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Everything posted by dudewheresmybass

  1. this town ain't big enough for the both of us - Sparks
  2. Grand magus is a real goto for me also - Number of the beast and Master of Puppets. Do I need to add links for those PMSL? there are so many dependant on mood from RHCP to Duran Duran to Supergrass to Sabbath (the list is veeery long 🤣)
  3. I've used the MXR M80 for close to 20 years without a hitch
  4. Hi all. For many years I have been using a nux Livemate pedal to play intros for songs etc.. However the stock I have built up of them are starting to fail unfortunately. I need to find something I can use for this purpose. I've been looking at the digitech jamman series of products, but I've been wondering if it might be possible to have an mp3 player which will play one track and stop at the beginning of the next track, and also able to accomodate something like a bluetooth footpedal to start the appropriate track running? I know this is not just something that I do, but I can't seem to find anything specific on searching. Can anyone offer any insight?? Thanks in advance
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  7. normally two - one for play and one as backup, but if there's a drop tuned song or different tuning - one to cover that on top making 3
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