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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Linus27


    BUGGER BUGGER and lots of other swear words. I have a mint 3EQ Stingray, exactly the same as this, in natural but I really want a a 2EQ. I don't suppose you fancy a swap? If not, the person that buys this, if you want to swap for a 3EQ then please get in touch. If this does not shift, I might advertise my 3EQ so I can buy this.
  2. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='640071' date='Oct 29 2009, 02:24 PM']Here're a couple of others on my radar at the moment... [/quote] Anything special about that Stingray. Apart from the scratchplate, mine looks identical.
  3. I have always found 45 - 105 gauge suits me better tonally.
  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='638946' date='Oct 28 2009, 11:59 AM']Cheers Michael. Not sure ill get the tone i was hoping for but im getting a great tone so thats good enough. I think with the neck pup a bit closer to the neck its a bit deeper sounding than a normal P, and not sure if you found this but the DJ5 seems to produce a slightly deeper tone anyway (one reason i didn't get on with it in the first place) but this deeper tone from the split coil works really well with the small cabs im using. Slightly less mids now, scooped slighlty i guess, and i noticed a more traditional bass tone at the gig. It might just be that venue but yeah, im very happy. Now, phase two has started. Im going to put a Nordy NJ5FS in the bridge position in the next couple of weeks to try and get rid of the RF noise the bridge pup is now picking up, and then its all finished and will probably be in the for sale section before Christmas LOL.[/quote] Hey Dave, yep exactly what I found that it had a really deep sound. Molan I think said he found that also when he had one. I found it to deep for my liking. It was still a nice tone but just too deep. Its great your getting a tone that you like though.
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='638671' date='Oct 28 2009, 12:20 AM']Similarly I've got an old Thumb bass, sounds great - just like a Thumb bass! But I've also got a Jazz strung with flats which I use for that thumpy old "trad" bass guitar noise when I need it. To the thread starter: If you're a Fender die-hard you might find Warwicks a bit strange in terms of ergonomics, but (for me anyway) that just takes a bit of getting used to. As for the sound, while it won't sound like a Fender you will like the sound. Whether you can use the sound is another matter, but you won't dislike it.[/quote] I think this is my biggest concern, the ergonomics. I love the feel of Fender and Musicman basses. Warwicks to me look drop dead gorgeous but look to have all the things I hate about a bass. Long necks, lots of frets, slim bodies, pointy horns etc. However, until I try one and hang it around my neck, then I will never know so I think the sooner the better. As for the sound they make, I'm not so concerned about this. I know they are going to sound good. I might try and go this Friday and have a play of a few.
  6. I would like one of these, a Warwick Streamer, However, I doubt I could afford it so I may put this on my list, a Warwick Corvette, However, I probably won't like it if I get one but I think they look nice and I won't be able to kill the GAS until I get one
  7. Hey Dave, thats looking super groovy now. Really hope you get the tone you're looking for out of it, they are lovely basses.
  8. Thanks again for all the info and advice. I have been looking at prices of Streamers and they are pretty expensive. However, the Corvette is very affordable, just a shame the Streamer looks so much nicer. So whats the difference between a Warwick Streamer and a Spector? Is one better than the other.
  9. [quote name='gary mac' post='636262' date='Oct 25 2009, 04:45 PM']What's to hate about a through neck? I'm not being argumentative, just interested. Never owned a Warwick but have lusted after some of them.[/quote] Visually I think bolt on necks look nicer. However, I think its more of a deep down sub concious thing. I had an old Ibanez Musician bass once that was a thru-neck and the neck snapped off. Ever since that, I have always prefered a bolt on
  10. Thanks for the help everyone, I do plan to pop down to Andertons and have a play of some soon. Lfalex v1.1, thanks for the input, especially as you have a Jazz and a Stingray like me also. How does the Streamer compare tonally? Can it produce a smooth tone, similar to a Jazz or does it have a very distinct sound like a Stingray?
  11. [quote name='Lylodile' post='635657' date='Oct 24 2009, 09:51 PM'] This but with the SLO Special neck option .[/quote] Yummy Yummy Cherryburst. Lush
  12. [quote name='Musicman20' post='635594' date='Oct 24 2009, 08:38 PM']USA Fender Precision 62 Reissue - white....POSSIBLY sunburst. USA Fender Jazz 75 Reissue - I want it in a colour other than natural, even though I quite like natural! Next year....I'm going to try and get them.[/quote] I have the Fender MIA Jazz 75 Re-issue and it is amazing. It's my number 1 bass and it feels like I have played it all my life despite only owning it for a couple of months. It is so easy and natural to play. I love it. As for GAS, well a Warwick Streamer in maple with a bolt on neck. Something like a Jazzman. No idea if I will like them and probably hate it but just got GAS for one.
