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Everything posted by john_the_bass

  1. Enjoying myself slightly too much on my wedding day last month The light makes it look like I have no distinction between neck, head and chin
  2. Met Keith (Northstreet) yesterday - a pleasure to meet him, do business with and spend a good hour and a bit gassing about music and the like. Cheers!!
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  4. Me mate is selling his Vox Valvetronix 100w 2x12 guitar combo and is looking for £275 or best offer. PM me if you want any details or are interested. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270449149834&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=STRK:MESELX:IT[/url]
  5. Are you sure the string isn't tuned to E flat and you just need to tune it up to E?
  6. Played a wedding on Saturday night a - turned up and found we had a stage, a sort of dressing room and space to hang our clothes up and put our gear down, an LED lit backdrop, plenty of places to get power from and more importantly, they all got up and danced from the word go. A really good night.
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  8. When I demo'd amps way back when I compared an ABM300 with a MAG300 and the ABM sounded loads better, however I've not tried an ABM head through a MAG cab as a comparison.
  9. I have no idea if this has ever been posted before - I just saw it on another forum I use. Just wait until 1.35
  10. I did get a response from Guy - same thing, it's out of warranty so we can sell you one, but you're not going to get a replacement. Never mind that it's had minimal use and was running at half power with half the headroom available.
  11. I actually have a set of these Stevie, although I've only used them for rehearsals, they seemed alright. I might try them at a gig, but I suppose I was always a bit mistrustful of Behringer gear for pro applications.
  12. I've been looking at AKG D5s as well, which seem to be getting VERY good reviews in the main, especially at the price point [quote name='stingrayfan' post='561730' date='Aug 6 2009, 09:34 AM']Take a look at the [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?id=JTSNX8&browsemode=category"]JTS NX8[/url]. They get very good reviews. We use the cheaper version (JTS929) in our band and those work a treat.[/quote] I think I've used one of these before actually, never had any problems with it either.
  13. [quote name='deksawyer' post='561659' date='Aug 6 2009, 02:11 AM']Look into the EV 767a. Far superior to the equivalent SM58. D.[/quote] We were using Betas D, except for one which was temporarily replaced by an SM after one of the Betas met a sudden, floor-contact related death. I'll take a look at the other suggestions. There is a good deal on Rode mics at the minute, if you buy one from DV247, you can fill out a form and get a second for 50p direct from Rode. Their dynamic cardioid mics are around the same price point as an SM58
  14. Could be a goer - MK is not too far from me. Let me have a look into it and I'll get back to you via PM.
  15. The Audix might be an option at 60 quid each, I've tried singing into 57s before and just blow a lot of air into them, although I suppose you can get around that by putting a windshield over them. The other option is Rode M1s which I've seen a good deal on and could currently pick up 4 for £160. Anybody tried a Rode dynamic mic?
  16. Our band had (past tense) a set of mics which comprised 3 or 4 Beta 58 As, 1 SM58 and 2 SM57s. It appears that some light fingered gobsh*te has walked off with them from somewhere said gobsh*te wasn't supposed to be and they are nowhere to be seen. Before I catch the fecker that did it and tan his arse, I need to get some more mics, however I notice that a Beta 58 A is approacing £150 - I managed to get a black one from e-av for about half that when they were on promotion, but they're now up to £149 each and I can't shell out £450 on 3 mics. Can you recommend an equivalent to a Beta 58 A, but a bit cheaper?
  17. I play in a 5 piece covers band - bass, drums, 2 guitars and vocals. What I would like to be able to do is add brass and keys to the songs that need them and I would like to explore the possibilty of a drummer playing to a click and having the brass and keys play at the relevant places. Does anybody know where I might obtain such a set of tracks or is it the sort of thing I would have to have a keyboard player make for me?
  18. Does it come with a cover? I know it doesn't say in the post, but just thought I'd ask.
  19. Check your junk folder - never know, it might have ended up there
  20. I don't get ANY kind of sound from the speaker Stevie. It's dead I think
  21. Sent Ashdown an email, still waiting for a response, so in the meantime I still have this bass available for a swap for a replacement speaker.
  22. Peter email E at E-fects.co.uk He should be able to help
  23. That's a good shout on the baby blues, I will get my mrs a pair as she's not keen on the size of the ER-20s
  24. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='555474' date='Jul 29 2009, 07:23 PM']You really did close the other thread As I said there, I'm more than happy with custom cables at a good price from Dave. Amp/Cab cables as thick as your arm, well nearly [url="http://www.bassic.co.uk/"]http://www.bassic.co.uk/[/url][/quote] [quote name='sk8' post='555944' date='Jul 30 2009, 10:36 AM']for cables OBBM[/quote] +1 or 3 or whatever this post takes us up to!
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