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Status Updates posted by Sibob

  1. My Moollon P-Classic was an excellent bass, but I've just had it properly set-up and now it's just even more wonderful!! 🙌

    1. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      Sorry Si, this section is for Status Updates.


      You need to be in the Moollon Updates section.


    2. Daz39


      I think he's just having a brag about how awesome his setter-upperer is!

    3. Sibob


      @Daz39Absolutely haha. Steve Busby in High Wycombe

  2. Oh no.....a bass I've wanted for a while has become available. £2k+ though.....what to do!?!
    I should probably go try it and hope that it's rubbish haha

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. pete.young


      Seems overpriced to me, even by todays inflated standards. Think that was the right call, whatever the reason.

    3. LukeFRC


      I agree with Pete

  3. Oh the Guild Starfire I was coveting in the classifieds is gone….I am sadness 😔

    1. Kiwi


      It's a small compensation, but at least the money stays in your pocket. 

  4. Sorted - Anyone close to Neston/Corsham in Wiltshire?

    1. JapanAxe


      You have a PM.

  5. Tool tickets acquired. Happy with that!

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