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Posts posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='tauzero' post='122047' date='Jan 17 2008, 10:59 AM']In the duo, we just wear what we turned up in (which is appropriate to the occasion). I play a black Variax. Black. Black, like the endless night. They keep me in the cellar and feed me pins. Mother, my eyes are pies.[/quote]I think we'd better go home now Johnny...

  2. We all wear work shirts, you know the sort of thing... short sleeved shirts with nametags and so on. I've got three motor-racing pit crew shirts that I bought for peanuts off fleaBay: a [url="http://i6.ebayimg.com/05/i/000/bd/cf/a570_1.JPG"]Subaru rally one[/url], blue with gold logos and stuff; a [url="http://i20.ebayimg.com/03/i/000/d2/0e/c7d5_1.JPG"]Seat BTCC one[/url], yellow with silver logo and things; and a Mitsubishi rally one, white with red logos. The Scooby one looks best but it's very heavy cotton and can be v.hot. The Mitsy one is my current favourite. Although all our shirts are different colours, it does provide something of an identity as they are all the same type of garment -- thus giving a uniform look without being uniform, if you see what I mean.
    [quote name='OldGit' post='121392' date='Jan 16 2008, 11:57 AM']Did a dep gig with the band on before The Wurzles a while back.
    They all turned up in their Armani suits and then put on the stage kit, just like Status Quo are rumoured to do ..[/quote]Damn... and there I was thinking that they spent the whole time dressed as village idiots... :)

  3. [quote name='Mike' post='116039' date='Jan 8 2008, 07:23 AM']I've always thought looking down a bass from the headstock or up from the bridge gives the best view. Unfortunately this is the biggest version of the picture I could find![/quote]
    Yes, I rather like 'em too. Someone took this shot of li'l ol' me at a recent gig, I love it:

  4. [quote name='Muppet' post='111264' date='Dec 31 2007, 01:25 AM']Ask Nicky Wire - he plays them.

    Ooops, sorry, he pretends to, probably not the best endorsement come to think of it....[/quote]
    When I saw the Manics in Cardiff last year his bass sound was, I have to say, absolute pants. The only interesting thing about him was that he had a large 2112-era Rush logo on the breast pocket of his jacket.

  5. [quote name='dangerboy' post='111686' date='Dec 31 2007, 11:55 PM']So far I have The Bass Of Death, Ye Basse Of Olde, A Bass Named For The Decline Of Industrial Britain and now I have to think of a name for the frankojazz I've nearly finished.[/quote]
    How about Frank O'Jazz, after the well known Irish fusion bassist? :) :huh:

  6. The main live rig now looks like this -- it's getting its first major outing on New Year's Eve in Cheltenham:

    Trantec wireless, Yamaha FX, Focusrite Trakmaster preamp, and Crown XTi-1000 power amp.
    The cabs are still the Nemesis 2x10 and 1x15. The first time I cranked it up in my garage, my bike toppled over and a shelf fell off the wall. Mission accomplished. :)

    • Thanks 1
  7. The front looks ok-ish, in a very 'ish' sort of way... shame the sander's got the edges more than the flat of the body.
    The back however is crap beyond belief. Even if I hated a bass, I wouldn't made it look like [i]that[/i]. What in the name of almighty Zarquon possessed him?

  8. If I have a drink before a gig, it's nothing stronger than a pint of shandy, because a] I'm invariably driving and b] I don't want it to affect my playing, and it's only the one pint or I'll be busting for a slash halfway through the set.
    The nature of my job means that Jazz-Woodbines are out of the question these days, but even if I could partake I wouldn't before a gig.

  9. [i]Any[/i] luthier worth his salt will listen to and accommodate pretty much anything you want -- unless what you want is an unworkable load of old bollocks, in which case any luthier worth his salt will tell you that it's an unworkable load of old bollocks. :)

  10. [quote name='WalMan' post='105838' date='Dec 18 2007, 11:39 AM']My Wal will never go. I've had it years. I can't say it was my first good bass because there were a few ok ones before it, but it has been with me through thick & thin, it sounds marvellous, and I love it!![/quote]
    +10000 to that. My Wal Pro 2E is pretty much semi-retired too, but if I could only rescue one bass it'd be that one, no question. Mine [i]was[/i] my first good bass, I've had it for 21 years now and couldn't bear to part with it.
    Obviously I'd love to be able to rescue two basses so I could take my Shuker too... :)

  11. [quote name='OldGit' post='105226' date='Dec 17 2007, 10:06 AM']So I've decided I need to book some time alone in the rehearsal studio and get everything sorted as wedding gig sound checks are not really the time :) It will be fun anyway.[/quote]Let me know when... I'll pop along and lend you moral support/give you a second opinion/make tea, unless you'd rather be alone with your lady love. :huh:

  12. If you are an MU member, you can get [i]completely free[/i] a grand's worth of kit cover, plus 10 million quids' worth of public liability cover. Of course there are certain limitations to the free kit cover, but even so, it's better than a smack in the head.
    On top of the free £1000, you can also get additional cover at preferential rates through an affiliated insurance company, [url="http://www.hencilla.co.uk/"]Hencilla Canworth[/url]. I filled in their online quote form, & have been quoted roughly £120 a year for £6000-worth of gear cover. This includes cover whilst in an unattended vehicle, provision of hire instruments during repair, depreciation compensation following repairs, and other stuff. I am just waiting for a formal written quote to arrive.
    Ten quid a month? It's a no-brainer really.

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