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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. So I'm liking this bass. But not so much in its current form because of the electronics. So this is what will happen to it: *pickups I already had a Seymour Duncan SMB4A, MM style, so that will go on the bridge. I just ordered a Seymour Duncan SJB-3 for the neck. I have that on the fretless jazz and I like it. next the preamp will go. It works, but it's not really doing it for me. I'll see whether with the new pickups I change my mind, but I'm thinking that I will simply have a pickup miniswitch (instead of the current "slap switch"), single passive volume and tone controls... and this leaves an unused knob... I might just put a rotary switch to select from various capacitors for the tone control, and keep it all passive. Or buy the mid-sweep module from John East and install that. we will see. The coil selector switch might stay as it is (single coil/series humbucker/another single coil) or turn it into (series/parallel/one of the single coils)
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  3. [quote name='Rayman' timestamp='1340904608' post='1711395'] I had one, and it was nowhere near as bad as some had said it would be. I pimped it with an EMG passive pickup, and re wired it, but even before that I gigged it along side an Overwater Progress 5 with no problem at all, it was a great little bass. The only reason I pimped it was because I'm a tart. I discovered that some of the folks who had slagged them off had never even actually seen one. Funny that. [/quote] It's called "the Behringer effect"
  4. I read very mixed reviews. Then I heard some sounding pretty decent. The bad reviews were mostly about things that a set-up would take care of. If you need to spend £60 in having someone getting it to play nicely, maybe it's not a good idea to buy unseen. If, on the other hand, you are reasonably competent... it does not sound like a bad deal. I've bought guitars and basses that the sellers sold cheap because they just could not handle them and they wanted to upgrade and buy a better brand etc... and later that day I had teh same instruments playing quite nicely at home. So... YMMV.
  5. Not the Modulus one, obviously. I just saw Thomann are selling the black one at £155, both the shortscale and the 34" scale versions. At >£300 they seemed a bit much, but at £155 they look just about right. I just thought I'd let you all know, just in case. Oh, and the pickguard is just held with double sided sticky tape, easily removed, and it looks sexy in all-black
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  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  8. [quote name='highwayone' timestamp='1340804847' post='1709846'] pm'd [/quote] and PM'd back
  9. I got it for teh wide spacing! I keep going back to "ah, I should just finish it"... but other more interesting things get in the way.
  10. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1340731886' post='1708845'] That's Loanhead for you! They still point at planes in Loanhead. [/quote]
  11. [quote name='BassPimp66' timestamp='1340454642' post='1704632'] The quest for the perfect sound is endless... But, I feel marketing is sometimes a lot of b*******.What do you think of the below? - True Bypass = big switch that goes click, how difficult is that? - Oxygen Free Copper cable = overpriced cable with no proven benefit - Vintage Tone Circuit = could not be bothered to design something new, so I stole schematics from old Fender stuff - High Mass Bridge = a little thicker and less flimsy than average bridge - Phenolic Fingerboard = plasticky fingerboard - Made in USA = so what ???? - High excursion speakers = isn't it the speaker job to excursiate big time? etc... Feel free to add. [/quote] Generally agree, but: - phenolic fingerboard. I don't think they normally advertise it as being "better", and I do like them. - high excursion speakers: this is genuinely a good characteristic
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  13. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1340712192' post='1708380'] Back in the days when there were Working Mens' Clubs (yes, I know there still are a handful left) I decided to take along my old 70's practice amp for a wheeze. It had a tiny little 8" speaker that could barely fart, and the amp looked like it was made out of cardboard. This I set up in front of the curtain on a chair. Behind the curtain was my 2 x 15" Traynor beastie, daisy-chained from the practice amp input. As is usual at these type of places, the majority of the audience didn't even notice (most left after the bingo) - but all credit to the handful that did [/quote] brilliant, I must do soemthing like this!
  14. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1340647624' post='1707581'] Not quite as impressive a feat, but I got by with an 80W amp (Trace Elliot BLX-80) yesterday, on a lorry trailer. DI-ed into the PA. Thankfully it wasn't the full band - I was up against keys, vocals, guitar, 2 djembes, a violin and a flute so it wasn't too bad on stage. The amp was cranked right up, of course [/quote] It was probably cleaner too, the stage I mean. I only took a bass in a gigbag. I tuned backstage, and just used a single cable. I took it out today... caked in mud whatever part of it was on the floor. Blergh. To think I almost brought a couple of pedals!
  15. [quote name='ian' timestamp='1340579895' post='1706665'] thanks but my computer wont let me do it that way for some reason does he have another link thanks tho [/quote] in those situations, try right click and "copy" over the address link. Then just paste on your usual email client.
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1340560694' post='1706258'] John gave him some of those guitars as they are mates, if you looked closer you would see he actually used all the John guitars for old songs but always his own black strat for anything he has been a co creator of almost as if to prove a point and make his own style IMO [/quote] I was not convinced by Josh in the album... then I saw them live in Glasgow last November and I changed my mind. I think he has his own style, which is good to see. New album... meh... but live they were great.
  17. [quote name='davidlovellbass' timestamp='1340618308' post='1706930'] He was from Spain, new member on here and he deleted the message so i can't report him. I've asked him to take pictures of the amp with his email written on a piece of paper in clear view next to or on the amp. If he responds with this then i'll keep his email address private, if not then i'll post it on here [/quote] Avoid. If it smells... don't step on it. It happens from time to time. I actually fell for something like that once, buying a cheap squier jazz bass. Something made me wonder and I looked online and discovered an ad at some other site where the pics had been lifted from. I oepened a trhead about it and found two others who had fallen for it (different items). Fortunately the guy was an idiot and it was easy to get our money back. Paypal refunded me and another guy, but would not refund a third person who had paid using the "gift" option. However we managed to pressure the scammer into paying him (under veiled threats, I guess we sounded convincing enough and he paid up). You can't stop them, they will be around, always. Just keep an eye on things. If someone is new, he is probably genuine, but it's worth doing a couple of extra checks. Google images is surprisingly effective as scammers tend to be lazy and do not go far beyond the first few hits. Check the activity of the would be seller. Does he post at all? Check who browsed his profile... is he only checked by people with "wanted" ads? If so, tread carefully.
  18. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1340556705' post='1706158'] Sounds like an interesting one! I bet I'd have recognised a few faces there. I've played events with a similar crowd a few times, and it's always a hassle in terms of organisation but a fun audience once you're actually playing. [/quote] Totally! We felt a bit out of place at first. We are not hippies, we are certainly not punks... one of the organising guys invited us after seeing us play elsewhere... and we thought "how on Earth do we fit here?". But it was an enthusiastic crowd at the very least. You just have to make sure you didn´t hold eye contact too long with certain colourful characters, or you´d not get rid off them Organisation: 10 points for ideas, 2 points for having a clue (or not having a clur, rather) Audience: 10 for enthusiasm. Pity about the ending, because even with the less than impressive monitoring situation and general lack of microphones for vocals (we use three vocal microphones and one for trumpet... we had to do with a single one), it was a LOT of fun.
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1340551655' post='1706039'] If I ever make it big I will get a Gorilla amp then just have my monitoring put through the wedge in front but not until I have bought dozens of old gorilla amps off ebay ready to sell to the punters in the FS section [/quote] I would love to do this
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1340551655' post='1706039'] A punch in the face would of been my suggestion, have you learnt nothing living up there? it's a sign of affection Im told. [/quote] No, that´s Glasgow, I hear. I´m in Edinburgh (runs for cover)
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