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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. For me, a Jazz can cover finger, slap and pick the best as an all rounder. However, a Precision is better with a pick but weaker with fingers and slap. A Musicman is better with fingers and slap but weaker with a pick. A Warwick is better with fingers and slap but weaker with a pick. So a Jazz for overall in my book. Of course its all individual and in the hands of the player. I am sure there are many players out there that could prove me wrong, for example, make a Warwick sound amazing with a pick and a Precision sound amazing at slap.
  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='657652' date='Nov 17 2009, 11:32 PM']I was going to put a topic up about this....but here is what I wanted to say: (PS good topic Dave!) I was just wondering this, are these instruments no longer classed as ‘in’, because Ive noticed a lot of them going for sale as silly low prices. On other sites like (evil) ebay, their prices are much higher. Maybe its just me, but I don’t see why someone would sell an instrument that retails at £1400+ for £800 or less. Ok, standard good condition 4 String Rays/Sterlings are perhaps at the right price point at £750, (even though mine are absolutely mint, so I would definitely want a little more) but some of the other more unusual and expensive models are going really cheap. I remember when I was 13/14, and my bass tutor was talking about the instruments that would suit my requirements, that I should try out. Obviously the Precision and Jazz are my type of bass, but he also mentioned the Stingray, which back then was much rarer and more elusive! As soon as I saw one, and realised they could be used in Punk/Funk/Rock/anything, I was hooked. That scratchplate and that pickup….with the 3+1 headstock design….well….I am sucker for it. The day I picked up my Natural Ray, my friends were stunned by how well it was built, the huge tone, and the brilliant thick finish on the body. I’d been waiting for that instrument for years, and I paid for it half cash and half in interest free finance…it still cost about £1K back then. FFWD to now, and I still love them, but you don’t see the big rock bands using them so much, so it tends to reflect in what people buy. They don’t seem to attract as much cash, but I personally think once you see a new band with a Stingray, the sales will go up Remember ‘Blur Song 2’?! To me, no instrument cuts through like a Ray. A Ray with a Markbass amp is stunning….they pair up incredibly well. I have some flats coming to try in my rosewood board Ray….which im really looking forward to. Anyway, as much as I want a Jazz-type 5 string, im still leaning towards a Sterling 5 or Stingray 5.[/quote] Good post and some interesting points. The way you feel about the Stingray is exactly the same as me. It was always my dream bass and I longed to own one oneday. That day came and I adored it but I failed to get the sound I wanted from it. Partly because of the top end clanky Stingray sound, partly because I had the Harke alluminium speakers which were also very bright and also down to my own lack of experience/skill/lazyness in getting a good tone. I plugged my 77 Precision in and instant perfect sound which made the Stingray redundant. However, to this day I never gave up on the Stingray as to me, it is the perfect bass and I now own a natural model which is in super mint condition and cost me £670. Not a single mark on her and for that price it is a bargain but alas, was the going rate. Infact, I saw some going for a lot less. I am getting closer to the tone I want from it and I adore player her. I'll never sell her either. I'm not really sure what the problem is with them these days. The price has seemed to rise again nearer to £800 which does seem to be more realistic for a mint condition second hand Stingray.
  3. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='657030' date='Nov 17 2009, 02:33 PM']Ah, I see what you mean now, Linus! Yes, I can see how through some cabs the MM would sound a little thin. I always run the preamp on mine on full bass boost & a touch of added treble anyway, so I guess I really wouldn't notice. [/quote] Right, I gave that a go and I found that made it all a little to bassy and boomy and I lost some of the definition. This was at home so running at a louder volume live might work better.
  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='657182' date='Nov 17 2009, 04:44 PM']The other thing i need to decide is if im going to go back to 4 string.[/quote] Dave, you know what they say, real men play four. You don't see a five wheeled car, a five legged table, a five legged cat or a five fingered hand You know what I'm saying buddy, all the fours
  5. Dave, my MM is a 3EQ from 2005 and sounds like a Musicman. Your welcome to try anytime. Might be intersting to compare against your Laky as I bet its a very different tone.
  6. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='657030' date='Nov 17 2009, 02:33 PM']Ah, I see what you mean now, Linus! Yes, I can see how through some cabs the MM would sound a little thin. I always run the preamp on mine on full bass boost & a touch of added treble anyway, so I guess I really wouldn't notice. [/quote] Yeah, after Alex explaimed it to me, I have started to run mine with the mid dial full off or the bass boost up a little. It certainly fattens the sound out and takes away a lot of the clank. Tonight I will try what you do and see what results I get but I imagine its going to be an improvement.
