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Everything posted by bigevilman

  1. Hmmm....parting ways with my 4x10 and getting this would allow to get the full 500w from my tc head......hmmmmm
  2. Bought some strings from Matt - great communication and fast delivery. Deffo deal with again. Cheers - Joe
  3. On holiday over easter so cant really afford this just before then - doubt this will even be here before then! If only you'd put this up after easter lol
  4. I'm in Hull, any potential you might wanna trade for a 55-01?
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  6. Cheers for input guys, will look at VM range. I have 2 55-01s so will still be keeping one, just thinking, having two of the same bass aint no fun!
  7. Currently using 2 55-01s, awesome basses - got one passive (with nordstrands) and one active (standard), and they both have their own characteristics. But over the last few weeks, I've had the urge to get a CV 60's precision, upgrade the hardware and fit a J pickup at the bridge for some tonal variations. I've been a fingerstyle player religiously for the last 3 years, but I'm thinking I should mix it up with a plectrum again. Am I mad? Is this just a stupid phase? I'm using the passive 55-01 more now, with rolling it more to the neck pickup to get some nice grunt to it, which I think a P-bass would excel at. Thoughts?
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  9. Best of luck with sale dude - used to have a WT800 - tone heaven
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  11. Got the 55-01 and its so awesome, ive just gone and bought another. If this was up last week, id would of snapped this up from ya! Good luck with the sale dude, whoever buys this is getting a bargain
  12. Playrd a few schechter, carnt really get on with them :/ cheers for offer tho
  13. Just to let people know, I play in a 4 piece rock covers band (2guitars, 1 alternating with keys), as well as a glam rock band with the same setup!
  14. Currently selling my Ray35 as the stingray sound just isn't cutting it for the band im currently in, so looking for alternatives to backup my Lakland (which I love!) Whats peoples thoughts on the MTD Kingston Z5? Looks and sounds pretty impressive on youtube, just wanna know other peoples opinions before I start searching for one!
  15. I use a tc bh500 into a markbass 410, with plenty of spare volume. I used to use a genz benz shuttle 6 into a barefaced compact and that was loud enough for most pub gigs. It obviously depends on the music u play, how big the room is, and how loud ur drummer is! Would recommend the genz benz stuff tho, and its on offer at gak at the moment
  16. No worries man - contemplating getting mine up for sale - if this is still available, il pop bk.
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