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Jaydee Supernatural Series I Classic - Back Home!!


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Hi all

Following the recent sale of my stealth II 5 string I have been able to complete a deal on re-acquiring the one bass I regretting letting go………a superb Jaydee Supernatural Series I Classic

I originally bought this bass in June 2006 but in December of that year traded it (and regretted it almost immediately) – however the silver lining was that I traded it with fellow BCer Gilly who, as part of the deal, agreed to offer me 1st refusal on it should he ever decide to move it on. When we did the deal the bass had been the subject of a refin and was painted in a satin black finish, having originally been cherry red. During Gilly’s ownwership of the bass he returned it to John Diggins for a full refurb including restoration of the original finish, complete overhaul of the wiring/pots and replacement of the headstock facing. Anyhow we kept in touch and, long story short, Gilly recently contacted me offering me said 1st refusal – we were able to put the deal together and I collected the bass last week. Gilly also discovered whilst owning the bass that the pickups are in fact the original set taken out of Mark King’s #00003 Jaydee after he wore them down to the magnets(!!) They were re-laminated prior to being installed in my bass – JD kindly provided Gilly with written confirmation of this when the bass was refurbished

As the photos show the bass has been superbly restored and looks absolutely stunning – it plays and sounds awesome and, despite being so large, is actually very comfortable when strapped on and balances beautifully – needless to say I’m extremely happy!! I’ve attached some ‘before’ and ‘after’ pics to give an idea of the work that has been completed – a couple of the ‘after’ pics are Gilly’s but I’m sure he won’t mind then being posted – I’d also like to express my thanks to him for honouring his word in offering me the bass back prior to putting it on the open market – I do appreciate it.

Anyway enough of my waffle – enjoy the pics!!




Edited by pnefc42
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Hmmm Dave am I right in saying that Gilly is really known as Will Tottle, if so then I have played this bass both before and after the re-fin and I must admit they're quite unique basses and nailed the King tone down to a tee, though at the time I was use to a smaller bodied Spector I actually felt quite comfortable playing it, I can see why you regretted letting it go man :)

And also Will is an absolute legend, and he also let me have a go on his King Bass a good while ago which was stunning, do you mind if I ask what he's moved on to Dave??

Edited by Josh
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[quote name='Crazykiwi' post='143053' date='Feb 19 2008, 01:52 PM']Whats the serial number, if one may be so bold as to ask?[/quote]

80469 - it denotes the original owners birthdate who custom ordered the bass in 1997

This led to confusion amongst previous owners as the '80' was taken as a reference to 1980 being the year of manufacture - this was understandable in a way for two reasons;

1. A lot (but not all) JD serial numbers do reference the year of manufacture in the first one (or two) digits of the serial number

2. When the bass was built it was ordered as a replica of MKs #0003 JD which was built with the old original style 'slab' Series I body which would be consistent with a 1980 build date

Gilly did some research whilst he owned the bass and a full history, including all owners/dates etc (as well as the documented provenance of the pickups) has now been detailed

Hope this helps!


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[quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='143650' date='Feb 20 2008, 01:15 PM']Hi Dave!


My Series I Session model is over with John being resprayed - can't wait to get it back! Might be doing a deal with my best mate to regain my old pink GA24.[/quote]

Hi Nick - how'ya doin!!

Am waiting with baited breath to see pics of your SI after completion - still reckon you should have gone for pearl pink!! (although if you're getting the GA24 back maybe not!!)

Good to hear from you - would be good to catch up some time!!


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