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captain black

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Everything posted by captain black

  1. Nah, sorry. It's on hold for a buyer at the minute. Cheers anyway Joe
  2. [b][/b][b][/b]Hello all, I'm about to go all Precision so I'm selling my jazz which doesn't get played as much as it should, nice though it is. It's a Mex Classic Series 70s jazz with the 70s pick up spacing. It looks and sounds great. There is one tiny nick which you can just about see in the neck pocket. I did this when I took the neck off. It's only the depth of the finish and will be very easy to touch up. Feel free to come to my place, try my hobnobs and give it a go. Nice bass, but I have a PJ now which fulfils my needs. Picassa Link: [url="https://picasaweb.google.com/110737373528114482136/119_0311?authkey=Gv1sRgCK6F3_HMtpOklgE#"]https://picasaweb.google.com/11073737352811...K6F3_HMtpOklgE#[/url] Ta, Joe
  3. Damn. I would be all over this if you were only a bit closer to the North East.
  4. I think they're just playing along to a backing tape and JT and the guitarist are just having a bit of an in-joke about miming as Iron Maiden, Mudd etc. have done in the past (no strings on Guitar.....pretending to tune up and so on). Hilarious. Mmmm. ps. If you watch his fingers closely it's not in time with what's being played on the track.
  5. Yeah...Pino for me...Lovely. And John Giblin. Grew up listening to Kate Bush etc.
  6. Look what I found on youtube: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxjQcyLukI8&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxjQcyLukI8...feature=related[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzqrejD3Z4o&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzqrejD3Z4o...feature=related[/url] Sort of marries both of these threads together nicely. Still wouldn't be seen dead with one.
  7. It appears to be a free ad hosting site. Opens okay for me. Doesn't [i]appear[/i] to be anything untoward. Norton is pretty quick on the trigger these days!
  8. Wow..73.....that's some collection. You can have too much of a good thing you know! That 68 is a beauty. Let me know if it ever gets too much for you. I'll sell a kidney
  9. Yes, Very Heavy. But I don't really mind. And yeah, you're right, great tone.
  10. Not on par with some of the eye candy on show in this thread, but here are my current two (both keepers). Will probably sell the jazz shortly and then it'll be precisions only for me. [attachment=69422:IMGP0101.JPG] Not the best photo but they are: '76 Mocha and '81 Special.
  11. Just fitted some castors to my [b]very heavy[/b] Peavey 4x10 which Martin kindly supplied for the cost of postage. Spoke on Thursday night/Friday morning and received them on Saturday. Many thanks mate. Much appreciated.
  12. Here you go. As I said, mine's a bit worn in, unlike yours, but it's a real player. It had Active EMG's in a PJ configuration when I acquired it. Now it's all passive and has a Schaller (DiMarzio clone) in the Bridge position. It now sounds and plays fantastic and just as it should thanks to Howard (BassDoc). It doesn't have that much intrinsic value now, I know, but I love basses that have been well played in like this one. [attachment=68981:IMGP0077.JPG] [attachment=68982:IMGP0094.JPG]
  13. Great Price for a very versatile piece if kit (once you get your head round it that is). Somebody will get a bargain.
  14. A lovely little 'Harim' of precisions you've got. I'm jealous. I've recently acquired a worn-in '78 mocha and I have a bit of a love hate relationship with the colour. Today, since looking at yours, I love it.
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  16. I have one in the same colour and I love it to bits. It's my main gigging bass atm and I rarely (if ever) use the preamp. They have a killer passive tone so whoever buys it at this price is getting a nice bass, I'm sure. It looks in great nick, although it won't be a museum piece without the preamp. One thing though, mine is very heavy!
  17. Gilson Lavis, How good is he? God, Wish I played alongside that Bu++ger! That is some rhythm section tough. Absolutely first class.
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  19. Looks like this is sold pending, Cheers Joe
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