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Everything posted by 6stringbassist

  1. I usually put a reply saying "PM'ed" if I'm replying to an ad in the sales section.
  2. Here are some better quality photos. These are the specs for the item, copied from the Alembic website. The F-1X gives you a unity-gain impedance matching amplifier to feed guitar-level effects units. The effects return goes thru the tube gain stage and then to the tone controls. The signal from the tone controls is amplified and sent to the full-range output jack on the rear panel. This same signal is also fed to the crossover network. A transformer-isolated output feeds a 3-pin Cannon jack. Circuit detail Two input jacks provide the same functionality as found on the F-2B preamplifier. The input is buffered by a cathode follower tube circuit, which is a unity-gain impedance matching amplifier to feed the guitar level effects loop. This gives minimum loading on the output signal from the guitar while driving the effects loop gear with the same signal voltage level as the guitar but at a lower impedance, to isolate cable and other loading effects from the guitar pickups. The other half of the 12AX7 tube provides the preamp's gain. This gain comes before the volume control and the 300 volt supply assures that even large transients are handled without overload or distortion. The tone controls are the interacting Fender circuit. The bright switch shunts high frequencies around the volume control. The deep switch changes a capacitor value in the bass control to change the frequency response (and a second section on the deep switch changes the gain of the following amplifier to compensate for the resulting change in signal level). A solid state circuit restores the signal level after the volume control and provides impedance matching to drive the full range output jack on the rear panel. Additionally, it drives the crossover network. The active crossover network provides 12 dB/Oct slopes to divide the output for bi-amping. The crossover points occurr at 6 dB down so that the acoustic signals from the loudspeakers add seamlessly. A front panel control trims the high-frequency signal component to match the level of the low frequency output. A transformer-isolated balanced output to an XLR type connector provides auxiliary Recording or PA feed. A switch selects the source to be the effects return (Pre) or the full range output (Post). The transformer is large enough to handle the low-frequencies without distortion to give good clear lows and a resistive pad isolates the transformer from loading effects of long cables to give clear highs. The heater of the 12AX7 tube is supplied by a regulated direct current supply to assure low hum. The AC Line (Mains) connection is an IEC (computer-type) detachable cord. The supply voltage can be changed by moving jumpers inside the unit to operate from 100, 120, 220, and 240 volts for operation anywhere in the world. The F-1X is housed in a sturdy, road worthy, steel enclosure.
  3. [quote name='ARGH' post='119426' date='Jan 13 2008, 11:06 AM']Yeah Jims doing it,like I would lower myself to anyone else,no-one is as good as him? Olivewood top and back,mahogany core..sycamore/walnut thru-neck,ebony fingerboard....2 p/u's,Fanned Novax'd fretboard,Hipshot key on the C sharp (so I can sub it down to Contra B ),samestyle body design as the 'Beast' with probably 28-30 frets.....Im making Jim make the Pickups,if only to irritate him. The scale will probably be 37" on the Csharp,to 32" on the high Dsharp. Overall this will be a nastier instrument visually,much more moody and dark...a nightcrawler. Whos gonna make the 7 Kev? Bimm,went really well,and got a very honest appraisal,and opinion,and answers. Im going in the right direction.[/quote] I'm not too sure yet, I've been in touch with RIM, Overwater and Bee in the US, I like the look of the Bee basses [url="http://www.beebasses.com/html/basses_24.html"]http://www.beebasses.com/html/basses_24.html[/url] I'm not in a rush though, so I'm probably going to chat to a few others. Have you sen the bass masterclasses, I'm about to book the Yves Carbonne one. [url="http://www.bassmasterclass.moonfruit.com/"]http://www.bassmasterclass.moonfruit.com/[/url]
  4. This is an excellent preamp that I'm not really using. It has been well looked after since I bought it, and really is in excellent condition. It's currently fitted with a Mullard 12AX7 valve, and sounds fantastic, very funky old school. £300 plus postage with the UK, personal collection is very welcome. I apologize for the photo, I'll take it out of its rack later and get some better shots.
  5. Very nice, what strings do you plan on putting on it ?.
  6. [quote name='ARGH' post='118967' date='Jan 12 2008, 01:21 AM']That reminds me... I just got the price for my 11.... (anyone need a kidney?)[/quote] You're getting an 11, when and who's making it for you, Jim Fleeting again, come on lets have some details. I'm going to be ordering a 7 in the next couple of months. How did the bimm thing go by the way.
  7. I get mine from here, they're quite a bit cheaper than the UK places, stringbuster and strings direct. [url="http://saitenkatalog.de/shop1/index.php/manufacturers_id/51?osCsid=52557f64e37374066de9fda121756b18&filter_id=68"]http://saitenkatalog.de/shop1/index.php/ma...mp;filter_id=68[/url] 32 Euros plus postage, they arrive within about 3 days usually.
  8. Ultimate ears [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-Ears-IF-P5PSW0005-02-White/dp/B000K2PBBQ/ref=sr_1_63?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1199747657&sr=1-63"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-Ears-IF-P...657&sr=1-63[/url] These are way better than the Sures, I got a pair in June, I'm not sure which ones I've got, but they are great, the bass isn't deep and boomy, (you might want that for games but not music), it's defined and just 'there', they're expensive but worth it.
