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Returning to an old favourite

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Does anyone else do this? Keep buying expensive basses but always end up going back to an old bass because it's just so awesome?

I've tried loads of stuff, Vigier, Fender etc and now I have my ACG, but I still play my Sandberg in my band because it's just so good. Just got my old Warmoth back and a Fender P too, but already thinking about just selling them as I just can't see how they will get used, I buy them thinking that they will, then a few days later I'm not so sure, so I think that I should probably just get another Sandberg.

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[quote name='thedontcarebear' post='517130' date='Jun 18 2009, 08:24 AM']Does anyone else do this? Keep buying expensive basses but always end up going back to an old bass because it's just so awesome?

I've tried loads of stuff, Vigier, Fender etc and now I have my ACG, but I still play my Sandberg in my band because it's just so good. Just got my old Warmoth back and a Fender P too, but already thinking about just selling them as I just can't see how they will get used, I buy them thinking that they will, then a few days later I'm not so sure, so I think that I should probably just get another Sandberg.[/quote]

If it's not broken.... don't try to fix it!!

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i have effectively 'retired' from gigging and music in general - scratched a living for years from a functions/showband - but I think i have bought more basses since I stopped playing! And now looking at a nice JD Roadie on eBay!!!

Feel I should be termed a collector rather than a player :) although I am toying with getting rid of them all for one nice vintage precision as i dont really have the room.

GAS, for want of a better word, is good (apologies to GG )


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I got a case of FIGS and sold my old CIJ P-bass (aka Sid; went to jonthe bass) because I snobbily thought US Fender would be better than Japanese, blah blah. Have regretted it ever since. Nicest bass I ever played (albeit the US replacement was lovely) and I am going to great lengths to recreate it (imported a lookalike from Japan, changed pickup, currently getting a pro set up etc). And yep, you guessed it, so far its cost me way more to recreate than I received from selling the original :)

Bl**dy BassChat has a lot to answer for!

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[quote name='thedontcarebear' post='517162' date='Jun 18 2009, 09:13 AM']Is the Jaydee you are looking at that yellow one?[/quote]

No, its this one. And he's not our Ashdigits either



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I`ve gone back to a fender jazz, the bass I started on and feel much happier. Having said that, I got an srx700 ibby in a trade with Barry44 and am now gassing for an sr700! I got the srx as part of a deal for my us P bass as, great bass that it was, it wasn`t getting used and was sitting in it`s case. And it was the most expensive bass I have ever bought, so, it goes to show that spending lots of cash doesn`t alwats make you a happy guy.

That`s the problem with this forum, before joining it I was quite happy with what I had but since then I have bought and sold about 7 guitars!

I`m away to stick me head in the freezer to stop thinking about sr700`s!!


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