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Everything posted by Merton

  1. [quote name='Galilee' post='217030' date='Jun 11 2008, 04:56 PM']Oh, bass bass bass, that's all you people ever talk about.[/quote] I'll make you a bookshelf from the offcuts
  2. Yes, a bookcase! More: This is the top of a bass guitar. The body is going to be mahogany, possible chambered but we're not sure. The neck and fingerboard are going to be maple. (A blonde bass!) There will be black hardware including controls of one pot and one 4-way switch. There's gonna be an odd number of strings and an odd number of cutaways on the body and the frets may not be parallel .
  3. I'm more than happy to keep looking out for Trace for you coz I keep a sneaky eye out for bargains myself, not that I need any more... What exactly are you after?
  4. Wilkommen! You can't go wrong with Trace Elliot in my opinion
  5. [quote name='walbassist' post='216956' date='Jun 11 2008, 03:25 PM']My guess is a new Status with that wood as a top. Am I right?[/quote] Good edumacated guess but nope. Tho the guy building it does originally come from Colchester, but that's highly irrelevant to everything really! EDIT: time for another few totally unhelpful clues. 1. My old friend from university is building this, he's not a luthier you'll have heard of before, but (hopefully) afterwards he may get some interest! 2. As far as we know there isn't another one of these designs yet (at least in the UK), but soon there will be the prototype followed by his and mine. 3. The pickups are being custom wound by Andy @ Wizard for mine at the moment
  6. Nice bit of rippled olive ash top: [attachment=9523:aaa_020.jpg] Answers on a postcard about what you think is going to happen to it, the person closest wins, erm, a pat on the back. Hopefully this will develop into a build diary if my friend who is building "The Project" sends me photos. The prototype is currently under construction and we should be getting close to stringing that up in the next 2-3 weeks. It's all dead cool, promise!
  7. And can you put this in the right forum please?
  8. Funny Nik, I was thinking about this whilst walking to work this morning, I'm definitely in if I'm free! As last year I will also throw in the Harlequin Theatre in Redhill as an option, couple of function rooms combined into on are easily the size of the Northants bass bash room, plus there's a bar
  9. Buy the Trace Elliot V-Type head that's on here and now on ebay - Golder7 I beleive is the seller? 2 preamp valves for all the growl you'll need EDIT: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20241"]here it is![/url]
  10. Bad news Joe I've played the Lakland and it's a lovely bass, not seen the Sadowsky yet though so bring it tomorrow!
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='213606' date='Jun 6 2008, 01:01 AM']Try playing with your thumb over the bridge pickup with your bass too quiet to really hear properly - you'll have blisters in half an hour. [/quote] [quote name='The Funk' post='213609' date='Jun 6 2008, 01:14 AM']The first 10 years of my bass-playing life![/quote] Strangely mine too... Hmmm! I remember getting some cracking blood blisters in my time, the never popped over the bass tho thankfully... I still don't have heavily calloused fingers but I never get blisters anymore coz I've learnt to play properly and I have more powerful amplification. Famous last words, tomorrow's gig will now be blister-central!
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='205716' date='May 24 2008, 09:40 PM']There'll never be a situation where I'll do without backline.[/quote] I've done it twice, when I turned up at a gig being told backline was provided only to discover the promoter was talking out of his a**e. So I just DI'd. Both gigs were horrible and I hated the bass sounds I could hear
  13. Bollox, I clicked on the wrong one coz I mis-read! Discount one vote for option 1 and put it on option 2.....
  14. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='212853' date='Jun 4 2008, 11:41 PM']Its OK pimping a cheap bass if its a keeper, but if you sell on the pimping is not worth a lot.[/quote] +1. I modded an MIM Jazz 5 with Bartolini PUs, J-Retro and new scratchplate. Made an average bass sound amazing, but it was still only ever average to play (too heavy). I spent the best part of £600 on the bass and all the mods, then sold it for £325...
  15. Haven't bought from them in years but always been fine. First thing I bought came with a broken power cord so they shipped another one free. Second thing I bought I didn't get on with so they arranged pickup and a full refund 48 hours later.
  16. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='213048' date='Jun 5 2008, 10:59 AM']You have to draw a line somewhere though and my line was "Man I Feel Like A Woman".[/quote] Funny, we drew the line at the very same song!!
  17. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='213028' date='Jun 5 2008, 10:39 AM']Generally speaking, IME, jazzers enjoy their own playing far more than any audience could ever hope to. [/quote] There is something there and I find it very odd - when playing in a jazz group I really do appreciate everyone's playing a lot more than just merely listening as a punter.
  18. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='213014' date='Jun 5 2008, 10:18 AM']But I fear that, if all anyone ever get is bubblegum or nostalgia, they will cease to expect anything more. Whilst there is a place for fast food, it would be a shame to see every decent restaraunt close and the only thing you could get to eat would be KFC.[/quote] Joe Public averages out to want to listen to average popular music at parties and weddings, but it's not killing off the (small?) proportion of people who actively create and/or seek out new interesting music. We are constantly reviewing our set list to include modern bubblegum so it's not the same "tired" songs over and over, but that's a separate argument.
  19. Merton

    Sansamp D.I.

    I always gig with my SansAmp too. Our sound guy loves it. I run the parallel output so my onstage sound is unaffected by it (I have lovely valvey goodness behind me, remember!) so it's entirely controlled by the soundman and what he needs out front. When I had my TE 12-band I used to run the effected output into it so warm the sound a bit more. Either way, I love it and as has been said loads before, careful use of each control reaps rewards
  20. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='212988' date='Jun 5 2008, 09:49 AM']Live music should excite. Watching most covers bands just doesn't. I find it to be an increasingly tired concept and I think it has the potential to undermine itself in the longer term.[/quote] But good covers bands manage to do this by doing interesting arrangements, medleys, having good shows. We do a really cool version of Superstition (well, I like it), we do something interesting with Play That Funky Music, we do our own take on I Saw Her Standing There. All "bubblegum" probably by your standards (fair point or not??), but we invigorate them by doing them in our own way, and the audience loves it.
  21. Excellent, glad you like and welcome to the wonderful world of TE V-Type goodness
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='212591' date='Jun 4 2008, 04:30 PM'][b]Q: [/b]Do you like the tunes you play, and are you enjoying the gig? [b]Yes: [/b]Shut up and play your bass. [b]No: [/b]Find another gig. This, my friends, is as complex as it gets.[/quote] Point Well Made
  23. Merton


    [quote name='The Funk' post='212253' date='Jun 4 2008, 02:29 AM'](snip) Orangtino[/quote] Orangatino? Orangutan? OBBM has an orangutan? Cool!
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