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Old Horse Murphy

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Everything posted by Old Horse Murphy

  1. SOLD to Pete (Walplayer). A man with a very understanding Other-Half!! Cheers Pete!
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='85457' date='Nov 8 2007, 02:01 PM']Do a search for 21012L and you'll hear all my thoughts on these great cabs. I've never used the Epifani, so I can't comment...[/quote] Just read your comments on the 21012L- sounds like a really good endorsement. Thanks!!
  3. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='85520' date='Nov 8 2007, 04:19 PM']It's times like this that I wish I hadn't force myself to play right handed. Free bump from a lefty-righty (there are quite a few of us here).[/quote] Amen
  4. For sale is a Korg DTR2000BL rack mounted tuner. It's in great nick (apart from some marks where it has been rack mounted) and comes with power lead (a long one) and manual. This is the top of the range version and it has built-in downlights to light up the rest of the rack. It's a great bit of kit and has a fantastic display (especially on a dark stage!) The reason I'm selling it is because I don't use it (I have a Boss TU-2 in my floor unit). Looking for £110 plus £6 P&P. Brand new they'll cost £169.
  5. I've been offered both an Epifani UL310 and a Schroeder 21012L and am seriously interested in a 1 cab set up, but also one that will afford me more of a chance to hear my bass in the mix. I love both, but I think I'll hear more from the Schroeder, although I think the bass will sound better through the Epifani. What do current/past owners think? I need to move quickly but would appreciate your input.
  6. [quote name='beerdragon' post='84953' date='Nov 7 2007, 03:27 PM']I must be getting old because I couldn't hear a note I was playing during certain songs and kept thinking I was playing flat. I would have thought if you could'nt hear what you were playing it meant you were at least in tune with the rest of the band, hit a few wrong notes and they seem to stick out like a sore thumb plus the stares you get from other band members. speaking from personal experience that us. [/quote] LOL- I gues you're right!! I think it was because I was playing with a new Bass too that I felt a bit self-conscious. I'd still like to HEAR my Bass rather than FEEL it : (
  7. Not really a gig, but I had my first rehearsal with a potential new band in Reading last night. It was due to start @7pm but due to an accident, I didn't get there until 8 and quite honestly, once I set up I really wasn't in the mood. I found myself playing fistfuls of wrong notes, I somehow managed to wind myself up in the bass lead about 3 times and I had to use the Rehearsal studio's amp set up. I must be getting old because I couldn't hear a note I was playing during certain songs and kept thinking I was playing flat. I must admit, I do actually struggle to hear the bass more and more and we don't usually use monitors. A few people have suggested maybe looking at the Epifani 3 x 10 or the Schroeder will will apparently give more support to the bass player and allow me to hear myself better. Any ideas on this? Got an email from the drummer from the band this morning saying they thought I fitted in really well and they want me back!! What do I know eh?
  8. [quote name='MB1' post='84921' date='Nov 7 2007, 02:10 PM']MB1. P.M SENT.[/quote] Sold the Ashdown gear I see!!
  9. Leftysteve was looking for a bass a while back (Stingray/Jazz (ish)) so I wonder if this would be of interest to him.
  10. Dave Try Dolphin Music. I bought one from them a while back (funnily enough to put under the guitarist's amp!!)
  11. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='83563' date='Nov 4 2007, 04:15 PM']Bongo 5 H/S for trade? Peter[/quote] Don't do this to me Peter!! I need to have a serious think about it. I may have a sale on the Ray, but if it falls through I may well take you up on your offer if the Bongo is still available.
  12. I agree Martin. One of the nicest 4003's I've seen. I'd keep it if it were mine!!
  13. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='82941' date='Nov 2 2007, 09:07 PM']ye it may be a maple/rw thing perhaps someone could clear this up?[/quote] Hmmm, I've had a quick look at 70's Fender basses online and have found rosewood necks with and without skunk stripes on the back. From a really cursory look, it seems to be post 1975 where the stripes appear (maybe part-way trough '75). I've read articles in the past where CBS used excess stock lying around, but I'm not sure if this is the answer either. Just looking at early 70's Fenders on this forum alone, there's the lovely 1973 Jazz bass with no stripe and Beedsters most recent P-Bass with no stripe too. In short, I'm B*ggered if I know the answer!!
