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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. So, last night Sea Bass Kid was to play at this outdoor gig. It was an interesting one, at Bilston Glen, the protest site with the tree houses etc, protecting a bit of forest from some planned roadworks. 10th anniversary party last night. Hippy/punk crowd. It was... interesting, like I said. They had a pretty amazing setup, to be honest, a wooden stage, covered, a mixing desk in front... right inside the forest. I loved the site. They said they would prvide nearly eevrything. A bass amp was there "it´s a bit sh*t" I was told. I said I don´t care, I was not going to drag my gear through the mud there to play just for fun. I get there, and I could hear bass. Loud. Not bad sounding at all. From where I was I could not see the amp. When I go onstage... I see a tiny tiny tiny 30W Gorilla practice amp It was DI´d at the back... and all I had to monitor onstage was that amp. I propped it upon some boxes, tilted it towards me so I could hear anything, something. Once the band was playing, I could barely hear anything. If I leaned towards it, I could sort of hear a bit. If I went to the front I could feel a lot of bass out there, although no pitch information for me, however it sounded good out there I was told, and I heard it myself before with another band. so no, it´s not exactly ideal... but at a push, it worked. It sounded really big at the front, it was just too funny to see what it was actually generating the sound. It was a fun gig, at least until 5min before I walked out The police showed up. Not sure exactly why, we were too far away from any houses to create any significant disturbance. The people organising it asked us to stop a bit. We did. Then to carry on. Then some guy that was never introduced to us just came onstage from the front, and came to me *ordering* me to "turn this amp down". I said "what?". He insisted. I stopped playing, told him that was not my amp, that it belonged to that guitarist in front of me, and that if volume is an issue he should talk to his own people at the mixing desk, as we were all in through microphones/DI and the amps onstage were not producing the volume he heard at the front. He had none of it, but didn´t touch the amp, instead he asked the singer. So we had stopped midsong for that. We were all a bit confused. We turned down a bit, to make it like we were collaborating. We had played for about 40min at that stage and I said to the guys "let´s play one more and leave". Singer and one guitarist insist "no, come on, we can play these 4 more songs and itll be ok". I said "fine, but if someone else comes up with a rude attitude while we play, I walk out". Sure enough, second song in this guy comes up... and this one at least is not rude, but he walks up to *me* to tell me that we should turn down a bit, to appease the police. I tell him that he is at the wrong place, that he should get the mixing desk guys to turn us all down to whatever level they wanted. He said "the bass is very loud". Part of me laughed. Part of me screamed. "I´m playing through THAT", believe me, what you hear out there is not controlled by me, volume wise, but by your own guys at the mixing desk. He gave me a look like I was just talking crap. So I just unplugged. Meanwhile the band had played for a few bars without bass. Now the unmistakeable sound of a bass being unplugged without muting first was produced, and I proceeded to get my case. The rest of the band stopped. Singer said thank you (they were an enthusiastic audience) and good night. And we left. Pity. For 40min it was a lot of fun despite a number of technical inconveniences, we managed to sound ok and we sincerely had a great time while these punks and hippies were dancing a lot in the mud. But I get very annoyed if I am going to the trouble of doing a gig for no money whatsoever in a not very convenient location, so, just for fun... and someone is being rude to us while not grasping the most basic concept of their own set up. I don´t go on saturday nights to muddy fields to be treated like an annoyance. Still, it was an experience ;-)
  2. [quote name='such' timestamp='1340357113' post='1703180'] I used to own a GB94 a few years back. It's very similar, but no pickguard, spalted maple veneer (too thin to call it a "top") and upgraded pickups/preamp: Seymour Duncan SMB4D and QuaretPound Jazz plus Duncan Designed preamp. I recall it being very light, and I was getting a lot of compliments on its tone, especially from bandmates (they knew the difference, as I was bringing other basses to the rehearsals as well, including few different Warwicks). The Cort was by far they favourite of my basses. And yes, there was a fretless version (not sure if it's still available anywhere). There was a limited edition called GB74P-Dao (or 75, as there was a 5-string version as well), never appeared on Cort's website, but I've seen it in a few internet stores. Had a dao wood (whatever that is) veneer and piezo in the bridge. Bound/blocked rosewood board on fretted, plain rosewood on fretless. found some net pics, looks like fretless board is also bound: [url="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/802/img0156zg.jpg/"]http://imageshack.us.../img0156zg.jpg/[/url] [url="http://www.woodbrass.com/images/woodbrass/GB75PFLBBS.JPG"]http://www.woodbrass.../GB75PFLBBS.JPG[/url] quite sexy. [/quote] quite sexy??? quite an understatement!!! I gigged my GB74 last night. I have to say it worked a lot better than at rehearsal the previous night, but still not fully satisfied soundwise. I really don't like the preamp, so I'm gong to get some nice pickups in there and probably leave it passive to start with. It is a lovely bass to play and I really like how it is very light, yet it is well balanced. Tonight I am taking the SUB for the RATM gig in Inverness, and I was planning to take the Squier VM Jazz for backup... now I'm thinking maybe the Cort will be the one.
