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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. Have you ever just jumped to see what happens ? Best trying it from a kerb first to get a feel for it. Dave
  2. Same viewpoint as me. At 62 i'm thinking the same way. I have other hobbies that i can do and packing up at the end of a gig and driving home isn't getting any easier especially when its me that has the large PA cabs in my car. Having to lift 40Kg cabs when i get home is tough. Dave
  3. That drummer has much sneakiness. You should have told him you already had a replacement to see his reaction. Dave
  4. I took on the 2nd band because the other band only wanted to gig once a month but the demand from venues has been better than we expected and if i'm honest the one band would probably be enough for me but that leaves you in a situation that if that folds you have nothing to fall back on. I'm sure i would find another band if i was seriously looking. Dave
  5. I would never attempt any work that requires me to go above my gutters and i'm in a bungalow. Bad enough painting the eaves on the Apex of the roof. I could never be a roofer, scaffolder or work on anything higher than 5m. Dave
  6. Must admit if my bands fold i'm not sure i could be bothered doing it all again (at 62) from scratch but if i was offered a spot in an established band i might take it. Its whether the people would be as nice as the ones in both my bands at moment. It does help that the drummer and one of the singers are also in both bands Dave
  7. Maybe the pro pics will infuse him with a bit more enthusiasm. Might even have a positive effect when his partner sees how good he looks on stage. Worth a shot. Shouldn't cost an awful lot of money for a photographer for a few hrs. Split between band members £50 a head or thereabouts. Dave
  8. Ten broken ribs ? How did he manage that ? Crowd surfing gone wrong ? Wishing him all the best and for a fast recovery. Dave
  9. You just gotta keep searching for that right person for you guys. It will happen. Dave
  10. Football should be banned. Don't think i would be very chuffed with them and that could have resulted in some very heated discussion to say the least. We have an Irish singer and an ex-marine in our band so you can imagine where that's gonna end. Dave
  11. Plus the bass player should always be front and centre anyways. He is the most important band member. Dave
  12. We're not busybodies, we advise in good faith and with a touch of humour of course Dave
  13. I can understand his predicament. Does he have kids too ? My wife goes to majority of my gigs so i'm lucky in that respect but she would never stop me playing in the band as its how she met me all those years ago. If you are all having fun as it is then by all means stay with it but look for a 2nd band to get some more gigs in. Everyone wins. It might even give him a wake up call when he hears you are looking at a 2nd band. Dave
  14. I don't understand why he can do cancellation gig cover but not gigs arranged well in advance. Normally its the other way around. It sounds like he's the limiting factor in the band and as a band you either have the conversation with him on how the band wants to do more or you look for a new singer. Is he the only guitarist in the band ? It might be worth advertising or putting the word out you are looking for a new singer / guitarist and have him prepared for when your singer leaves or gets the elbow one way or another. Does he also own the PA cabs ? Its not expensive to pick up a reasonable PA depending on venue size you'll find a decent set of 12" 2 or 3 way cabs will do for vocals and use your backline on its own. Obviously playing bigger venues you might need to add things. Your earlier post showed your amp and cab so i'm kind of assuming its not large clubs you're doing and a vocal PA would be enough to cope with it. Doesn't do any harm to have a 2nd band on the go if you have the time. I like having options in my bands altho one band is now taking over due to demand from venues. Dave
  15. Sorry i picked you up wrong there. My reason for playing in virtually any style was simply to gain experience after a 15yr gap away from bands and getting myself out there gigging again and being noticed by other musicians. It paves the way for word of mouth invites to other bands. It worked a treat as i was never as busy as this when i was 20. These days i have regained all that experience and like you wouldn't play in just any band just for the sake of playing but i have to admit that some of those bands i tried, i really enjoyed even tho it wasn't a particular style i was into. Bit like my punk band. Few friends couldn't believe i was in a punk band after 40+ years as a rock and Prog bassist even thru the punk era. it came as a surprise to them but once i started i found it quite a challenge and really enjoy it now. The challenge wasn't technical ability but more down to fingerstyle stamina playing punk for 2.5 hrs was sore on the plucking fingers at the start. Dave
  16. Not so bad you have options there. Our Glam band is picking up really well now since pandemic and we are getting quite busy with a lot of demand for us on return gigs. Now booked at Xmas and Hogmanay 2024. The Hogmanay gig was offered to us at our first outing in that venue before we left the club and confirmed with the committee before the singer even got home so they were impressed. If it keeps the way it is i'll maybe struggle a bit keeping the 2 bands going. Not sure how 2024 will pan out in that respect. Shame as i do enjoy playing both styles of music but Glam was my first intro to music back in early 70's and i've loved it ever since. Dave
