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Old Horse Murphy

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Everything posted by Old Horse Murphy

  1. I tried it with the selector in all positions but yep, it definitely sounds quiter when set in series
  2. Playability wise? I've got to say (and I never thought I would), I really like the 5 string. It's a fair bit heavier and my mates now call me Nathan East, but it's got such a nice maple fingerboard. I'm just a bit stumped by the difference in volume. I can live with it, but if it's something fundamentally wrong, then I'd like to sort it. I feel a bit of a GAS coming on...
  3. I'm not sure if anyone can help me with this one, but I borrowed my mate's SR 5 this weekend and road tested it last night, alternating between the 5 and my SR 4 string. Both are relatively new and both have the usual SR humbucker and 3 band EQ's. I've changed the batteries on both, but there is a noticeable difference between the 4 string (which is really loud and punchy) and the 5 string (which is not quite so loud or punchy). Both sound as if everything is working (bass, mid, treble etc), but I'm a bit stumped as to why one sounds much louder than the other one. I guess my question is, is this normal and do Rays sometimes have a significant difference in output. I've tried a couple of amps and had the same outcome each time. Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
  4. [quote name='lukeward2004' post='51667' date='Aug 28 2007, 11:52 AM']PM'd!![/quote] Not received anything yet....
  5. I've got a rosewood SR4 and a maple SR5. I've traditionally always played rosewood fingerboards, but must say I really really like the maple on my SR5 (so much so that I think the next bass I get will definitely have a maple board). To my ears, there isn't too much of a difference in sound (maple is slightly more trebly) but I definitely find the maple more comfortable to play. I agree with Lulu, it does get grubby.
  6. I'm selling an Ashdown ABM 500 EVO 2 Amp head. This again is under full warranty and is in excellent condition. It's never been gigged (or even out of the house) and brand new would cost £480 every day of the week. I'm looking for £375, but am open to offers. Why am I selling it? because I want a rackmounted amp head. I'm also selling an excellent condition Sennheiser Freeport wireless system. Yours for £85 ONO. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  7. Just saw Dave at the Crown (Knaphill) with Second Time Around. Get it on- Magic Route 66- Wonderful (anyone who plays and sings take note) Wonderful Tonight- Dave can explain (see previous thread "Do you know Wonderful Tonight"?) White room- Wow. Enough said. Impressed I have first dibs on Dave's black DJ5..... Good effort mate
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  10. For Sale @ The bass Centre [url="http://www.basscentre.com/cat/product_info.php?products_id=1389&osCsid=b1a966e548f013b3bfd7c5098f7e9634"]http://www.basscentre.com/cat/product_info...fd7c5098f7e9634[/url]
  11. [quote name='cetera' post='48963' date='Aug 22 2007, 02:01 PM']It's could be one of a few things.... Maybe your musical style doesn't appeal? Maybe people don't live locally? Maybe people are older....? Maybe it's not what people are looking for at this time? Don't take it personally [/quote] I fall in to one of the above categories I'm afraid. As tempting as the offer is (and as fun as it sounds) at 34 I'd look like your Dad standing on stage with you. If I were 10 years younger...
  12. I'll be listening out for you....from Woking
  13. Funnily enough, I've just ordered the East Eq to fit to one of my Stingrays. I suppose the only issue I have with the Sub (and no offence meant) is that I've played a few in the past and found that they vary considerably in quality. Same as most basses I guess and if I had the time at the moment, I'd certainly try it out. I'm very glad to hear that I made the right choice in Eq though!!