  3. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1340326869' post='1702997'] Nope it's a.... I bought it on a whim because ever since Gibson guru Neepheid took a Tokai T-bird around to mine for a jam one time, and despite me thinking they look a bit showy and vulgar and the fact that the indie kids have taken them over... I quite fancied having my own one. It was a good choice - I honestly would never have thought a bloody Epiphone could sound this brilliant. The strange thing is that since this thread started I have been asked to join another band. The music is a bit more mainstream than I'm normally associated with and the guitarist plays a Gibson Explorer. This bass wouldn't look too out of place in that band. None the less I've chosen a bass from my old armoury that suits this band's music better - it's my homemade Surf Green '51 P (Betty, for those who've met her). I chose her because of her super fast neck and hot SD pup with it's the gritty, biting tone... but who knows, maybe one day I might actually bring myself to play the T-bird in public. So there you go, that's another bass of mine about to get some action.... just as well I have so many to choose from. [/quote] I'm not a fan of the Thunderbird, but... I think that one looks quite cool!
  4. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1340293339' post='1702450'] I have another question for you but it's pretty OT so will PM you. [/quote] Fire away without fear edit: but I must say, just in case, that I am already spoken for
  5. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1340299271' post='1702575'] So come on, own up, who is it in Edinburgh that hates all mid frequencies? [/quote] LukeFRC is quiet now. I bet it is him!!!
  6. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1340297750' post='1702542'] YES! Pre-shape/contour buttons pressed in then graphics at smiley face, and lows boosted, all at once with a crazy dose of compression to boot so the signal is getting utterly mutilated...add in a sub-octaver if it's an Ashdown for the icing on the cake. I think we must've used the same rehearsal spaces, but it's not me who leaves the amps set up like that [/quote] Probably the very same spaces, indeed. But I think we could be in different towns and have the same experience!
  7. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1340293339' post='1702450'] Eden, SWR, Thunderfunk do, on multiple bands. Isn't the Yamaha East Eq modual essentially a mid sweep too? The mixing desk I use has two, fully sweepable with varying Q too +1 but I do think you often overestimate people's ability to make gear sound good. I think sometimes you hear the idea of the sound realised but wonder how musically that has been achieved. It's fairly easy to suck the life out of bass tone with Eq. I have another question for you but it's pretty OT so will PM you. [/quote] You quoted a few. You still missed more. Yet there are a WHOLE LOT MORE out there without it. Do you really need me to show you a catalog or something? The Yamaha NE-1 preamp is nice, but not quite a mid sweep. It's cut only, from what I recall (I owned one). Changing the Q and freq parameters you get really nice sounds. But it's nothing like a straight cut/boost midsweep, which is (to me) totally intuitive and direct to use. And, at my fingertips, woohoo! :-D BUt yes... all the controls in the world do not guarante a good sound, and people sometimes destroy bass and guitar through overuse of EQ. Those graphic equalisers on those amps (Trace Elliot, Peaveys...) that you often find in rehearsal spaces tell some amazing stories, when you walk in and find what the previous band was using My routine upon arrival is turn master volume down (often left high), set EQ flat, turn on, then adjust gain... and cut or boost a *bit* to get in the ball park of that "basic" sound I hear in my head with my bass controls set flat. It varies in different rooms, or course. Then adjust my onboard one to give it that personality I like about it.
