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Everything posted by CPBass

  1. It makes sense to help out, not a big gesture but every little helps. The service we get in second to none so Id encourage others to offer up their unwanted bits and donate to the BC cause.
  2. Any more pics please? Is it housed in an Alembic case? any pics of the case ? Cheers Col
  3. Going to be a bit pedantic here but arent 'make offer' ads against forum policy??
  4. Lovely bass and could well be in a position to buy quite soon. Is there any way of securing the deal via third party? Not implying any wrong intentions but sending money blindly to Greece doesnt sit right with me. Any ideas? Col
  5. Not even a charitable buy? Once the BC gods let me know of a £35 donation I will send it to wherever you wish within the UK. Great as a back up.....if not an up front pedal. I'm going to brag now but Ive just bought a Darkglass B7k and any other O/D simply pales into insignificance.........oh sorry was I being conceited ha ha
  6. Nice post. Really enjoyed that. So much so I'm off out the shed. Great stuff
  7. Play both and cover all bases. Cant really see why one would suggest one over the other. We play to make songs sound good n fat n groovy, pick or fingers? tomatoe tomato. I guess anyone wiling to point the snob finger is insecure and seeks feelings of superiority through belittling others. All very silly if you ask me. Just play and sound the best you can. Job done
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1339770337' post='1694091'] Seems to me we should have a look at the floorspace in question: Apart from the fact that everybody in the pix seems to be having a good time, it strikes me that this is a [i]not[/i] a big venue. Long but very shallow maybe 15' deep from front wall to back wall. So I'd imagine that trying to fit a full band in alongside a party of 16 would be a bit of a stretch. Myself, I'd have reservations about taking a full-size, loud-ish band in there under any circs. Also, the front wall seems mostly to be glass - I'd imagine that sound levels in there could require serious compromise. Looking at the venue's gig list, it seems mostly to be singers with acoustics, so a blueser guitarist at full beans might be a bit scary. TBH, this sounds like one of those situations where everyone starts with the best intentions but a wheel comes off and tempers flare. Least said soonest mended, IMO. [color=#ffffff].[/color] [/quote] Quote of the day IMO. sh*t Happens
  9. If deps have been negotiated and agreed then is he being given the benefit of the doubt? I'd cover the gigs and monitor his future behaviour
  10. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1339672711' post='1692347'] I think we all get over GAS sooner or later. Having bought, traded, made and customised many a bass in my time I find myself looking for the next bass constantly but in the last 6 months I keep finding myself thinking... Is it going to be any better than my No.1 bass? to which the answer is inevitably no. The journey I've been on was extremely roundabout but I have finally realised that what someone once told me is true, one day you'll find 'the one' and all other will pale in comparison. I've bought nothing but strings and picks this year! And do you know what. I'm happy about it [/quote] Ive just been lucky enough to be reunited with No1
  11. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1339531537' post='1690143'] Shame on all of you. As my dear old grandad always used to say, "If ye canna say something' nice, shut yer f**kin' hole." I'm serious - he did! ;-) [/quote] +1 He was obviously a good man Lowregisterhead. Easy to throw comments at these guys but they have achieved so much with their playing they deserve respect. Robert Trujillo is an incredible bass player, check out Infectious Grooves and Suicidal Tendencies. Theres a BIG reason he got the Metallica gig. Talent!!!!
  12. Now that is very tempting!!!!!!! What a colour for a T bird.......sublime. Any description of playability and sounds?? i.e. how removed from is it from a Gibson?
  13. Previous feedback when Voodoosnake was CPBassman: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/99583-feedback-for-cpbassman/page__p__1603167__hl__cpbassman__fromsearch__1#entry1603167 Thank you Col Voodoosnake
  14. Wrong forum mate, This needs to be in the effects section
  15. Traded a lovely Warwick with our Zip. A total breeze, a top bassman and a credit to this site. Deal with total confidence, he'll go that extra bit to make everything cool. Cheers mate Col (Vol )
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  17. Im referring purely to my gut and girth mate........no offence intended lol The Flying V is a favourite guitar of mine, always has been.
  18. I would look like I were playing a chip fork A very posh chip fork may I add
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