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Everything posted by mcnach

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  3. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1339461747' post='1688911'] This is the worst advice ever. [/quote] No it could have been worse, he could have said buy a Vauxhall Corsa!
  4. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1339439366' post='1688538'] hi guys sorry to start one of these threads again but i'm not sure how to take this really just had this message from the lead singer from one of the function bands i'm in just a bit of back story i depped out the last gig to a friend of mine because it was the jublee weekend and i had gigs previously booked and then this landed in my inbox today [size=3][color=#333333]hey regarding the band we haven't heard from you at all about rehearsals or gigs etc.. I'm worried about your availability for our band this summer and the rest of the year because we really want to get this moving. How do you feel about it? There will be no hard feelings if you feel you can't manage it.[/color] [color=#333333][b]There a few gigs coming up but it was from the street party and we have been requested specifically so will use (the dep bass player) for them[/b]. Hope you are good.. let me know whats happening Xxx[/color][/size] [left]now am i being unreasonable if i kick up a fuss about this as IME all the gigs that the band get come to me and then i dep them out if i need to surely they don't just start calling the dep for all the gigs booked off the back of a gig i couldn't make because it was a last minute gig and i had something else booked?[/left] [left][size=4][color=#333333][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]also to compound the problem the keyboard player has been kicked out of the band and replaced with the singers brother without so much as a word to me about it [/font][/color][/size][/left] [left][size=4][color=#333333][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]feeling slightly out of the loop at the moment any advice? [/font][/color][/size][/left] [/quote] what does your friend (dep) think? If it were me in his shoes, I'd feel very wary of "stealing" your gig and I'd not simply accept the gigs unless you specifically asked for a dep. hmmm.
  5. INterested in a sonic blue Classic Player series Stratocaster? It has a Seymour Duncan pickup at the bridge, but I also have the original too.
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  7. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1338840055' post='1679955'] Not me, but the last gig I played, the headline band had a problem. The singer/guitarist's guitar lead went all crackly. So, making quite a big thing of it, he swiped it for another. Started another song but the same problem happened. So he decided it was his amp and made a big fuss of changing it. Started another song, but the same thing happened. Again, made a big thing of it and decided it was actually his guitar, so played the rest of their set on acoustic. Completely ruined the flow of their set. [/quote] My worst was on Friday. One of the guitarists has had problems with his guitar for ages, it gets sort of fixed, but never properly. The jack socket in is Epiphone Casino. On Friday if crapped out. It produced sound, but it also gave a loud buzz. We went ahead, the sound guy managed to mix him just so that it worked and the buzz was not very obtrussive. People said we sounded great despite the loud noise. Fine. Except his amp was at my ear level right next to me and the stage was cramped so I had nowhere else to go. Earplugs and all, it was deafening me. Torture. IN addition, the buzz sounded not too dissimilar to bass... and I could not hear myself,, it totally masked my bass, so I played not hearing what I was doing... Finally I found if I literally hid in the corner, I heard the buzz less, and could hear *some* of my bass, barely, but no guitars or voice... so I just hid there looking at the drummer. Horrible horrible horrible. I was really pissed off as it was just the fruit of negligence. We had words afterwards and it's going to get done properly... I said I would not let him play that guitar live again until I inspect it. They get a bit scared of me when I am angry, but respect me because I am rarely angry and tend to do it for the right reasons... he even said he'd but a new guitar this weekend. I said he can borrow one of mine for the gigs this week, just get the socket fixed.
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  9. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1339186163' post='1685208'] Stingrays have such bad dead spots/weak D and G strings...I think it's a case of "they all do that, sir". No fixing them, if they offered a replacement bass for every 'Ray that suffers these faults they'd probably be replacing 80% of all their basses! [/quote] bit of a generalisation, no? I have to say my Stingray does have a bit of a dead spot, but the SUB has no problem whatsoever... just like at least Fenders... some have some noticeable spots, most you won't even be bothered by them.
  10. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1338970364' post='1681677'] 1001 x A [/quote] no surgery required. Jazz bass fretless rules, soundwise. Although the "thump" of the Precision is really very nice too. Surgery not totally averted And this has brought another problem for me. I want the Jazz to be orange. Very orange (it is shoreline gold right now). Oh, first world problems indeed
  11. Incidentally, that gig at Henry's was our first one with the very new drummer. He had managed to learn just enough songs to play a set. We were going to write a setlist to make sure we only called out songs from the ones he knew... but forgot. So I had my phone on top of an amp, hidden behind that column, and on my phone I'd look at our song list and choose which one to play next. If you saw us play... did you notice?
  12. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1339194264' post='1685352'] I just realised, if you're still with Sea Bass Kid then I think we must have played on the same bill at Henry's cellar bar the other day - in which case you might have already heard it if you stuck around, as I was playing with NUF just after you guys! Though, the bass amp there is knackered as hell (farting so much on the low notes that I had to rewrite a few lines as we went!) [/quote] Ah!!! yes, I am and yes we were... but unfortunately I needed to leave and missed you. However the rest of the band did stay, and out trumpet player bought your CD which has been played a LOT in our lab (we work together), and I'm kicking myself for missing it. Sounds like a band I *must* see play again, and I will Yes, the bass amp there was quite... interesting. I played there another time and they had a different amp, just as knackered, and I was advised not to touch the controls as they sometimes made the amp cut out and we might not be able to make it work again In this kind of situation I just go with the flow and do what I can. The stage layout was interesting too. If you are shy, no problem, just play behind the column and nobody will notice you NUF has a new fan here! Any more gigs coming up in Edinburgh?
  13. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1339145752' post='1684222'] Sorry, BT1 didn't fit. Which is the one listed for MM basses. [/quote] yes, that's why I was interested. I used a BT1 in my Stingray and SUB (fits), and on my OLP (holes did not align but I could fit it). The poster above says he used a BT7 on the Sterling by MusicMan (fitting ok), not a BT1. I wonder if the BT7 fits the OLPs directly...
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  15. [quote name='topo morto' timestamp='1339076420' post='1683281'] The man's a legend. I highly recommend buying his gear if you want some nice gear, OR if you are hungry. Thanks mcnach, also "Thanks Ken" [/quote] Ha ha glad to see everything arrived in good shape
  16. well, there may well be a reprieve. It looks like I'm getting a fretless Jazz. It's nowhere near as pretty, but it feels great and sounds great... I still prefer bigger necks but... well, I've got to give this one a whirl. Soundwise it's pretty much what I want so... who knows, I may even have to let the Precision go (never!!! )
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