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Everything posted by AntLockyer

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1370176268' post='2097212'] In recent years I've played regularly through ... Ashdown Ampeg Mesa Phil Jones Markbass Ibanez ... usually playing a Fender but sometimes ... Squier Guild Takamine G&L Aria Lakland ... and they all sounded great. They were all better at doing their job than me. [/quote] I'm with you, there are just a lot of times where it doesn't matter what your starting point is as long as it is within the realms of a certain quality. i.e covering the frequencies it needs to. A good example of this is different versions of blue songs. Some guys on ultra modern active basses with super deep Nate East type tone others on a P with the most chicken grease laden flats. Given an adequate amount of talent both can sound amazing and relevant.
  2. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1370178726' post='2097242'] Or to have a root through Uncle Horrid's garage/workshop! [/quote] This ^^^
  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1370168414' post='2097100'] But then of course it won't feel the same when you play it and it won't be a Palladino. [/quote] The feeling the same is just the neck relic though right? I'd be happy with it not being a Palladino to be honest.
  4. Can you get one they haven't messed the paint up on?
  5. [quote name='Basszilla' timestamp='1362462026' post='2000021'] It's the scorpion of basses. Plently of sting in the tail :-) When i get the mixes back ill upload some hip hop sessions i've not long done with my spector. Gotta love that emg p pup solo'd. Phat richness [/quote] Did I miss the uploadS?
  6. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1370121424' post='2096764'] And a bubble bath? [/quote] http://youtu.be/QYHxGBH6o4M
  7. Welcome, I went to [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Chattanooga once to watch some boxing. Nice place.[/font][/color]
  8. I've dealt with this sort of issue by working from home and having my basses and amp in the same room that I use as my office. I play a LOT in between work
  9. Bought a strap from Iain for a decent price and it was delivered very quickly with great communication throughout. Thanks
  10. My goodness, Ishibashi have some awesome 2nd hand basses, shame import and VAT kills the prices.
  11. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1369647289' post='2091114'] Nice post You are multi talented . [/quote] Thanks, but I prefer to think of myself as multi untalented
  12. Looking forward to see what they turn out like, I can't picture it in my head.
  13. Classic time management technique for these 'Important but not Urgent' tasks is to stick time in your diary and stick to it. Of course having a diary first will help and telling anyone who needs to know that this is your bass time. Tell work you have an appointment every Thursday at 7pm that you have to get home for and that should take care of you getting out of the office and into the habbit.
  14. I think I'll get the M set and see, although last night I played my Jazz with rounds and liked it. Perhaps I need another Jazz
  15. I've been trying to write this for days but it never really sounds right, I just want to share my little journey for the sake of sharing I have played different musical instruments since I was 5, starting with guitar the list goes on to include recorder, steel pans, trumpet, electric guitar, drums, bass guitar, harmonica, piano and a whole bunch of electronic music making equipment. I've never been really good at any of them but drums were my main instrument having had instructions from some great teachers. Been in a couple of bands but nothing came of any of it and I've only played maybe 20 gigs in total across all instruments. About 10 years ago my friend lent me a bass guitar and I enjoyed playing it for fun to the point that when he took it back I went and bought my own. I never could read the bass clef, didn't know the notes on the fret board (apart from the open strings and the 5th and 12th fret). I continued to dabble for years until I finally decided I needed an outlet. I'd played in a couple of blues jams on harmonica and enjoyed them greatly. The blues scene here in North Kent is thriving with some very talented guys all having a lot of fun at different places. I decided that would be my outlet and I needed to get good enough to play bass in the jams. So with that last I took lessons from Chris (dudewheresmybass) on here and he taught me a general curriculum with some slant towards the blues. Unfortunately money is tight and I had to stop but Chris gave me a great grounding in technique, some reading ability, and a better sense of how to use the instrument. Many months went by with me just playing the same stuff on my bass that I learned at Chris', never really stretching out. Then I went on holiday, I had a pile of magazines and a couple of books on my Kindle. Between a couple of Jeff Berlin QAs in the magazines, The Art ofPiano playing and half of Victor Wootens's book I was looking forward to getting home and playing the bass. The general thought was that I should just plug my mp3 player into my amp and play along, not worrying about the notes, just the groove. Practice parts of it slowly without the music playing then play again with the 'band'. At all times thinking in my head what I wanted to play before my body played it. What a revelation. I could suddenly play bass. Rather than worrying about learning all the songs I might encounter at the jam I jsut said to my friend Paul (who is a great guitarist) that I'll go to the next one. I went along and was 1 of 2 bass players, I was therefore going to have a busy night. Of the 8 songs we played I knew 2, most were 12 bar with only the quick 4 being a variation, and a couple of songs I knew but had never played (Doors and something else that escapes me now). I coped with all of it, played well for most of it, listened and supported the other musicians and had a jolly good time. I knwo it isn't carnegie hall and a lot of people look down on jam nights but I enjoyed it and like the fact I can turn up, get to play with people for free, learn more in a night at the pub than I could on my own for a week and chat about music. My practice now is pretty much playing along to records and not trying to play the original bassline, just playing my own part and I think I'm improving rapidly. Thanks for reading.
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