Old Band - Supertramp, The Doors Modern Band - Simple Minds, U2 New Band - Company of Thieves, Foo Fighters, Natalie Imbruglia, Paramore
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