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Everything posted by indiegrungesound

  1. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1403968590' post='2488189'] Tbf, Debbie Harry never had a voice to lose but her inability to sing the songs has worsened these last few years. At least someone like Phil Collins realised and had enough money to pull the plug... [/quote] HARSH statement Sir! But... :-D ;-)
  2. Because you can't turn drummers down and guitar players DON'T turn down! :@ ;-) I will back up what's been said on here about certain Solid state amps though. I've heard & played old '80s Peavey & Trace Elliot amp heads that are louder than newer Class D heads with higher wattages.
  3. I've been watching the BBC coverage since yesterday. Pleasantly surprised by John Newman(Was even playing along with some of his tunes on my new amp- Yes I AM that sad! :-S ;-)). As for Rudimental, I actually liked the Ed Sheeran collaboration. Best thing they did. Blondie were wonky. Debbie Harry's voice has gone completely. Interpol were awesome. Elbow were reliably good(Guy Garvey still making sure everyone's "Still OK?" ;-)). The Kaiser Chiefs played a blinder. Metronomy were great too! I'll have to check out Paolo Nutini, Foster The People & Drenge online later. Today, Kelis was alright. Good to hear a bit of Warpaint too! Hope they show some of The Pixies later tonight!
  4. Blimey! And I thought I was a late starter when I was 26! Well done sir! Just go out, do your job and ENJOY it! Gigging is awesome. Doesn't matter how it goes either, as you'll just want to do it again! :-)
  5. Well, after a shaky start with a faulty head(The output went after less an hour back home.), I am now the owner of a fully armed & OPERATIONAL BH500!
  6. [quote name='JAUQO III-X' timestamp='1400369554' post='2453330'] [color=#000000][font=HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Lucida Grande,sans-serif][size=4]Every one has a different purpose for an amp but the sub effect on the RooMaster overall is a very clean sounding function. Kinds of reminds me of the Boss OC-2.[/size][/font][/color] The sub function is nice and growly but as you increase the gain it still maintains a very nice clarity but if you want the sub effect to sound less clear or even muddy just decrease the mids and highs. [/quote] Fair point, though I just made the comment because I was trying it out to see how it DID sound. It's not because I would use it often(I also used to have a MAG 300-115 combo, which WAS brilliant!). I also tweaked the EQ to boost the Low Mids and cut the High Mids and Treble. Just personal taste. It works for you, so that's the main thing surely.
  7. Ok. Just as I stated in another thread about Ashdown's RootMaster amps, I finally got around to trying a BH500. It was powering a matching TC Electronic 2 X BC210 stack & I played an Ibanez SR300 through the stack. Here's my thoughts.: It's AWESOME!!! It's got bags power(The Gain didn't need to go above 4.). Good Compressor. The Mute/Tuner button is dead handy. The Tube Tone is great too. Also, for a Full size, Solid state head, it's lighter than it looks but looks & feel well put together. I think I might've just found the perfect backup head & potential successor to my Hartke LH500! Just need to hang fire on the GAS for a month or Two now!
  8. I finally got around to trying one of these today. It was powering a TC Electronic 2 X BC210 stack(They did have the new Ashdown Mag cabs in too, but I thought I'd be as well using the BC cabs, as they have the same 8 ohm 250 watt power rating.)& I played an Ibanez SR300 through the stack. Here's my thoughts.: Definitely lightweight AND Sturdily constructed. Good Compressor. VERY Nice Drive feature too! My worry was the fact that the head only sounds loud and punchy when you engage the Output dial at 70-75%, the EQ, the Compressor AND The Drive section! This reminded me too much of my old dreaded Ashdown Little Giant 350, which needed the Bass, Mids, Gain AND Output boosting to sound half decent. I also think if you used the Sub dial & pushed the Gain up, you would lose a lot of clarity & definition! So, it's a lovely looking amp with nice features-especially the Drive, put I don't think I could get the right sound out of it for me all the time. I was a bit disappointed, but it's just my opinion/taste. I think people should try it out if they fancy it.
  9. Cheers everyone! I think the BH500 is looking like the most likely purchase right now. The 2 x 10" & 2 x 12" BC cabs are 250 watts @ 8 ohms, whilst my Warwicks are 300 watts @ 8 ohms, so I can use the BH500 with just 1 cab without the fear of blowing the speaker by accident. If I have the urge to go for a full T C rig, I can do it at a leisurely(and cost effective )pace! Thanks again folks!
  10. Right folks. I hope I can, once again(:-S ;-)), get some feed back from anyone who has; or has owned, a T C Electronics BH500 & matching BC210/212 cabs. I'm currently restarting bands, so I'm thinking of overhauling my rig. My Hartke LH500/Ampeg PF-350/2 Warwick 12" cabs set up is very good. However, if I go with the minimal set up of the BH500 & a BC212, I have less gear to cart around. I also then have the future scope for going upto a 6 x 10" or 6 x 12" stack! Should I go for it folks?
