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Posts posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='3V17C' post='87969' date='Nov 13 2007, 05:30 PM']nuno rules! i was never really into extreme becasue that singer annoyed the hell out of me, but as a guitarist nuno is definitely up there, especially listening to some of his solo bits n bobs more recently.[/quote]
    What about the unison guitar/bass solo in 'Cupid's Dead'..?? Outrageous! :)

  2. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='86693' date='Nov 10 2007, 10:49 PM']Another update:

    Having sold my Jaydee Supernatural Mark King and the sale of my Smith BSR6GN is pending payment of balance, I've added [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=3611"]Flanker[/url]s Celinder Update P to the collection this weekend. Its going to come in handy for those motown numbers we do.[/quote]
    Hold on, say that again.
    [quote]Having sold my Jaydee Supernatural Mark King[/quote]
    That's what I thought you said. Blige, I never thought I'd see the day... I thought your JD was as attached to you as my Wal is to me. Christ, I bet you had to think hard before putting that one up for grabs mate.
    Fabulous looking collection though. You're right, the V8 with those cabs looks the absolute poodle's. A real "oi, are you looking at me?" rig.
    And I can still vouch for the general beautifulness of that fretted Smith 5... part of me really wishes I'd taken you up on it when you offered to sell it to me a few years back. :huh:

  3. Saturday night at the Fleece in Bristol... always a good night there, but the placed was absolutely rammed to the rafters last night... they hit the fire limit and were turning people away by 9 o'clock. Support from a very good covers band The Collective, nice guys and some unusual covers well played. We had one or two new tunes in our set, seemed to go down well. Crowd were in good voice, brilliant atmosphere and god it was hot! Too funky in heeyar..! A great night.
    Bassist's eye view of the punters:

  4. [b]Mark King[/b]... I used to think the sun shone out of his every orifice, he was my first big hero, god I wanted to [i]be[/i] him... but now 20 years later, he's still doing [u]exactly the same thing[/u]... the only thing that has changed is his waistline :) He used to be a slap god, but nowadays youtube is crawling with young guys who can completely blow him into the weeds. Ironically, my favourite by far of his 'recent' work is his 'One Man' solo album... not a single slapped note on the entire thing, just good well-written well-performed well-produced songs. Real songs.

  5. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='83402' date='Nov 4 2007, 09:04 AM']Fat Rascal?

    a "Fat Rascal" is a traditional Yorkshire rock cake found in Betty's Tea Rooms...


    (was the only link I could find a decent picture on... and the recipe looks good too...!)[/quote][b]FAT RASCAL[/b]! brilliant. I vote for this one :)

  6. Or to paraphrase slightly:
    "The proper method of philosophy consists in clearly conceiving the insoluble problems in all their insolubility and then in simply contemplating them, fixedly and tirelessly, year after year, without any hope, patiently waiting for the Royal Mail to admit liability and finally pay up for the bass they managed to wreck."

  7. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='84076' date='Nov 5 2007, 05:01 PM']I have amongst other poweramps, a Soundtech Ps802. I like 1U amps and have various makes of 1U amps. I like the Soundtech, it does what it is supposed to do, but beware the fans make a bit of noise. I changed my fans and they are still audible. Not that your audience will hear it but you will.[/quote]
    +1 for the PS802. I hear ya about the fans thought, they are somewhat noisy. I SAID, THEY'RE A BIT NOISY.

    As it happens, I've just bought a new Crown power amp -- haven't had the chance to try it in anger yet so can't comment, but I expect good things. :)

  8. [quote name='neilb' post='83058' date='Nov 3 2007, 09:02 AM']Norman is a great bloke, friendly and superb to watch. I caught up with him backstage at the London guitar Show earlier this year.

    Im the good looking one by the way!!

    And pic of him next to his new TE stack.[/quote]Is it just me, or does Norm look a bit like an extra from Dawn Of The Dead..?? :)
    Awesome player though. We're not worthy, etc.

  9. [quote name='Rich' post='80863' date='Oct 29 2007, 04:46 PM']Jon crafted for me a beautiful instrument exactly as I wanted it, with a few choice suggested improvements of his own, for less than the cost of a new Stingray 5 and half the price of a comparable Sei or GB. 'Nuff said.
    Man's a genius.[/quote]I should add that this was his list price, & not a heavily discounted deal of any sort.

  10. See [url="http://www.overwater.co.uk/euphonic_audio_classics_iamp_350_combo.htm"]this bit here[/url] for full details.
    A cracking little amp, punches well above its weight. You can either use it as a stand-alone combo, or pair it with another cab, or (like me) take the head out of the combo (4 screws, easy peasy) and use it with your cabs.
    [b]£400[/b], no trades cos I need the cash to fund the new amp that I've already bought..!
    It's heavy, so collection is much preferable. Alternatively we can arrange a courier.

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