  9. I have to totally agree with Dave Marks on this, no matter how good you think you are, there's always something that you can learn, and these colleges give you that chance, you are there to focus on your playing for however many years. If you want to be a professional musician then you need to be able to cover any gig, it's no use being offered a country and western gig and turning it down saying "hey I'm a funk player", that gig might just pay that weeks rent. Courses like this open doors to you to all genres of music, which is perhaps something you wouldn't otherwise get. And don't forget all the useful contacts that you make while on the course.
  10. Are you able to refinish them, does that effect the value at all ?. Nice setup by the way.
  11. I was going to say Jeff Schmidt. What are these like, they're a good price, anyone any experience of them ?. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-M-Kelly-Club-Custom-5-String-Fretless-Acoustic-Bass_W0QQitemZ290194224856QQihZ019QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-M-Kelly-Club-Cus...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  12. I learned them years ago, I know them now without actually thinking about it, I can just sort of visualize the placement of notes on the neck, which is great for playing chords and that, just knowing where the 9th lies or something. I found the best way to learn scales was to make the learning 'musical', that's what you do, you play music. So come up with riffs and ideas using ALL of the notes of a scale, and 'think' the name and number in your head as you play it, it sounds weird, but it'll become 2nd nature pretty fast, and isn't as slow as it seems
  13. If it was a minor key I'd start like that, root under my 1st finger, eg. C 5th fret on the G string, Bb 8th fret on the D, Ab 6th, G 5th, then F 8th fret on the A, Eb 6th, D 5th fret and finally C 8th fret on the E string.
  14. I tend to do a lot of my playing over the bridge pickup, I use the 'floating thumb' method, so my hand moves around.
  15. [quote name='elros' post='113920' date='Jan 5 2008, 09:54 AM']Some nice rigs here, indeed. I particularily like the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10285&view=findpost&p=109449"]AccuGroove rig of 6stringbassist[/url] - is that two Tri-115L cabs? Nice.... Here's mine, this is an older photo but it remains the same. One Eden WT800 amp and two AccuGroove Tri-112L cabs. Usually placed on top of the speaker flight case, makes it look as big as it sounds. [/quote] Hi thanks, they're tri112s, turned on their sides so they stack better, I think the new ones are like that anyway. That is a fantastic looking set-up that you've got, what bass is that in the photo, it looks really cool .
  16. [quote name='Josh' post='111967' date='Jan 1 2008, 08:23 PM']My 2: Not bad for an 18 year old.[/quote] Not bad at all, I really like Warwick basses, and you've got two really nice ones there.
  17. I was trying to think of the strap mounted effects...Zoom, the problem with that was seeing what was going on. I suppose using stacked knobs would be a way around having too many controls to deal with. Some compressors, the Demeter compulator for example only has one control for the compression, the 2nd one is to set the output, so one knob would be all you needed for that. How many would you need for the delay ?. I don't think the power supply would be too much of a problem, something like the Diago is only small, batteries are a bit crap for effects in my opinion anyway. These effects, when you actually look inside box, don't actually take up too much room, so it should be possible. How do you find your GT7, it's something I'd like to get.
  18. When I had one I found it best to start flat and play for a while, then decide what you wanted more or less of. I sometimes find that the sound can be a bit clanky unless the mids are cut a bit, so I always used the preshape, and then took it from there. Adding too much bass will just make your sound boomy, and too much high boost just adds hiss, so keep it quite gentle. Do you get a good sound with other peoples rigs, it may be that Trace Elliot isn't 'your' amp, most amp and speaker set ups have their own sound. I've gone through a ton of stuff since I started playing, I'm very happy now with what I've got. What sort of sound are you after, who do you like ?.
  19. That's just what I was told it was worth, it may have been older I can't remember. There is this one though, not quite the same year or anything [url="http://www.denmarkstreetonline.co.uk/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=258&category_id=4&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1"]http://www.denmarkstreetonline.co.uk/index...rt&Itemid=1[/url]
  20. You know I'd never seen why so much fuss was made about these, then about 2 years ago I played one, I think it was a '74, It was worth about £3000. It was an amazing instrument, it just had a certain something about it, both in feel and sound.
  21. The Epi cab will sound louder, it has a lower impedance.
  22. That's what I hate about sites like this, you're nice and happy with your set up and sound etc, then someone goes and throws a spanner in the works and posts a link like that...only joking, that thread on channel strips is really interesting, thanks for posting it.
  23. Isn't that what Anthony Jackson uses, he has a Millenia something or other and a Meyer (I think) power amp. I keep going backwards and forwards between a valve pre, and just using my Lexicon Mpx1 through my power amp, it produces plenty of volume, and the EQ is excellent, it has a few EQ patches, I use a 3 band parametric and I've copied that to some reverb and modulation effects. I've got an Alembic F1-X that sounds nice when it decides to work, and the Demeter that really is superb, I'm also getting a Kern, that's been described as being an Alembic on steroids. I'd prefer to sell the Alembic, but as I say it's very temperamental in its attitude to work.
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