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1340292709' post='1702429'] I just think that sometimes people don't fully think through the reasons for fitting (or not) a pre amp in their bass. I would hazard that unless the controls on your amp are very subtle or the EQ points aren't sympathetic to the bass (in which case you've either got the wrong amp or the wrong bass for you) that the amp should be able to do everything that built in pre amp can and then some. It's far easier to build an effective and musical sounding EQ when you're not constrained with having to fit it into a typical bass guitar and power for a decent length of time off a PP3 battery. [/quote] Reasonable points. But that's how you roll. There are many ways to make a stew, and if the final result is tasty, it's all good. Unlike you I don't think that any piece of equipment *should* be able to do anything in particular, and just try and see. I personally use the amp to give me a "basic sound", generally. Then use the preamp (sometimes) onboard to go for something thicker for a particular song, or part of it, and something treblier there, etc. Generally I don't really fiddle with the onboard too much, but I get the sound I'm after with it, and no, I don't get it from an amp. I could probably get something with my amp (4 semiparametric controls), but that's a lot more fiddly than using my onboard, which I can in addition adjust wherever I am (I don't necessarily spend all my time one foot away from the amp). If I have one bass that is in teh ball park but I miss certain something... and I know that preamp X allows me to tune in to that "something" easily, why would I look for another bass? Do I really have the "wrong" bass? I already have what I need within my reach... I could continue searching for that holy grial of bass, but... I'd rather slap that preamp in it and spend my time playing I do not object to any preferences... whatever you prefer is fine. I like some passive basses, some active, oranges and strawberries and detest cucumbers... What I object to is the idea that any particular option is unnecessary (or even wrong) by default. I agree that many preamps, especially but not only the most inexpensive ones are pretty lame. I know, I tried them all! And I agree that many people slap one of those in their bass without a clear reason other than "because I can". I know, I have done that a few times. It never really hurt 'though. Sometimes there was nothing there for me. Sometimes it was quite interesting. Let people get the sound they want through any means they want. Some are bass+amp guys (and girls). Some love a big pedalboard and a 17-band semiparametric with multiple LFO onboard preamp/synth. If we want the "pure" sound of an electric bass, we'd put a microphone and play it unplugged... We want a sound in our heads. Get it in any way you can, even if you already know that you will never get there and you will always look for yet soemthing else. Especially if you read BassChat.
  9. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1340274342' post='1701995'] I have a J-retro and it doesn't make my bass sound any better than if I just tweaked the controls on my amp. I bought it to make it easier to alter the sound of my bass between songs and to be able to adjust my sound while I was standing out front at soundcheck. If you have a problem with the sound of your bass I think upgrading your pickups would be the better option. [/quote] You didn't find the mid sweep useful? Not many amps offer something like it. My gripe with the J-Retro is that it colours the sound even when you set it "flat". Flat does not really exist with that preamp (but it does with others), and I really like a passive Jazz sound. But even then, I love the oomph and versatility it gives me. But I could use just the mid sweep module and be happy, to be perfectly honest. I use that a lot.
  10. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1340273638' post='1701976'] I have upgraded a passive bass to active and I think the difference is overrated. [/quote] It is not an "upgrade". It is a modification. Not intrinsically better or worse. It's different. And sometimes, not very different at all.
