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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. Why would you want to give that up Pete. ? Many would give an arm and a leg to be playing gigs like yours. Guessing you've been doing it for a while and just time for a change. Dave
  2. Playing heavy has been something i've struggled with over the years as it caused me a lot of finger pain. As i'm getting older i have had to adapt and change the way i play mainly because i'm not getting the time between gigs for my finger tips to recover. Must admit its that Ric clank that i quite like. Dave
  3. Cheers @Dov65 appreciate the offer there but i'm more interested in why you haven't been to my bl**min gigs. Kidding of course. Dave
  4. When did the bridge and truss rod changes come out ? just in case i decide to look at one. Dave
  5. Must admit i prefer the new version with the push/pull tone thing. The modern tone would be more use in my current bands giving the best of both worlds. I do fancy one again but would need to try it first as i only kept the one i had in 80's for about 6mths and got bored with it. Love that shape tho. Dave
  6. Yep i think its much the same in UK for a new one. Maybe they're going down the route of producing less but selling for more. Dave
  7. Go on, just buy one and reduce your GAS levels to 99%. Dave
  8. Looks amazing. Was it a good night. Have to say the first pic you are all looking at your left hand on the necks at the same time. I love seeing band in sync. Dave
  9. I missed that post earlier Daryl. @Lozz196 comment triggered me to go back and have a wee look. Fantastic stage set up plus access from side door. Drum riser too. Very professional. Nice one Dave
  10. Cheers Andy, just in case i come across a bargain one somewhere on my travels. 👍 Dave
  11. Like the look of the Gibson but you dont see them very often and never a chance to try one before buying it. What is the neck like ? Not a big issue as you tend to get used to almost any neck after a while. Dave
  12. Here's one of me in full costume at our BLOCKBUSTARZ Glam covers night in The Cave in Paisley (near Glasgow) Dave
  13. Gibson bass Andy ? I always thought you were a Yamaha man. How do you find the Gibson compared to Yamahas. Dave
  14. Majority of our jackets are made by the guy who used to make the outfits for Glitter Band many years ago so proper Glam gear we use He's currently putting together a special order one for me. The others have been jackets he made for presentations showing his clothing. He then sells them to us as he's similar size to most of us in the band. Our drummer knew him from his Glitter Band days in the 90's Dave
  15. Me too, i'm always driving so bottled Highland Spring still water for me. Dave
  16. Ticket sales for the Glam band vary according to club but typically £10-£15 with exceptions like £22 at Hogmanay. With regards beer costs that's what i was paying here back in early 1980's. Dave
  17. Our band members are approx 100 miles apart so travel is something we tend to do. Most are within 2 hrs drive altho Hogmanay drive for our Perth based guitarist was 3 hrs down to Annan. At least the weather was mild altho he had heavy snow the day before but rain washed it away thru the night. We did mention to the agents that if they can arrange another gig that weekend we would be happy to come to some sort of agreement / deal that covered our accommodation costs. One was a festival and we weren't headlining so i was all for the 4hr drive home as middle of summer so daylight up to 11-ish.. Its a tough call tho as i have pets and overnighters are not an ideal option for myself or drummer who has dogs. Dave
  18. Got 24 with Glam band with Xmas Sat gig and Hogmanay gig and about 10 with punk band incl 2 biker rallies. Had a lot of interest from agents in England for Glam band from as far as Brighton to Lincolnshire to Birmingham and Blackpool and waiting to see if anything comes from it. Some weren't aware we were based in Scotland and travel would be an issue for us which would affect the cost. Still a few venues wanted us back in 2024 and still to confirm dates with them. Dave
  19. First gig of 2024 with BLOCKBUSTARZ Glam covers band doing a fairly small intimate gig at The Cave in Paisley (near Glasgow ) where we know the owner very well thru the Punk band and we agreed it would be fun playing such a small venue. Only holds about 60-70 and it was a busy wee night. Guitarist was suffering with a fairly bad cold/flu bug but he managed to get thru it all ok. Audience were really up for it with many wearing glam gear including the bar staff and a lot of dancing from the start. Just a great night of fun. Made a decent amount from the tickets too. Always one drunk donkey***e who spoils it a bit tho but that's life in bands i guess. Lots of great feedback which is always good. Dave http://www.facebook.com/jackie.mills.9889/posts/pfbid02kQMhsrhZWkWbcnJpMjNn9S3CYT23DsSAdrDDeD9HpGVDWuVVseNRiwZJmrxjd5Mhl?notif_id=1704502340802962&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic_tagged&ref=notif
  20. It had me laughing but that's our sarcastic Scottish humour coming thru. Dave
  21. Oohh sparkly..............i like that. Would be good in my Glam covers band. Dave
  22. I didn't restart playing in bands until i hit 50. I've been in a few originals bands but more prog than indie. They didn't come to much to be fair and then the Glam covers band came up with like minded guys and its just getting bigger and bigger since pandemic. I'm 63 and going strong albeit in covers band. I just enjoy gigging a lot more now than i ever did but i would have taken on almost any style of band to get experience after such a long lay-off Appreciate you want to keep at the Indie originals bands but my main point is that age is not a barrier for any style of bands these days. Keep at it @Alfie something else will come up or you could leave it a week or two and talk with the ex-band members to see if it can reconciled or those on same outlook as you can put something together. All the best Dave
  23. Priorities are spot on. Everyone should stick by this list even non-musicians will learn a lot from it. Just listening to music as No4 can be relaxing and give a huge amount of enjoyment. Well done. Dave
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