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Everything posted by EBS_freak

  1. Notes 12 minutes in and he's still talking about the fact that people are largely anonymous and have different views, some positive and some negative. 13 minutes in and now he's talking about monetising the channel and getting subscribers. 17 minutes... still talking about monetising the channel and repeating the last video. Nope. This is dross. I can't even cope with it a x2. It's just inane nonsense filler.
  2. I'm buzzing through it at x2 in the background. Jeez, there's so so so so much filler. Who sits through this?
  3. You've got all this wrong. Bassdirect's website inaccuracies is a ploy to drive people to the site. People beach on here and click on the links or go to the website to see for themselves. If there's anything that people like to do, it's point when somebody is wrong. Drive up the traffic, up goes your google ranking. Win/win. (Of course, we all know this isn't really the plan... but it's benefiting them through fluke rather than judgement)
  4. Over an hour? What’s the York notes looking like? or does the title cover it?
  5. It probably has - it’ll be on the output. what IEMs are you using ? They could be the culprit of a bass light mix.
  6. It’s something in the desk that is emitting emi. You could probably get an idea where it is by moving the xvive over the desk and get stronger and weaker levels of interference. I only said output as there will be amps there (that can be a source of EM) to drive the headphones. It could be anywhere though really.
  7. A bunch off ebay would be a starting point I guess.
  8. The analogue and metal case bit is not really a factor - if the problem noise is generated inside the desk and interferes with an audio path, it's still going to be present across any audio feed to ground. Such things can happen in both analogue and digital desks so don't think this is a digital desk problem! I would wager that it's whats happening in the aux out (which isn't really a true desk aux out - as Zoom have decided to incorporate headphone amps on the out). I would guess its the amplification stage thats causing the issue. You may get some mileage by putting a ferrite call on the cable between the desk and the Xvive transmitter... but you may lose some top end in the audio. Whether that's something that can be perceived, well, it's probably worth a try...
  9. Whats the zoom adapter look like? Presumably it hasn't got a ferrite core on the plug? Also though... didn't I read that you had tried it with batteries? If it does it with batteries, the ferrite core on an adapter won't make much difference. I think it's probably a given the interference is being generated internally in the desk and my money would be on some sort of transformer with some poorly placed sensitive components/inadequate screening.
  10. Depends how directional the transmitters are. Do some experiments with some foil. It will tell you if you are on the right tracks or not.
  11. I think there's a fair few rebranded options of the same thing! (par for the course with Ali!)
  12. This. Digital mixers are cheap for what they do. Digital mixers aren't cheap when you factor in all the things to make them work. Digital mixers aren't cheap if you are only using them to mix a few channels and make no use of any of the DSP. If there are people that are fairly clueless, the ability to pull a slider down when the system goes into uncontrollable feedback is a more appealing feature than unlocking and faffing with a tablet. This is why things like the A&H are more appealing to a lot of people... but at the cost. The Zoom is probably that crossover sweetspot.
  13. Yes - could be proximity of some transformers to those outputs thats putting noise on the line.
  14. Hmm, this sounds like a EM and lack of shielding within the unit issue.
  15. And you've checked the power connection is seated properly?
  16. What else is plugged into the mixer? Does it still make a noise when you have got just the mixer plugged in and nothing else apart from the U4?
  17. I can't actually remember the last time I used backline.
  18. Ah yeah, it wont give your the aux on feed on the mic. Sorrrreee....
  19. Theres a certain amount of ego that you set out to bring your own signature to market. (Note how he's approaching the manufacturers, not the other way around). Get a custom instrument built, end of - 10:20 - like most normal people.
  20. LOL, I remember Alex having a pop at me about requiring more than one cab... yet here we are. I love that Matamp!
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