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1340269773' post='1701871'] 1. The EQ structure would be a fair point if people actually looked at it, but AFAICS most don't. They buy the pre-amp that's cheap or easiest to fit rather than considering if the EQ centres are going to complement the overall sound of the bass. I can see the point of the pre-amp in MM bases because it's tuned to enhance the sound of the bass with its particular pickup. Also there are some pre-amps that offer features not found on the amp like filters or being able to EQ each pick up separately and these again are useful. However a set of generic EQ centre points on a circuit designed mostly to be able to fit in the average sized control cavity and run of a 9V battery not so much. 2. The controls might be near my finger tips but when I'm playing, I'm too busy to be fiddling with EQ controls. In between songs my amp is just as easily accessible. Most f this was brought home when I fitted a J-Retro to my short-lived Squier VMJ. While it didn't make the bass sound any worse, it didn't make much of an improvement either and didn't do anything for me that another 15 minutes playing with the gain and EQ on my amp could achieve. [/quote] I agree with 1 to some extent (most people don't look for the sound of a particular preamp, but just fit whatever they find convenient), and 2 is a matter of personal need/preference, so fair enough. But I'd use the J-Retro as an example of a "special" preamp. It has the mid sweep control... which is very very useful and I whilst you can use soemthing similar in pedal form, or in teh shape of a semiparametric tone control in your amp... I love it at my fingertips. Same preamp... two different experiences, yours and mine. It's all fine, whatever works... but asking someone who wants a preamp "what's wrong with your amp's controls" is not very useful. Because they do but they don't do the same thing.
  12. So I used it for rehearsal last night. A bit underwhelmed, but it wasn't bad at all. I missed my MM SUB a bit, but I was using an amp that I never liked and actually not even my SUB is nice there. PLaying with the band I find that the bridge pickup is decent, improvable but decent. The neck pickup is the one I'd me most interested in replacing. I played passively all but the initial 10 minutes. I am not liking that preamp. Gig tonight at the French Institute, for their annual Fete de la musique thingy. We set up our gear last night. Nice big stage, decent room. I'll bring the Cort, and see what it feels like through my own amp etc. Tonight will be the critical test. It does play really really nicely. IT feels really good, well balanced etc. I think it's a great bass to spend just a bit more to improve on the electronic part of it.
  13. Thanks! UNfortunately it's too early for me to consider making an offer...
  14. [quote name='the_krysh' timestamp='1340262126' post='1701745'] well, difficult question, since the pros and cons probably are equal and it depends on the existing tone of your instrument. in my 2 custom jazzes I have an obp3 (active/passive switchable) and an only active audere in the other one. both sound great, but a little bit I miss the possibility to switch the audere to passive - until I use it . I'd suggest to go with a tonehammer or sadowsky pedal first and if you really dig the tone then get a preamp installed. but if you do that, you should only use a high quality one like aguilar, nordstrand, audere, glockenklang, john east, etc... everything else might not be worth it. [/quote] I'd agree. Artec preamps work, but they don't really offer anything extraordinary. In addition they have a big block of a preamp, unlikely you'lll fit that plus battery in a Jazz control cavity without modification. My personal favourite for a Jazz is the J-Retro. More expensive yes, but it really gives you a lot of control. The mid sweep in particular is very cool. You could even just buy the mid sweep module alone. It'll fit without alterations, but the knobs will not be the originals as it uses concentric dual pots and knobs.
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1340260428' post='1701729'] What's wrong with the tone controls on your amp? [/quote] it really cracks me up when this question gets asked (and invariably it does) when someone asks whether to install an onboard preamp. Two points: - EQ structures: the voicing in your amp and the particular onboard of your choice are likely to be very different. You may choose an onboard preamp because of its particular voice - onboard. Right there at your fingertips. You may not care and play with one sound all night. Some actually like to have more control at their fingertips, without running back to the amp or footswitchable presets or whathaveyou. Whatever works for you, however!