  13. Back around the late 80's, I had an advert from Warwick advertising a Streamer. It was the light ash or maple colour that they do and it had yin and yan dot inlays. I fell in love with it and always wanted one. However, I am a Fender bass player through and through. I love the feel, the neck length and the sound of the Fender basses. They are perfect for me as a player. The only other non Fender bass I love is a Stingray. Apart from the sound which I am not keen on, it basically looks and feels like a Fender so thats good enough for me. So, am I going to like a Warwick Streamer? I was looking at the Jazzman as that has a bolt on neck (I hate through neck basses) and it looks pretty straight forward. One concern is the neck looks so long. It has 24 frets where as the Fender has 20. What sort of sound will I get from it? I keep hearing about this Warwick growl but I prefer the smooth well balanced tone that you get from a Fender and certainly not the middle sparkly sound from the Stingray. Are they quite versatile tonally? Before I think about spending some money in the future, just wondering what the general feeling is towards them. Thanks for any help. By the way, I will never sell my Fender Jazz or my Stingray. I just fancy making one of my dreams come true and getting a Warwick I fell in love with.
  14. I might be interested in the Aguilar GS112 cab if you know what sort of price you are after. PM me if you have an idea. Thanks.
  15. I have a Badass II bridge in chrome for sale. £45.00 posted.
  16. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='631754' date='Oct 20 2009, 08:22 PM']And the reason you have no energy? The battery compartment is knackered... I'll get my coat, too![/quote] So your current Status is your lacking some Energy? I'll get me coat also, turn the light out and shut the door
  17. Wow, what a great response. I have generally had a mixed result with Andertons. I have bought a couple of basses from them, one went super smooth and the staff were super friendly. Another time I bought a fretless and after a couple of weeks the fret liners started to crumble away. I took the bass back and they did not give a sh*t, did not want to help and I had to really push to get them to do something. They eventually sent the bass back to Fender but then gave me a loud of bullshit about why it was taking so long to get repaired with a different story everytime I phoned. As a whole, I think its usually good but you can get a bad experience from time to time. I think next time I get bad service, I would just ask to speak to the manager and say your not getting anywhere with the service.
  18. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='627955' date='Oct 16 2009, 03:07 PM']Me having a jam with a few friends at my place last week. My other half decided to try out some photo apps on her Iphone... actually I like the pic so its now my avatar as well :-) [/quote] I hope you had a word with your other half about her washing. She's shrunk your trousers
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='627781' date='Oct 16 2009, 12:44 PM']Huzzah! With your qualities of diligence, perseverance and hard work - great things are in store for you.[/quote] OOOHHH I hope so, would be nice to have some good luck.
  20. [quote name='51m0n' post='627764' date='Oct 16 2009, 12:31 PM']Definitely the right thing to do mate. Best of luck with your next project![/quote] Thanks very much and thanks for the support.
  21. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='627657' date='Oct 16 2009, 10:57 AM']Time to take the link out of your sig then. Oh, and remember to update the myspace page and facebook pages to say that you've left. It's not like anyone else is going to do it. S.P.[/quote] Yeah good call, thanks.
  22. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='627597' date='Oct 16 2009, 09:42 AM']Heh, hadn't noticed that. Yeah, that's pretty cute. S.P.[/quote] Haha thats quite funny. I should had tried to use that line in my email to them
  23. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='627569' date='Oct 16 2009, 08:58 AM']Michael. I just wanted to say there are a hell of a lot worse situations to be in. Its all very easy to say just walk away now but if you enjoy playing and i know its taken you a while to find a band i still say plan on leaving but find something else first. I still think its not a workable band due to members not owning instruments etc but the more i think about it the more im now thinking you seem to be the best man to do all those things the others wont do, so why not do them and charge the band a nominal fee. Just an idea.[/quote] Thanks Dave, your advice over the last few weeks has been really appreciated. However, knowing what I am like, I always try to force the positive and make something work. If I stayed and for example, had a good gig or we did something constructive, then I would try and turn this bit of good into making the band progress and I would stop looking for a new band as I would think this band had a chance. However, I know that soon after, the usual situations would happen and I would get frustraed again and we would be back to square one. Leaving now is going to force me to look for a new band right away.
  24. Well, I had a long hard think last night and came to the conclusion that staying would be the wrong thing to do and so about 5 minutes ago, I just sent me email and resigned. So, time to move onto the next thing whatever that may be. I do really appreacited everyones help. You have all been really cool and supportive and made the move much easier.
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