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Everything posted by Clarky72

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  2. Hi, is this still available and do you have any more and larger pics at all?
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  4. Clarky72


    Wow. That's a beauty!
  5. Thanks guys, my fault for being vague. I'm looking for a 3ply black/white/black scratchplate. Cheers
  6. Does anyone know where I can get hold of one in black? They don't seem to fit the regular or '75 reissue plates Thanks!
  7. Can't go wrong with one of these...outstanding instrument!
  8. I really must stop looking at this bass.... serious serious gas!!!!
  9. I spent years with no theory knowledge whatsoever, I just knew where the notes were on the neck. I spent all of my 20s more concerned about my hair onstage than my musical knowledge. The rock music needed no more than half a dozen notes per song, and the simpler it was to play, the more I could prat around onstage. I got the root notes from the guitarist and just followed that for 90% of the set. I've been in a covers band for the past decade and love it. I have spent extensive time working out great musicians basslines from youtube or crappy tab, and only in the last year made a point of sorting my playing out properly. Before actually learning properly, and I didn't really realise this until I knew otherwise, I didn't learn songs, I just spent hours memorising extensive sequences of notes. I had no knowledge about relationships between notes and why some sounded good with each other and some didn't. My ignorance made learning songs incredibly time consuming and arduous. Only once I had some lessons, understood some theory, learned some scales did a light at the end of tunnel appear. My tutor was amazed how I'd managed to get by and learn all these songs without understanding a single thing about music. I'm no Jaco yet, I have a ton to learn still, but I understand my majors, minors, pentatonics, blues and few others, and it has been life-changing and that's no exaggeration. I can pick up a bit of a track by ear and now work the rest out from knowledge of theory. For years I just couldn't be bothered to learn it properly, and now regret not doing this sooner. I was too concerned about rocking out, getting the girls and looking cool. Everyone should learn, you're only limiting what you can play, how much you can enjoy what you play and how much time you have to spend working tracks out...
  10. Just bought a Sadowsky MV4 from Karl. Top bloke, lovely bass and a really easy deal, great communication, couldn't be better. I'd have no issues dealing with Karl again, thanks again mate!
  11. I love my 60 anniv S1, but the MIJ Geddy is one of the nicest jazzes I've ever played. The MIMs were all a bit sketchy, really always fancied an old one wit matching headstock too. I've got a Sadowsky turning up on Monday, can't wait to compare it to the Fenders
  12. Bugger, the clip has gone. Anyone have a copy?
  13. What's the weight? Is it standard Fender dimensions all round?
  14. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1396425279' post='2413303'] Of course. Where else would he be? [/quote]
  15. He's also on BC... http://basschat.co.uk/user/13970-miki-groove/
  16. Possibly now sold, pending the usual...
  17. Miki's a great player, he does the Rock Of Ages show..
  18. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1396174779' post='2410567'] Err, Alex already has his own logo, why would he want to put a knock-off Marshall alike on his gear? [/quote]Thanks for your comment. It's not a knock off, I just want a more vintage look on my cab.
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