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Everything posted by EssexBuccaneer

  1. Let’s say that prior to joining the band, I’ve just dropped several thousand pounds on new gear. The band are going to benefit from my top-tier rig. Would I expect a share of the cost from the band when I join? No. A band is a collective - we work together to create our unique product. We’re not individuals who sell our wares to each other for the benefit of the individual members. As I say, each to their own, but I’ve never paid to join a band in my life, and I’d not start now.
  2. I don’t see joining the band in that sense. The benefit is joining the band, and hopefully they benefit from me joining them - we work together to progress as a band from that date onwards. No I’m not going to pay for a decision the band made prior to me joining.
  3. If I’m joining a band, I’ll accept my share of any expenses from that day onwards. I’ll chip in bits myself without expecting repayment (have just knocked up some t-shirts for us, I don’t expect nor ask for repayment) - but if a band asked me to pay up front for my share of the PA, I’m out.
  4. I play for my own enjoyment, no other reason than that. Because of this, I would never play in a band that didn’t do music that I was a least a bit ‘into’. It’s rock/metal all the way for me. Would (as an example) playing in a jazz or soul band improve my playing? Almost certainly - but if I’m not enjoying it, I’d not be doing the band (or myself) justice.
  5. Love Shack. I hate love shack with a passion
  6. As a young whippersnapper in an originals metal band I played a BC Rich Warlock bass. My skills were limited, but the bass got a lot of attention from the metalhead crowd. Walked into a pub one night, and heard ‘there’s that lad who plays the warlock’, and that’s about as close to local fame as I ever got!
  7. Fall Out Boy’s cover of ‘We didn’t start the fire’ has been living rent free in my head all day. I certainly didn’t expect Boris Johnson/Brexit/Cambridge Analytica references from FOB!
  8. I’ve started work on wix this morning, dunno what I’m doing at all, but still managed to make a professional looking home page with working links to our socials so far. Our drummer is an IT dude so I’m sure he’ll improve on my efforts 😁
  9. MLC will be making our debut in August (The Steamboat Tavern - Rock Against Leukaemia. 12th August) Here’s a rehearsal video (we have some others on youchoob) - some of the stuff in here is a work in progress (Sabotage, You Could Be Mine won’t be ready for the gig)
  10. We have three in our set that really get me going. Audioslave ‘Cochise’ because it’s an absolute banger. Fall Out boy ‘Sugar We’re goin down’ because it’s just a great tune, I get to do some backing vocals and it’s just really enjoyable And finally The Offspring ‘Self Esteem’ because it’s bass heavy (and also a banger).
  11. I couldn’t find one of just meself, so here’s Essex’s own MLC on a rehearsal night. The drummer (Dave) is the handsome one so we hide him away behind his kit
  12. Nothing as fancy as you guys, but I got the Boss WL-20L and it’s a game-changer for me - first time wireless in my life. I tend to be quite active on stage, so it’s lovely to be cable free!!
  13. I used to hate gigging in London, and being an Essex based originals band, you *had* to play in London. I distinctly remember lugging gear half a mile to get to the Rock Garden in Covent Garden, to be berated by the promoter for not bringing enough of a crowd with us. After playing to a packed house anyway, lugged the gear back half a mile to the van, which had been clamped….
  14. In their infinite wisdom my band have decided that we’re going to add Muse ‘Hysteria’ to the setlist - a song that is so far beyond my talent level it’s not even amusing. Ok, maybe it is a bit amusing, but still. I’m treating it as a challenge which is going to make me a better bass player. If I didn’t do that I’d just cry 😛
  15. I’m guilty of being a bit lazy. Well, a lot lazy, if I’m being honest. it wasn’t uncommon for me to ignore the bass (or guitar) for days/weeks on end because I couldn’t be bothered to get the amp out, uncoil the leads, get everything setup to practice, and have to put it all away after a session. However, since I joined my band I obviously need more discipline. My saintly wife has sacrificed a corner of the front room to have a wee practice area, and I now have a lovely setup, wireless rig, a 3-guitar stand next to the amp which is always ready to go. I can be playing in under 2 mins. What a difference it makes having a dedicated little practice spot. Well recommended if you don’t already.
  16. If Dave Grohl can take the train to Glastonbury, what excuse can anyone else have? 😀
  17. This thread reminded me of an email conversation I had with a guy (guitarist) on JoinMyBand. Him: ’Do you know of any rehearsal spaces? Because I don’t’ me: ‘Yeah there’s a few locally’ him: ‘Do you know of any other musos who might wanna join us? Because I don’t’ me: ‘No, I’ve lost all my contacts, after 20 years away’ him: ‘Do you have transport? Because I don’t’ me: ‘Yeah, I don’t think this is gonna work out, mate’ 🫣
  18. I saw Dave Grohl at work earlier - at Paddington station. We get a lot of celebs pass through, but very few Rock Legends 🤩
  19. This is gonna be me in a month from now - last gig was Dec 2002. On august 12th 2023 I’ll step back on the stage. You’re bound to be nervous, but I always found that only lasted until the first bar of the first track. Nail it and you’re on your way. Before you know it, it’s time to unplug and get off stage again! Good luck - we’ll see you in the ‘how was your gig last night?’ thread!
  20. If we’re broadening the topic, has anyone used Black Beauties? I’d like a set of black strings for my five-string, but much as I want it to look the bees-knees, I don’t want to sacrifice tone….
  21. We’ve got Facebook, twitter, insta and now tiktok - which is actually the most popular of them all. We show rehearsal clips on there (30-40secs per track) as well as clips of us as ‘people’, gear reviews, what were upto etc. In the grand scheme of things our account is small - but it’s very new, and we’re getting 250-500 views per clip without even having played a gig yet.
  22. Drums are a black art! My old drummer sat me behind the kit once. Maintaining a beat with the kick and the snare was easy enough - “i’m a natural” I thought…. …Until we introduced a third element 🫣
  23. This has probably been discussed already, but are you a self-taught player or did you take lessons? I’m self-taught, from an era before youchoob. Books, mates, and frankly trial and error. Learned to play guitar originally and then switched to bass to ‘fill in’ for a mates band - and never really went back to guitar. The problem is that I have myriad bad habits, I don’t use my pinky, I’ve never paid enough attention to muting, and I’ve never learned theory. All of which I’m now trying to do with ingrained techniques and muscle memory. Finding out to my chagrin that undoing those bad habits is quite a task!… So how about you guys?
  24. I’ve been after a five-string for a while, and tbf I’m still saving for the Schecter I really want - but forgot about some shares I had and used them to blow £130 of the finest English pounds on this wee devil. it looks nice, plays nice. The tuners are *terrible* and the frets need a polish, but at that price I’m not grumbling. New tuners and a little TLC and it’ll be ace.
  25. If I couldn’t cope with mistakes, I’d have had a breakdown at rehearsal last night. Was all over the shop! One of those nights! 🫣
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