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Rich last won the day on June 7

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  • Birthday 09/04/1965

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    Shower of bastards.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. eude


      Yes :(
      No option really, she's in Zoetermeer for work.
      Just hand luggage, so I guess that's one possible issue avoided.

      How bad is it?

    3. Rich


      Apparently it's a bit better than it was there, still big queues and so on. At the start of the month when I was supposed to fly home with them via Schipohol, the situation at Schip was so bad that they cancelled the flight from Bologna just as we were about to board, and then basically abandoned us there. No food, no accommodation, nothing. Told us to call their customer service line (which was shut) and make our own way home (which we did). The next morning, when we'd already got as far as Paris, I had an email from them offering us 'alternative' flights home from Bologna departing three days later.

      And now, to put the tin lid on it, they are refusing us any compensation for our extra expense in getting home. 

      So my comment is mainly borne out of total dissatisfaction and anger with KLM's laughable service.

    4. prowla


      TBH, I think you could probably substitute the name of any airline there at the moment.

      COVID and lockdowns wrecked the airlines business model and the industry hasn't had the gumption to reinstate capacity in preparation for the upturn when the rules were relaxed.

      I'm not defending them and the fact that they took (and are taking) bookings for flights which may likely not occur is pretty shameful, but I think the airlines would go bust if they really did right by their passengers at the moment.

      That said, I'm currently off work with COVID, thanks to my son, who brought it home from either a holiday in Spain (their Gatwick flight was cancelled last minute, but they managed to nab an alternative from Luton), an Ed Sheeran gig, a couple of nights out in London, his gym, or any of a number of other things he's done in the past few weeks. He also had his girlfriend over to stay, so she's likely taken it home.

      Though I'm not particularly a fan of fling anyway, the idea of traveling at the moment seems just a complete smorgasbord of risks to me.

      However, I hope you get it sorted out - good luck!


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