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Posts posted by Rich

  1. I've never sought to limit myself really -- no feelings of guilt for me!
    At the moment, it's:

    [*]Main fretted 5 (Shuker)
    [*]Backup fretted 5 (Status)
    [*]Fretless 5 (Yamaha)
    [*]Main fretted 4 (Wal)
    [*]Backup/cheapo fretted 4 (Squier J)
    [*]Fretted 6 [size=1]- [i]very[/i] recent addition, either project or keeper[/size]
    Fretless 4 [size=1]- [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=9632"][color="#FF0000"]up for sale[/color][/url][/size]
    Fretted 4 [size=1]- beaten-up long term project, really must get my arse into gear and pick it up..![/size]:)

  2. [quote name='Mike' post='100914' date='Dec 7 2007, 02:26 PM']Just saw him with Mike Stern in NYC[/quote]You lucky $££@$*&£%$&... my favourite non-bass musician in the whole world. I've been to a whole truckload of Mikey's gigs, love chatting to him afterwards, he's so laid back and down to earth. My guitarist mate once asked him about his rig, so Mikey gave him a guided tour of it, referring to it all as a "load of cheap sh*t"..!
    Just missed his latest London gigs... with Anthony Jackson on bass... dammit :)

    +1 for Dave, great channel :huh:

  3. [quote name='Telebass' post='100480' date='Dec 6 2007, 07:56 PM']But remember, the Internet will NEVER be clever enough to be able to give you personalized advice and a chance to fondle the goods. THAT is what a [b][u][i]good[/i][/u][/b] guitar shop can do, and it IS worth the extra to those who can't get a bass off the net then sdet it up on their own.[/quote]And with that one single word, there it is in a nutshell.

    Good shops:
    [b]Anderton's[/b] in Guildford -- a mate of mine was after an electro-acoustic gtr a while back, they found 4 or 5 in his price bracket and let him spend as long as he wanted trying them out before finding the right one. Well over an hour he was playing them, and they didn't hassle him once. It reminded me of...
    [b]Bass Centre[/b], [b]circa late 80s/early 90s[/b], the Wapping glory years -- oh if only we could go back to those days...
    [b]Bass Gallery[/b], Camden -- wonderful, I just wish it wasn't so far away...
    [b]Sound Control [/b]-- when they're good, they're very very good...
    [b]Richer Sounds [/b]-- +1 on what the others have said.

    Bad shops:
    [b]GAK[/b] -- miserable bastids, the lot of 'em.
    [b]Bass Centre[/b], [b]now[/b] -- so very, very sad. When you see what's it's become and then remember back to how it was in '88, it's like looking at Muhammad Ali now and remembering him in his prime...
    [b]Bass Cellar[/b], Tin Pan Alley -- the last time I tried to buy something there, the experience was so bad that it became the last time I will [i]ever[/i] try to buy something there. A object lesson in how absolutely [i]not [/i]to treat customers.
    [b]Sound Control [/b]-- ...but when they're bad, they're fcking abysmal.

    [quote name='TheBigBeefChief' post='100878' date='Dec 7 2007, 01:40 PM']If you look closely you can see my bare arse reflected in the window behind me.[/quote] :) :huh:
    Look closely?? Man, I am never even going to [i]glance[/i] at that picture again.

  4. For sale: my trusty Jaydee fretless bass. I've bought this baby new in 1987, and she's been in my care ever since... consequently there's pretty much not a mark on her. She's worn roundwounds from day one, but the ebony board is so utterly rock hard that it's only just marked and not even slightly worn at all.
    The stock stripey pickup died a while back, so I replaced it with an EMG humbucker. I have also fitted an EMG 2-band stack-knob EQ and a Hollis pre-amp (gives an overall output boost plus a nice midrange 'hump' just where a fretless needs it). I kept the stripey pickup and will include it, as it could perhaps be fixable.
    I'm just not using her and I could do with the cash. Like I said, I've had her since new and this is going to be something of a wrench, so please no silly offers... 400 quid or a microscopically close offer. No trades, just the dosh ta. :)
    Obviously personal collection is far preferable, or I will travel to meet (within reason)... I'd really rather not have to entrust her to a hamfisted courier ape.


  5. Both. I love basses, although my bass GAS is pretty much sated for the moment (apart from that singlecut Shuker...), but I also love the whole process of finding the right amp, something that's really going to let the bass shine through. I loved my old Eden, loved my EA, and now I've gone back to separates. Still loving my Nemesis cabs. But I might change again in a couple of years, who knows? It's fun :)

  6. I've been in both originals and covers bands over the years... at the moment, all covers and that's probably how it'll stay from now.
    The main thing I've learned over the years is that [u]less really [i]is[/i] more[/u]..! When I think of how I used to overplay years ago, god it makes me cringe.
    And yes, I'm self-taught too (not that I taught myself much :)), and it's only recently that I've finally started to correct some of my faults...

  7. Music is the only sensual pleasure without vice - Samuel Johnson

    Music is the shorthand of emotion - Leo Tolstoy

    Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life - Jean Paul Richter

    Music is an outburst of the soul - Frederick Delius

    The English don't really like music, but they simply adore the noise it makes - Sir Thomas Beecham

    Without music, life would be a mistake - Friedrich Nietzsche

    Music that is born complex is not inherently better or worse than music that is born simple - Aaron Copland

    After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music - Aldous Huxley

    What is best in music is not to be found in the notes - Gustav Mahler

    The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons , strategems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus: Let no such man be trusted. - William Shakespeare

    An intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger - John Chesson

    Learning music by reading about it is like making love by mail - Luciano Pavarotti

    Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness and a gaiety and life to everything - Plato

    Never look at the trombones. It only encourages them - Richard Strauss

    Wagner did not like the saxophone. He said it sounds like the word Reckankreuzungsklankwerkzeuge - Nicolas Slonimsky

    I haven't understood a bar of music in my life, but I've felt it - Igor Stravinski

    Don't play the notes. Play the meaning of the notes - Pablo Casals

  8. To be honest... not really. I have an all wood S1 from about 1990, no.2534, for which I paid about 500 a few years ago. Perhaps this is what they're thinking in terms of?

    Incidentally -- a general insurance point -- I am in the process of sorting out insurance with the Musicians' Union, using their free 1000 quids' worth and also the additional 1000+ cover they offer through an affiliated insurance co. I will report back on quotes and Ts&Cs, for anyone who's interested.

  9. [quote name='BigRedX' post='98351' date='Dec 3 2007, 07:25 PM'][/quote]Ugh. Sorry, but just yeucchhh. The headstock is horrid, the lion head thing looks silly, and that control layout couldn't have been more random if they'd got a 4 year old to arrange it. :)

  10. Yes he's a bit arrogant -- OK, very arrogant -- but saying his music stinks is a bit strong... fair enough you don't like it, but quite a lot of people do.
    FWIW I don't agree with him re: metronomes, I think they're a useful tool.

  11. AFter I got my Status 5, I decided to de-fret my old Yamaha RBX765A... so I yanked out all the frets and then ran out of enthusiasm :) However, when I took the Yamaha neck up to Jon Shuker for him to take profiles for the neck of my custom, he offered to finish the job for me... finally picked it up last week, and I've bolted it all back together now, and here it is. The defret job is simply perfect... it needs a bit of a proper setup really, but it has plenty of mwah and sounds brilliant. :huh: :huh: :huh:
    [attachment=3875:yam.JPG] [attachment=3876:yam_3.JPG]

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