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Body finishing trouble - dyes and oils

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I'm looking for advice from any body finishing experts out there. I am attempting to finish a swamp ash body with angelus leather dye and crimson guitar finishing oil. I can get a colour that I am very happy with, the trouble starts when I try to apply the finishing oil...


The oil readily dissolves the dye and lifts it, even after 4 or 5 applications. I've found that the dye dissolved in white spirit which is what the oil is based on.


So I sanded back and for a second attempt I tried to seal it post-dye using shellac sanding sealer, using my own spraying equipment. Result was a splodgy finish that did not seem to help with the dye bleeding problem anyway.


Any good advice? Different oil I can try, or a better way to seal? My spraying skills/equipment is clearly not up to scratch so a hand-applied approach would be better I think.


This is the bass as it is now, sanded back and dyed, awaiting my next attempt!


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You’ve got two options-


1 - Strip the dye again, this time use a water based dye to reapply. This shouldn’t have the same problem as the base of the dye is different to the base of your oil top coat.


2 - Develop your spray skills and get a few cans of clear nitrocellulose. This would also work fine if you mist on the first couple of coats. It’s easier than it seems, especially if you go for a satin or matte. Obviously wear a mask if you do this.


Option one may be tricky as the wood has been previously oiled, which can sink in to the pores a bit. This will give a blotchy result if you don’t remove it all throughly.


With either option it’s important to test your finishing procedure (all steps) first on a piece of scrap. It is always worth doing this and will save a lot of time in the long run.

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