  7. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='657006' date='Nov 17 2009, 02:17 PM']To my ears, Stingrays only lack "balls" when you have the pickup screwed in too far. I tend to treat the MM humbucker like the back pickup on a regular bass. Around 3mm from the poles to the D & A strings. Then the MM has massive output. [/quote] I think Alex Caber described it to me once. The mids on the MM are very prominent. To get an even balance and to get the bottom end to cut through, you need to run it through a bass cab that can reproduce the lows, something a lot of bass cabs can't do and thus the reason for the thinner clanky sound. It was something like that anyway and hope he pops along to give a better explanation.
  8. Dave Dave Dave, what are you doing mate, I can't believe your at this crossroads again To be honest, I am not totally convinced you will like a Stingray. I think it will be too bright for you. They have a very distinct sound and to me, lack any balls to them compared to a lot of other basses. Thats not a bad thing but if you want a full but warm tone, then a Stingray is not for you. They do on the other hand, have a great unique tone and are a dream to play and is my dream bass but not tonally. If I was you, I would be really really cautious about going down this route. So much so that I suggest you come to my house to try mine and if you want, borrow it to see how you get on. You can also try my Fender MIA 75 Jazz to compare which I think is an amazing bass. Seriously have a think about this Dave. They are superb amazing basses but do have a distinct tone which I think might not be right for you. If the Lakland was too deep and dark for you, then the Stingray may be the other end and be to bright.
  9. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='656544' date='Nov 16 2009, 11:03 PM']My mis-spent youth included The Ex-Boyfriends* & I'm sure we played with you a handful of times. Great days with Paul & Bluefire records. We used to love playing The Maltings. *I was about to add that I used to be the bass player but bearing in mind where we are, this would be really quite dumb!?![/quote] Yeah your right, wow how cool is that and The Maltings is a superb venue. Got to play there again a few weeks back and its still great. Also saw Paul a few months ago at a stag do. Anyway, your right about playing together, musically of course. 31/12/96 - West End Centre, Aldershot (+ Ex Boyfriends & Breaker)
  10. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='656527' date='Nov 16 2009, 10:53 PM']Were you in Inter? I think I played with you! Musically speaking!![/quote] I sure was What band were you in?
  11. A couple of recent ones. Plus a couple of old ones. Playing Brixton Academy back around 1991 when I had hair. Playing some festival around 1991 suporting Cactus World News Recording my first John Peel session at Maida Vale Studios back around 1998 Playing Guidford Festival around 1999 Recording debut album at Loco Studios in South Wales back in 1999. I stumbled across this fretless Washburn and loved it so much I ended up recording with it.
  12. Does a Myspace page or Youtube page really work in terms of getting dep work? Considering every tom dick and harry has one these days, I am wondering if the effect has been diluted so much that as a tool for getting work, it really is weak now. Just wondering what others think.
  13. [quote name='Beedster' post='656170' date='Nov 16 2009, 05:57 PM']Now I know where I'm sending my next defret [/quote] Yep, me also, seriously thinking about defretting one of my basses.
  14. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='655562' date='Nov 15 2009, 11:19 PM']Very nice, Linus [/quote] Hey thanks. By the way, I loved your thread on my life in bass with all the pictures of your basses over the years. Great idea.
  15. My next bass is going to be a Warwick Corvette Standard with passive pups and active electronics in Ash. So can't wait to get it. I can't sleep with excitment at the thought of getting one. It will match my natural Fender MIA 75 Jazz and Natural Stingray.
  16. Here is Keira, named after the actress Keira Knightley. The reason being is she's all natural
  17. [quote name='Rich' post='654377' date='Nov 14 2009, 11:53 AM']Reply to them saying "Sure, no problem, the promoters' website is [i]www.hahahaf**koffyoulosers.com[/i]"...[/quote] HAHAHA that is classic
  18. Oh this is getting funnier. After sending out a crappy email to all their fans on Facebook, all 215 of them, saying that Thursdays gig is cancelled due to me dumping them in it, I then get an email this morning asking for the contact details for the promotors for the Battersea and Croyden gigs. These are two of the gigs I got them and they did not want to do at the time, especially Croyden which they said is a s***hole and a C*** to get to. So in summary, they, 1. Cancel my facebook subcription 2. Cancel my friendship with them all on facebook 3. Nobody in the band at the time when leaving says sorry to see you go or bye etc 4. Then they post a nasty message about me on their facebook page 5. Then email all their fans leaving a nasty message about me 6. Then they ask for the name of the promotors for the gigs I got them that they did not want to do. HAHAHAHA just unbelievable. I think they are in a dream world. Half of me just thinks to ignore them and the other half feels like writting back and saying after all the crap you have written about me, you can F*** Right Off.
