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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. Well done @Lozz196 sometimes it just happens. Its funny how we never rate ourselves as being the "better" musician in the band. I'm much the same. At the moment i believe both my bands have people that are equally matched. If i take any one individual, in either band, i could quite easily highlight their strong points and why i think they are the better musicians in the band. I'm not sure how others in a band judge the bass player ? Is it his technical ability, timing, reliability, commitment and effort he puts in, i honestly don't know. My drummer has stated a few times that its my commitment to playing exactly note for note in the songs that makes it easier for him to follow as he always knows i'm there. Guitarist reckons same as in one particular Xmas song in over 30+ yrs playing same song i'm the only bassist to play it correctly and he didn't need to show me how. Comments over the years have been based on the fact a song gets mentioned and i've nailed it for the next rehearsal. No song seems to be an issue for me. I think many bassists are in a similar position. We simply do our job because we are committed and want a band to work. We're not technically brilliant solo bassists but solid capable players that want any band to succeed. Here's hoping for Xmas that we all find that particular band mix that works for us. Dave
  2. When we started with the Glam band 5 yrs ago we found issues trying to sync diaries on a weekly basis so we pre-booked the rehearsal studio for approx 2mths ahead every Sun afternoon for 3 hrs then we went every two weeks for 6hrs to cut down on fuel costs and travelling time. We kept pre-booking well ahead. It tends to focus the attention when you know you have an appointment every Sunday at 12pm - 3pm. You therefore work around the booked rehearsal times. Is that a possible option. ? We also set realistic targets for the songs to learn for the next week. You need to allow for people's jobs and personal commitments and not try and learn a full set in a week. Pick 3-4 songs every week. The set soon builds up quite quickly. I'm not sure that's the problems you're encountering with current members but keep at it and eventually as @SteveXFR says there are others out there looking for the same commitment, its just trying to get them all together in one band. Good luck and hope you find the right people. Don't fall into the Marvin syndrome. Zaphod will be disappointed. Dave
  3. Brilliant to hear kids are still doing it the right way. Dave
  4. Sorry to hear you're bed-bound and hope you get well soon @bassybill That looks very nice indeed. I do like those Status graphite basses. All the very best with the sale and for a speedy recovery back to your normal self Bill. Take care. Dave
  5. Yep my Jazz style basses are all 38mm. My Mex PJ also 38mm. Sandberg VM4 is nearer 40mm which still ok Vintera is 44mm. Altho its wide its a thin style neck and not so bad. The more i play it the more i'm ok with it. Maybe a Rosewood neck P bass might suit me better too as the maple neck gives it a bit more zingy tone. Warwick Thumb NT is 38mm too. Dave
  6. Nice one Stevie. The neck width of standard P is what puts me off them. Will look into them a bit more. Dave
  7. Not heard of a Burns Barracuda. Will google it. I remember being at a Burns demo near where i lived back in late 70's. The Burns Bison was just out and Tony Reeves from Greenslade was doing the rounds as bass demonstrator. They made some fantastic basses back in the day. Dave
  8. You have some quite unique basses @BigRedX Nice one. Liking that one too. Dave
  9. Cheers for that i'll have a wee look altho i'm not in the market for any new basses altho a red Sandberg VM4 would be nice. Dave
  10. First Xmas show tonight with BLOCKBUSTARZ Glam covers band at a sold out Longstone Hearts Club in Edinburgh. Great night. Few wee mistakes crept in for some odd reason. Xmas songs went well tho. Quite a small stage for us and had to watch where i was standing as i had my pedals in front of me and guitarists pedal behind me. Also had a the PA cab on my left next to headstock but all went well and didn't trip over anything or thump the bass of PA. Few pics on FB already but no vids as yet. Here we go. SET #1 SET #2
  11. I do and i'm a big fan of them. Actually got Michelin cross-climates on to see how they fair. Dave
  12. Our singer was taking sips of honey tonight before at break and at the end as his throat was struggling a bit. Dave
  13. WOW i see what you mean. The 45 min set thing is a bit "out of date" these days. General rule of thumb is two 1hr sets. Because we have costume changes in Glam band we take a break of circa 20mins sometimes shorter and depending on venue sometimes its nearer 30mins at request of venue to allow for buffet, raffles or Bingo. (yes there are still clubs that do all that and to be fair they do supply us with sandwiches, sausage rolls and juice at the break and my wife and our female singer have won in the various raffles so all good there) Its no fun being in a band where there's friction and i'd only stay if it was purely a business arrangement that benefits me. Not learning their parts and not getting a decent on stage mix is poor. Its something we strive to get right at soundcheck to allow each other to be heard and to be able to hear the others enough to follow what's happening. You have my sympathy with this band. I don't think i could work with that @JapanAxe. Serious thought on where you go with it might be required. Perhaps stay with it for now but look around for other options. Its easier to find work when you are already working. ? Its a busy time of year for bands too and dropping out now could mean losing a fair bit of gig money on run up to Xmas. All the very best with what you decide. Dave
  14. Gonna be fun getting to our Edinburgh gig tonight. Both singers in Bathgate and Boness have about 3-4" snow this morning. Happy days. Dave
  15. You need to give us an idea of what went wrong so we can avoid it Dave
  16. Not a gig tonight but a 3hr rehearsal to polish up on our Xmas songs for our first Xmas show on Sat. night. All went well from the start. So we just had some of the cake we bought for our singers birthday today. Dave
  17. Once saw Ray Stiles bassist with Mud play Radar Love riff over the talking part of Tiger Feet and i've occasionally done that at our gigs but i play it quietly except for the standard notes that are on the original. Dave
  18. Nice. Sounds like a fun band to be in. 👍 Dave
  19. That looks like an interesting band set up. Do you mind if i ask what style of music you play. Dave
  20. Pretty sure i got it from a fellow BC'er many moons ago and thought it made a lot of sense. Can't remember who it was tho. ? Dave
  21. Doesn't fit into either of my Glam covers or punk covers bands but its always good fun to confuse the audience. 🤩 Roundabout another good one to noodle with. Difficult for me as i don't use a pick. Dave
  22. I've dabbled a bit with the keys part from the start of On The Run doing it on the bass. Its probably not accurate but a few folks have recognised it when i'm just setting up my rig. Weird what people recognise. I once played a part from Genesis Suppers Ready VI Apocolypse in 9/8 where bass does EEE-EE-E-EEE-EE-E and someone recognised it. Dave
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