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Thinking of commiting heresy...


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So...I've been pretty much just using my old Peavey TNT combo as backline with my DHA valve preamp into the desk/RCF PA, Ā all from my Fender Jazz with DR Hi beams, sounds glorious to my ears.

My full fat Ampeg SVT-CL and 410 HLF sits unloved in the corner of the room looking over at me with reproach in its eyes, I'm seriously thinking the unthinkable, somebody stop me..please..

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I assume you are talking about selling the Ampeg rig?

Good move. IMO there really is no point owning stuff and not using it. The gear you load into the car is obviously more appropriate than the stuff you leave sitting in the corner. So while it might be the "best amp in the world" to someone, it's plainly not the best amp for you anymore.

Always look forwards, not back, and sell the gear you no longer use.

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I'm in the same boat, two massive amps that I don't really want to lug about any more. I'm thinking of going class - D but I have an issue with how a lot of those amps look. Gotta have form and function! Markbass Casa looks pretty good though, features and looks-wise.Ā 

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9 minutes ago, Jonse said:

I'm in the same boat, two massive amps that I don't really want to lug about any more. I'm thinking of going class - D but I have an issue with how a lot of those amps look. Gotta have form and function! Markbass Casa ļ»ælooks pretty good though, features and looks-wise.Ā 

I know presentation/looks is important, but are you sure you're not choosing that Markbass amp because it looks like aĀ  traditional valve amp? IMO sound should be first, second and third in any list when choosing an amp.

Find the amp you prefer the sound of and then decide if the looks are going to put you off.

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4 minutes ago, chris_b said:

I know presentation/looks is important, but are you sure you're not choosing that Markbass amp because it looks like aĀ  traditional valve amp? IMO sound should be first, second and third in any list when choosing an amp.

Find the amp you prefer the sound of and then decide if the looks are going to put you off.

Yes I totally am at the moment. I need to take a trip somewhere that stocks a wider range of amplification, thinking Bass Direct or Bass Gallery is on the cards.Ā 

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On 19/06/2019 at 11:08, Jonse said:

Yes I totally am at the moment. I need to take a trip somewhere that stocks a wider range of amplification, thinking Bass Direct or Bass Gallery is on the cards.Ā 

If looks were the main criteria, I would never have sold my SVT / 810 rig.Ā  Iā€™d probably be crippled by now at my age though of course but it did also sound wonderful. Every time I see / hear one I do get that feeling of regret still....

As Chris says, find something you like soundwise, then assess itā€™s practicality for gigging and then finally make sure you can get on with the aesthetics.Ā 


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