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Status Updates posted by bassfan

  1. WANTED: Boss OC5. Thanks 😃

  2. Wanted: Meridian Funkulator. Thanks. 😎

  3. @nilebodgers sent you a Pm mate 😃👍🏻

  4. Does anyone use an EHX syth9? 

  5. NBD. 7 days 😃 status incoming!!!  😈

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bassfan


      Status S2 Classic. A funky one! 😃

    3. Teebs
    4. SpondonBassed


      Nice one. Looking forward to the NBD topic.

  6. Status incommmmming 😃 45 (ish) days to go..... might be sooner.....🤞🏻

    1. BassTractor


      Good man, and one of few who understand what these updates are meant for. :drinks:

    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Congrats. Hope you enjoy your new Status. Bit of a wait though...... Don't start counting the minutes! ;)

    3. bassfan


      I’ve been waiting since October. I’ve given up on hours and minutes. 😂 

  7. Status incommmmming 😃 109 days to go.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. big rob

      big rob

      What did you go for in the end ?


    3. big rob

      big rob

      Cool, love my series 3 headed with wrap around blues, great choice.

    4. bassfan


      I did indeed. A very funky one. 👍🏻😃

  8. Serious Status GASSSSSSSSSSS

    1. SpondonBassed


      Well, you've posted in the right part of the forum.

    2. LukeFRC
    3. bassfan


      I have.... once the jazz has sold my weak will power will succumb...

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