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Everything posted by luckman67

  1. Thank you Gentlemen, I will do a bit of looking on the web see if I can find some pics.
  2. Firstly has anyone heard of this make of bass amp, it is a 60 watt combo with what looks like a 15" speaker. I would like your advice on the controls instead of bass,middle, treble etc, the 5 controls from left to right go 100Hz - 300Hz - 1kHz - 3kHz - 10kHz. Any help with this set up is would be appreciated.
  3. Sounded good, shades of Jaco in the sound.
  4. Stay with it they are an amazing bass to own, I love mine it's 20 years old this month & it's still a buzz every time I play it.
  5. I waited 11 years to get one there was just something about, the body shape & headstock and that shine on the fretboard. And my Girlfriend bought me a secondhand 1992 4003 back in 1998 from a local guitar shop, where we used to live for £650 I love it. It is 20 years old now and still plays great, even though the paintwork is a little worn in places. But as much as I love them I doubt that I would buy a new one I could not justify it, not now that they cost almost 3 times what mine cost. They are iconic & I think that is part of the allure of wanting/owning one.
  6. There have been better copies the Shaftsbury 4001 copy was very good. The Roc is not bad though it is a 34" unlike the 33.25" Ric,& the neck at least on the one I tried was chunky. The one thing that puts me off them is the placement of the treble pickup,to close to the bridge reminds me of the Hondo 4001 copy.
  7. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1348227277' post='1811073'] While we're here: Urban myths or true stories - Bruce Foxton's 'Rick' was a copy, and most of Chris Squire's recordings were done on a Jazz. ? [/quote] Foxton's first Ric was an Ibanez copy bouhjt for him, by his girlfriend at the time.I think that this is the same bass that ends up with the P pickup in it, for the Thats Entertainment video. Chris used a Jazz on some recordings he also used a Telecaster bass, that had a Jazz pickup installed so this could have given him a Jazz bass sound. Plus with all the effects Chris uses, he could play an Encore bass and still make it sound like his Ric.
  8. The upside down headstock is the C64 & C64S (sanded), which gives the right handed player the look of McCartneys left handed Ric which had a right handed neck. The original horseshoe covers were the magnets, which wrapped round the pickup.And the 4003 was just a modern version of the 4001, having the trussrods upgradded so you could use Rotosound or heavier gauge strings. Though a lot of the 4001's managed to work just as well with Rotosound strings, step forward Mr. Chris Squire. I waited 11 years to own one and it has been my main bass for the past 14 years, they are a great bass but they are not for everyone. I used to want a Warwick bass until I played one, hood looking basses just didn't like how it felt.
  9. My first bass back in 1987 was the Malin Sidewinder KB-24 , how sad am I remembering that. Either way mine was the white one and for what it was it was ok, it was only £87.50. I wanted the Squier JV Precision but that was £199 how I wish I could get a JV for that price now.
  10. It's a great video & they are a good bass, had my 1964 500/1 for 24 years still going strong.
  11. I used to take one & although I never used it it was nice to have it there just in case.
  12. Before family came along I used to have between 4 & 5 basses at a time, was gigging a lot then sometimes miss those single days.
  13. [quote name='merello' timestamp='1338828142' post='1679750'] How old is the Macca doll? [/quote] Not that old 1989-90 I bought it from the Beatles shop in Mathew Street. Here is another picture of him with the violin bass headstock & swingtag.
  14. My collection has gone from 4 to 2 basses now, and I'm glad in a way. I have just sold my MIJ / MIM Fender Precision & Ampeg BA115 Combo, and I have given my Daughter my 1989 Squier Precision to learn on. The basses that are left are my May 1964 Hofner Violin bass (owned for 24 years), and my October 1992 Rickenbacker 4003 (owned for 12 years). I have had around 8 basses in the last three years and after reading, threads of people who were happy with 1 bass got me thinking. So I did reduce my collection but short of a family emergency these 2 are going nowhere soon...
  15. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1337893743' post='1667207'] Correct, not a lot for the bassist. There was one stand with S/H, Stingray, Marleaux and Rick but that was about it. Oh yes and Dupont had another good presence and along with all the Gypsy Jazz guitars was a rather nice acoustic bass [url="http://www.acoustic-guitars.com/agrandir.php?titre=DR28&fichier=basse_acoust_pop.jpg"]http://www.acoustic-..._acoust_pop.jpg[/url]. A few other Rics, Warwicks and a couple of custom jobs. Watched The ZZ Tops - very good tribute act. My mate bought a 1950 Gibson L5 (the one on the first stand as you walked through the door). All in all not a bad 4 hrs for £7 though. [/quote] Saw the L5 & the ZZ Tops and they were excellent,first time I've seen/heard a Fender Aerodyne Jazz bass.
  16. Anyone else here going to this today, I'm looking forward to see what Bass guitars and bass gear are there.
  17. My October 1992 4003 bought by my Girlfriend for me in August 1998 for £650. Bought a 4001 V63 scratchplate & vintage knobs and was given a V63 treble pickup surround. I am tempted to have it resprayed Jetglo & returned to a 4003 with the correct scratchplate and treble surround.
  18. IIRC mine cost £87.50 secondhand back in August 1987, it was all I could afford back then.
  19. My first bass was a Marlin Sidewinder KB-24, with the single J pickup at the bridge. Mine was the white one always wanted the red one though,for £21 you can't lose I liked it as a first bass if I could get one at that price I would if only for nostalga.
  20. Yes though it was the Hofner I liked first,loved the shape & look of it. And growing up in the late 70's & early 80's Ric's were everywhere, Foxton,lemmy,Lee & my bass hero Squire.
  21. Another picture of both my Sunbursts 1964 Hofner Violin Bass 1992 Rickenbacker 4003 in Fireglo
  22. Just a quick picture of both my Precision's 1989 Squier Precision MIK, I don't play this now but it's still a lovely bass. ? Fender Precision MIJ / MIM, MIJ PB-57 body & a '08 MIM neck plus Fender upgrades Love it.
  23. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1335132095' post='1626275'] Nice one, i used to have an identical one, lovely basses, necks too thin for me to play regularly though, Very nice example you have there!! [/quote] Thanks Rick I don't play it much now, I get it out maybe a couple of times a year,just to look at, the neck is to thin for me now. Maybe I'll play it again when I retire.
  24. My May 1964 Hofner Violin Bass,which I have owned since Nov 1988.
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