  14. Drool..................... THis is beautiful
  15. Due to a number of the songs we're adding to our repetoire, I am seriously thinking baout investing in a 5 string (it will probably be at the expense of my Bongo, but I'm not sure yet). The basses I'm considering are either a Fender Jazz V or the Stingray 5 string. I had a DJ4 and didn't find that too comfortable, so I'd be interested to hear what people's recommendations are. Also, if anyone has a 5 stringer that they would considering swapping, P/Xing (whatever) for my Bongo, please let me know. Thanks
  16. I put a bid on this Mexican Fretless on Saturday (max bid of 400 Euros). I got "outbid" by a 0 rated Ebayer at the last minute (the Bass "sold" for 405 Euros). Funnily enough, it's back up at auction for 24 hours due to a "complete waster" Ebayer. Call me cynical, but I think I was out-bid to push the price up higher. I might be wrong, but my gut says this is a moody auction. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-Fretless-Bass_W0QQitemZ180150691565QQihZ008QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Fender-Jazz-Fretless...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  17. I went to Bristol Uni too (granted it was a hundred years ago or so) and stayed in Clifton halls of Residence. It was pretty secure, so taking your decent kit wouldn't be too much of a risk (even less if you insure it). Personally I'd say take it all down. The number of bands and music venues down in Bristol is amazing and you may find yourself wanting to get involved at some stage (there's nothing worse than finding yourself in that situation with all your gear somewhere else in the country!!)
  18. I really regret selling my US Precision (went to marthebass so I know it will be well looked after). It was the best playing bass I've ever owned. It was just too thuddy for gigging in the 3 piece. It had to go (to fund my latest purchase) and I'm happy with what I got. I've sold some beauties in my time (an 80's Status, Fender Jazz, Ric 4003) but the P-Bass was my fave. Anyone know the way to the closest Foreign Legion Recruiting office?
  19. Anyone seen this on the 'Bay yet? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Status-Graphite-Bass-Guitar-Buzzard-2-John-Entwistle_W0QQitemZ110160463609QQihZ001QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Status-Graphite-Bass...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] Item number 110160463609
  20. [quote name='The Funk' post='46317' date='Aug 16 2007, 11:51 AM']As a married man you get one room in the house for your stuff. The wife will always complain about this BUT the truth is that they have all of the rest of the house![/quote] For ever and ever Amen
  21. [quote name='cetera' post='46270' date='Aug 16 2007, 10:57 AM']I've noticed a lot of posts with phrases such as "My wife told me I have to sell it", "She said I can't have this one till I sell that one", "I'm not allowed to buy it" etc etc Now, I don't mean to start a problem thread..... or to attack anyone..... and I don't mean to cause offence.....but I'm genuinely interested in how this can be? Does everyone just 'do as they're told'? Do you let your partner control your finances or is it 'anything for a quiet life'....?!? Speaking personally, I am married..... but I don't answer to anyone but myself. Never have/never will. After making sure all bills etc are paid my earnings (plus gig money) are mine and mine alone to spend how I want to.... and the same applies to my lady wife. Again, I mean NO offence with this post! What are others thoughts?[/quote] Speaking as a married man (one I would consider not TOO under the thumb), I guess it's all about compromise. I have taken over one whole room with my basses, amps and pedals. Personally, I can live with this, but my wife seems to feel that if we have people over, they'll have nowhere to stay (despite the fact we have a sofa bed and 2 other bedrooms). Reading between the lines, I think she means there is less space for HER things.... I currently have 4 basses, 1 guitar and a Tenor Sax (not a huge amount by any means) but am constantly asked the question "why do you need more than 1 bass? You can only play 1 at a time..." My response is "well, you can't wear more than 1 pair of shoes at a time...". Unfortunately, I'm reminded that whereas shoes would cost (say) £50, my basses cost on average £600+ each. She doesn't begrudge me anything, but I think it's a natural female reaction to "Boys and their Toys". I'm glad she's in my life (my Guardian Angel) and without her, I'd probably be living in a skip albeit with the most wonderful collection of basses.....
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='46019' date='Aug 15 2007, 07:52 PM']Any single CD with Danny Thompson on it.[/quote] Good call. I'm a huge fan of Danny Thompson and some of the stuff he recorded with John Martyn is breathtaking.
  23. [quote name='Mike' post='45307' date='Aug 14 2007, 04:32 PM']No Mustang Sally yet?? Bane of my bloody life![/quote] Our Drummer wanted to add this to our songlist. I had to be restrained.. I'm contemplating buying a drum machine, but he's the only one with more kit than me, so he makes me feel good at the moment!!
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