  16. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1340134923' post='1699824'] So whats the deal here then? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Musicman-Stingray-bass-HYBRID-/170863064867?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item27c83b7723"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item27c83b7723[/url] I dont think thats an EBMM neck, the bottom area around the truss rod wheel is the wrong shape as its much to round rather than flat behind the wheel of fortune also the heel is round rather than coming to a sort of V shape. check out this one for an idea of what I mean [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Music-Man-Stingray-3EQ-Bass-Guitar-Humbucker-Black-Pearl-/290602880263?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43a9480d07"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item43a9480d07[/url] What would it be then an OLP neck (?calling mcnach ) with a decal and a few bits and bobs for £500? Sorry if its a member here but I have serious doubts about that neck if it was purchased at full whack price [/quote] It does not look like an OLP neck, it's too round for that:
  17. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1340184349' post='1700439'] let me guess... its a stratocaster? [/quote] he seems to be a man of good taste, so it would not be surprising if it were. I love strats and teles, me. I only own three guitars right now. Two are strats (one "standard", a yummy Classic Player series in sonic blue, and the other is a humbucker&FloydRose loaded Richie Sambora signature... please don't laugh at me ). I need to get back to guitar more.
  18. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1340179605' post='1700289'] If we're actually honest with ourselves, there are very few of us here who couldn't do everything they want and need to do on a bog standard Jazz bass and, I put it to you, that even owning more than one is an induglence. Why are people who have two or three applying a stigma to having more than that? At a push, you could say there could be a need for fretted and fretless but saying you [i]need[/i] a Stingray tone and a P bass tone is a bit much. Just get more if you want more and enjoy it, don't think too much about it, just play them [/quote] I don't think they're criticising you for having more basses... I think you read it that way because your subconscious feels guilty. You need to liberate yourself. How? Buy a LOT more basses. That will teach your subconscious!!!
  19. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1340149337' post='1700157'] What makes you think that a "collection" automatically means "instrument(s) gathering dust"? All mine get played on a fairly regular rotation because I like them all. If they don't get played, they get sold. [/quote] pretty much the same here. I may not gig them all. IN fact, like I said earlier, only two basses really see any action, and one does 90% of the gigs,, or more. But they are all used. Past couple of weeks I have been playing a lot my new fretless Jazz and the Cort GB74 I just got. I even rehearsed with the fretless, for giggles. But last week's gigs, as well as those this week (thursday to saturday) will see the MM SUB alone (VM Jazz as backup on Friday). They *all* get used. If not... they go.
  20. [quote name='paulmcnamara' timestamp='1340143370' post='1700056'] If you like the Jazz sound, buy a jazz bass. [/quote] but-no-jazz-bass-ever-feels-like-this-precision-bass so no, not comparable.
  21. [quote name='debwilliams' timestamp='1340143758' post='1700068'] so really, one bass per amp makes sense [/quote] aha! that's what I was doing wrong... I need to buy more amps!!!
  22. [quote name='andyonbass' timestamp='1340117143' post='1699351'] The previous owner, Mykesbass had the board replaced by john shuker, as I recall. Made a cracking job of it too! I got some SIT silencer halfwounds through the letterbox today so I'll fit them when time allows and see if there is an improvement in the B string. Might be a U-Retro incoming if it turns out alright [/quote] aha! I see. The U-Retro would be a huge improvement!
  23. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1340140382' post='1699952'] By coincidence, I have in front of me a new, unopened, MEC (read Warwick) 100K/100K stacked pot, with push/pull switch. They do exist, but you do have to look hard for them, it's true. Not cheap either. I think it cost me just over £25. And then I never installed it! [/quote] it's part #178569, if anybody ever needs one.
  24. [quote name='allihts' timestamp='1340114798' post='1699306'] @McNach The pot was damaged so I replaced it with a status one (the only company I could find that make 100k/100k stacked pot). Some dogey soldering later and it works but doesn't sound as good (to my ears) as the original. Only ever really play my Fender Jazz now though so it's not the end of the world. [/quote] By coincidence, I have in front of me a new, unopened, MEC (read Warwick) 100K/100K stacked pot, with push/pull switch. They do exist, but you do have to look hard for them, it's true. Not cheap either. I think it cost me just over £25. And then I never installed it!
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