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Everything posted by fiatcoupe432

  1. I know it's the daily mail.... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7814409/Ex-wife-bass-player-three-member-band-half-10m-fortune-High-Court-rules.html
  2. Enjoy No idea what it is https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.de%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F173863488211
  3. Thank you all for your help As it turned out the shitty chinese midi cables were not compatible with my rme I ve bought a original rme mini din to midi and now works absolutely perfect thank you for taking your time on try to resolve this
  4. Never say never Tony I think if Leduc would build you a 8 string double bass you would let Moai go
  5. I'll try an update and see what happens
  6. Thanks for your reply I ve tried all the channels with no luck I'm losing my mind
  7. Anyone now how to hook it up to play midi into logic? Atm I ve tried midi out into USB and although once I plugged in I can see a little message where it says new imput once I play nothing happens I'm I doing something wrong?
  8. Absolutely stunning Wish had some cash Glwys mate If you never played a wt you really should, only like that you would appreciate how bloody good these basses are
  9. After Chris passed away this is a rare beast and a great bass
  10. Hi there for sale this great fun kit If you know Roland the td12 module is still one of the best I have used this with superior drummer 3 Great condition
  11. Hi guys hope you are all well ! My studio got flooded last week but made in time to move out the instruments few days before as I knew was going to happen (was a provisory space until my unit is finished which is looking likely to be in March now .’so....... I be purchased a second hand shed put some insulation up and I’m looking to move some equipment (not the expensive stuff but still 4K of equipment ) next week the shed is in a very safe place but you never know what could happen if I insure the gear trough musicgard and stuff gets stolen are you still can get if is in a shed ? thoughts please
  12. I ve been given this as present from an old friend, needs a bit of cleaning but plays really well and looks well buildt Can't find any info and the person who gave it to me knows nothing about it as it was given to him 10 years ago
  13. Any reason why this bass is so expensive ready? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F143441889920
  14. I will pay for you trouble to post it or I will organise a courier and I'll pay you for the trouble of packing it Cheers
  15. Hi guys don't use this anymore so looking for a good home Excellent condition and everything works perfect comes with custom wooden stand PayPal and postage not a problem
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