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' post='653990' date='Nov 13 2009, 07:46 PM']Leaving a band….strange how it goes a little sour. Well, I’d had enough last year, but I soldiered on. I tried to push them to write and record, and we have 2 very average songs in a year…shocking. Plus, the main leader of the band doesn’t understand the concept that’s its ok to ask to be paid for petrol…im sick of shelling out and watching the promoters go home with bags of money. Anyway, its turned a little sour. I cant practice with them due to working hours, and I cant do a weekender they have planned. I did give them a months notice on the weekender though. I plan to do my last gig with them in December, but Im not paying/working/doing any favours for the band itself anymore. I want to remove myself and just be their mate, like we was before it started. Its been downhill for a year, I even admit we’ve had our day and we were popular up north for a few years, but our new songs are just not up there in terms of our usual writing. We hardly sold any cds, and they have threatened to not pay the guy who actually put the cds together. The chap is my old friend who I DJ with, so im getting out before it gets heated. We planned to make a fair few tshirts, and it never happened. We never play decent gigs now due to laziness….we just play crappy home shows for the opportunity for some of the lads to show off to young women. Im past it, im bored, and im moving soon anyway. Its turned into a right mess, and they are in debt which is not my fault. It’s a shame, but these things have to end.[/quote] Really does seem like its time to move on. No point flogging a dead horse and causing more grief and hassle. A few mistakes I made in the past was sticking with bands for too long. Sounds like its time to get out. Good luck and I do feel for you. Not an easy decision to make.
  20. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='653400' date='Nov 13 2009, 09:59 AM']Hi Michael Hope you're well. This might explain the first part. It wasn't an easy decision, but I really didn't want it sat round gathering dust as an expensive piece of furniture. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=66199&st=0&p=647559&#entry647559"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry647559[/url] I've not really played the 51 much yet mate but once it's up and running you're welcome at any time to come and give it a go. I didn't realise it was the Nuclear Blonde colour you liked. I always thought it was the sunburst finish you preferred Thanks for all the comments guys; much appreciated [/quote] Hey Nick, I am good thanks, still gassing badly for my Warwick Corvette and playing my Stingray lots. Would love to come and see the 51 when your ready. The 51 came in three colours. The early 90's one came in Sunburst and a bright yellow colour. The latest model comes in Sunburst and Butterscotch Blonde. Its the early 90's model in yellow that I really wanted but had never ever seen one in the flesh. If you ever decide to part with it, please put me first on the list of buying it
  21. Nick, I am in total shock. First of all you get a 1996 Fender 51 re-issue which if in the colour I want, is something I have never been able to find. However, whats even more shocking is that you sold your Shuker. Something that I never ever thought you would do. Are you saying that you have no 5 string bass now? I really am very surprised at your changes but good on you. So, when can I come round and see the 51???
  22. [quote]='skankdelvar' post='652996' date='Nov 12 2009, 08:21 PM']Me too. Potential for a colossal wind-up here.[/quote] HAHA I think you are right, would be a great wind-up. I could so give some great feeder things to say at the audition
  23. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='653052' date='Nov 12 2009, 08:57 PM']An outing for the 2 string punkocaster is in order.[/quote] That would be so funny Maybe we should all say we are interested and set an audition date and then just not turn up
  24. I just had to post this as I think its quite funny and just shows how crap my old band was. I left them back on 16th October. Only now have they just emailed everyone on the mailing list saying that tonights gig is cancelled To use there exact words, they said, "Due to our bass player dumping us right in it, this gig has been cancelled. We are on the hunt for a new one and will resume normal service as soon as humanly possible. Watch this space." I found this so funny considering I left a month ago and only now do they let everyone know on the night that tonights gig is cancelled. That is just so flakey. I also let the promoter know on the day I left that I had left the band and gave them the contact details for the rest of the band which he thanked me for. Plus, like all the other gigs, it was actually one I booked anyway so I am not expecting them as they put it, to resume normal service because normal service was me booking the gigs and I am not there anymore They have also left a few other bitchy comments about me on their Myspace page, unsubscribed me from their facebook page and removed me as a friend on each members facebook page. Do you think they were a bit upset that I left them I guess it just goes to show how pathetic and childish they really were. I feel so sorry for the next bass player that they get. Just had to share as it made me chuckle.
  25. [quote name='Hutton' post='650658' date='Nov 10 2009, 02:17 PM']BTW Jack I believe that my DJ4 used to belong to you. I hope that it was your second one! [/quote] I am hoping that also considering I bought it from Jack and then sold it to you
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