  17. Oddly enough i've found the opposite. I've seen it being the person that started the band or the most experienced member ie with most success in bands. Our drummer has toured Europe and UK incl Wembley stadium and has lots of band experience and knows how to get along with band members. The difference with him is he did it as a working musician and had to find ways of getting along with people altho he is a really nice guy and so easy to get along with. The singer in the Glam band started the band so between the singer and drummer they do most of the work involved with running the band. Ideas and suggestions are usually decided as a band tho and we've always maintained that if someone doesn't agree or want to do a song we just drop it and move on. The singer tends to arrange all the gigs and the drummer sorts out all the posters and advertising etc. It works well for us but maybe not for everyone. When the Glam band started the guitarist was given musical director duties thru default and that didn't work at all. He would make changes for no reason at all or because he was bored with playing same endings every time. That caused a bit of friction and he decided to leave altho it was on good terms with us. Dave
  18. Your last comment says it all. I'm a lot more patient and acceptable these days than i was at 20. Age does have its rewards Stick with it but keep searching around for something else even if it means running 2 bands at same time you can always drop the one that isn't doing it for you. Dave
  19. The band sounds great. I'm surprised you'd all call it a day when you sound so good together. Any particular reason ? Pretty sure you'd find another band. You sound competent and you do backing vocals so that's a good plus. Good luck for whatever you decide to do but it would be a waste of talent if you don't get back out there. Dave
  20. Can any of the other band members sing and play to a decent level ? Dave
  21. Agree a band needs someone making the final decision and everyone else has to abide by that but some decisions should be discussed as a band. I think any BL should respect the others and not bring in someone new without prior discussion and agreement. Dave
  22. Ask the singer in the other band if they could do it. My drummer and female singer is in both bands and it means the diaries sync a lot easier if you have people in both bands. Dave
  23. Simple answer is NO. I just couldn't work with people like that. You either want to be in a working band or you don't. If you can't commit then step aside and allow the others in the band to move forward is how i view things. That's just a joke and if that happened at a rehearsal i'd walk out. New members being brought in is a band decision and should have been discussed and agreed before a rehearsal and what's the point if he can only stay for an hour. I'm retired so its easier for me on the food front but when i'm gigging my main meal / dinner is a Tesco meal deal taken after sound check. Occasionally i get takeaway food for a change. That kinda goes with the territory i'm afraid. Our rehearsals used to be a Sun from 12-6 with and hours drive each way and we would take sandwiches to that as well. As you say if everyone is singing from the same page you do accept some uncomfortable issues like no hot meals that day but you need to see a return on that sacrifice with the band moving forward. I was in a blues-funk band for a spell and it turned out the BL only wanted to rehearse. I was driving country roads for over an hour each way thru winter conditions to get there and back and found out he didn't want to gig much maybe once or twice a year. I left when i found this out from another band member. The annoying part was the band was pretty darn good and i was enjoying the music. I really feel for you there @Marvin. It wouldn't be me. I'd move on and look for something else. Dave
  24. I've used JMB, Bandmix and even Gumtree over the years and more recently we got our guitarist thru placing a FB advert. When i was younger i just wanted to play Prog Rock but thru the 80's the demand fell away and no-one wanted to watch that particular style so i adapted and played rock. As i got older and after a few yrs away due to work commitments around 2010 i took on any band i could get into just to get some experience again. I was in everything from pop, blues, funk, celtic rock, originals rock, Deep Purple tribute, 70's covers, originals Prog, indie originals and finally ended up with my current Glam covers band and classic punk covers band. My point being that if your music doesn't appeal to many then getting band members and subsequent gigs will be far more difficult and you may need to look further afield for gigs and even band members. What i would suggest is that as an interim measure until you can get the band and gigs you want then take on a different style of music that's a bit more popular to keep your hand in. Just a thought. Think its probably an age gap there as when i was young i definitely wouldn't have played in some of the band styles i listed above and nothing but Prog was ever gonna do it for me but i do wish you all the very best and hope Santa brings you the musicians and gigs you are looking for. Dave
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