  14. [quote name='martthebass' post='82930' date='Nov 2 2007, 08:50 PM']Glad you've found a new (old) P that you like OHM. Your old one is so good that I've decided to try and sell my Sterling to fund a Status rather than that. How does it sound and play compared to your old (new) 2004?[/quote] I'm glad to hear you're still in love Mart!! Funnily enough they play quite similarly. It's not as bassy as your P-Bass, but overall, not too far apart. I think that because the new fingerboards are rolled at the edge and my P-Bass is 30-odd years old, there's a fair bit of similarity. From memory, the one you have is slightly easier to play, but that could just be the set up. Good like with the sale of the Sterling and if you're ever down South, pop in and we can compare!! Cheers Nick
  15. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='82853' date='Nov 2 2007, 05:55 PM']Love the pb, dont mid 70s pbs have a skunk stripe normally?[/quote] I think the maple fingerboards do. I've seen loads of Rosewood boarded 70's Fenders without the stripe. Maybe it was a case of using up old stock
  16. [quote name='MB1' post='82733' date='Nov 2 2007, 12:35 PM']MB1. Information!..........you wont get any!. P.M sent.[/quote] Not another Rickenbacker heading to Manchester? Reminds me of my youth..........mad for it
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='82378' date='Nov 1 2007, 05:02 PM']MB1 is an owld git and that of which he speaks shows his age [/quote] Speaking of which, has anyone played the Lakland Gary Coleman? Apparently it's got a really short scale...
  18. I couldn't agree with Mark more. I struck a deal with Marco on the Thursday and the bass was with me by the Monday!! Fantastic service and great product (exactly as described). Thanks Marco
  19. [quote name='paul, the' post='82524' date='Nov 1 2007, 09:52 PM']Gorgeous DJ. Although I hate you for not knowing your old blue one had Fralins. I'll never forget it I'm afraid. Never. I swear on the cat in the hat's life I didn't know either. In fact, Dave took great delight in emailing me later to tell me!! [/quote]
  20. I just thought I'd share with you 2 basses I have recently acquired from 2 of our Italian members; Muya and Hiperion. Sadly, in order to get my mits on these, I've had to let my Stingray 5 go and am currently selling my Teal Stingray 4. Sad, but an unfortunate necessity. First up is my Lakland Darryl Jones 5 stringer. I've put a Jeannie's black pickguard on her and I need to change the strings too. I'll eventually look to fit a John East unit to her after hearing OBBM's DJ5 with a Jazz Retro a few months back. I find the 2 single coils offer me a very different sound from my Stingray 4 and that's exactly what I was after. My other acquisition is a 1975 Fender Precision in Mocha brown. For a 70's Precision, she's really light and thumps like Hell. I really regret selling my US Precision to Martthebass and realised how much I wanted one again. It's a bit of a Bagpuss bass; flea-bitten with chips, dings and paint missing, but it plays fantastically and looks (in my eyes) wonderful too. I'm really happy with her. Quite an unusual colour but the grain really shines through. I've done a bit of research on this colour and it is reasonably rare (probably due to the fact that it's not everyone's cup of tea- maybe that should be cup of Mocha!!) I've just had it set up and confirmed all the pots, neck, body etc are the right date (Not that I doubted it, but it's good to have it confirmed). So that leaves my bass collection standing at 1 Fender US Jazz, 1 Stingray 4 (refinished), a DJ5 and a Precision. I'm happy with it and have promised my wife I'll stop looking at anything else.....I had my fingers crossed though. Apologies for the poor quality of the photos. Thanks for looking.
  21. [quote name='obbm' post='81936' date='Oct 31 2007, 08:32 PM']Nice one Sean. I like the purple strings too. I'd be very interested to put your and mine side by side and see what the differnce is between the Aeros and the Fralins. My DJ5 has Aeros and they are great but the DJ4 has Fralins. Perhaps I should fit some Wizard 80s and see what happens. My DJ4 is my bass of choice and I use it all the time. It is just so playable.[/quote] Glad to have been of service Dave Funnily enough, I've recently re-joined the Lakland club with Muya's DJ 5 stringer. Definitely a keeper too
  22. Bought a Nautilus off John. Exactly as described and great service. Highly recommended. Cheers John
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