  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1392672300' post='2371536'] I've heard a lot of reliability issues with the PF 350 and 500. Markbass heads are good, powerful and reliable with great tone though. I still use an F1 until I can find a suitable Peavey head to replace it with! [/quote] Most of the unreliability issues crop up amongst the PF500s. Not had any major problems with my PF350. Conversely though, it's a head that works a lot better going through a full stack, be it a 4x10" & 1x15" or a 2 1x12"s; than a single cab. , The TC Electronic Rebel Heads sound awesome, but cost around £675-£679 for the RH450. Second Hand, eBay or the "For Sale" section on here might be your best bet.
  12. Seriously considering purchasing one of these now!
  13. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1391965044' post='2363064'] I've ran my pf350 for 100's of hours, and never had an issue. [/quote] I had to have my PF350 looked at once, though it was because I thought the Limiter had stopped working because it's light didn't illuminate, rather than a power amp/smoke machine of doom problem that appears to affect the PF500s. Took it to Roland Lumby & he gave it the all clear. Never had any problems with it since. He DID say that he believed it's output was more/louder than 350 watts & that it should NOT be used on cabinets with tweeters/horns turned on(I think he said it does bad things to the peaks on Sine Waves.). No idea if this will apply to any of the new batches of Portaflex heads. Just thought it might be handy to mention it.
  14. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1391424754' post='2356868'] Thanks! It's not there anymore It's on it's way to me! [/quote] No problem! I think I'm just going to go for just the Terror Bass 500 for my next purchase.
  15. [quote name='Ashdown Engineering' timestamp='1391193038' post='2354498'] Ha disasters is a bit harsh... You have to remember the Superfly was best part of 10 years ago and a little too ahead of it's time in whereas the pre amp did everything we wanted the power sections simply weren't available then and were left wanting, saying that there are still lots of people gigging their superflys today and have no problems. And again little giants we sold a huge amount and whilst a few didn't handle their jobs well the vast majority did and are still out there being used regularly. You often find people are more keen to point out when they have problems than reporting that all is well and something is doing its job as intended... [/quote] I think I WAS one of the unlucky ones unfortunately. I put a deposit down for the Little Giant then waited 6 months for the amp to be shipped from China. Then, the head started to cut out as soon as the warranty expired! :@ :-( The amp repair man I took it to told me to get rid off it as soon as possible, saying that Ashdown's were unreliable. However, I never had any problems with my MAG combo. That was, as I've previously stated, brilliant! And I doubt you would still be making them if they weren't!
  16. Just to give an update, I went to purchase a SP212 with a Terror Bass head today. However, having had another look, I decided against it, as the head was the TB1000 & the cab wasn't reduced as much as I first thought! :-( So, for the benefit of any Basschatters in,Greater Manchester who CAN afford it, the cab is £399 & the head is about £470-£480 from Dawson's. Happy shopping! :-)
  17. [quote name='Tweedledum' timestamp='1391165767' post='2353933'] [/quote] Beautiful!
  18. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1391176478' post='2354157'] I wouldn't trust Ashdown with these portable head, the LG and Superfly were both disasters. [/quote] Well, I WAS disappointed by The Little Giant 350. However, My old Mag 300 C115 combo was brilliant! Therefore, because it's the MAG pre amp with more output, this looks VERY promising!
  19. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1390856747' post='2350594'] Warpaint are great, haven't listened to them in years! For some reason they're one of those bands I always forget about. [/quote] Further to my last post, I don't think you'll be able to forget about them for much longer. The album's had good reviews & went in the charts @ No. 9 this weekend. Expect them to be all over the TV/Radio/web/press come the festival season!
  20. Just got it on right now. Safe to say that it IS a grower, so I think Wooks & graham should persevere, as I think you'll be rewarded(TBH, "The Fool" was exactly same, with a really strong lead off single in "Undertow", then being initially underwhelmed by the rest; then actually liking it-bar "Composure"-S lot.)! Bass wise, Jenny Lee Lindberg sounds awesome on it! Good tone & she & Stella Mozgawa are a really good rhythm section IMO!
  21. Depends how old it is. A Microbass was my first amp when I picked up bass... And I still have it. Mine doesn't have an extension out socket & I don't ever remember any of the version of it having one. However, it has a nice tone & in my experience is perfectly capable in an acoustic setting.
  22. Just wanted to say that both these guys are awesome!
  23. Just wondering if anyone else has got this too & what do you think of it?
  24. Cool! I should say that I'd still be keeping hold of my Ampeg as both a back up/practice head and because I'd still be tempted to run the Ampeg's Pre Amp Out into the front jack socket of the Terror Bass a part of a potential two rig set up.
  25. I know there's quite a few people on here who use or have used these cabs. Is it worth investing in couple of these & a Terror bass head? Current rig is still my 2 Warwick Neo Pro 112s powered by a Hartke LH500 or Ampeg PF 350. The idea is a combination of G.A.S., space saving(Storage AND transport wise.), more power & the ability to mildly annoy my band's guitarist; as he REALLY wants an Orange Duel Dark Terror guitar rig! What do you think? Your thoughts would, as ever, be appreciated!
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