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Posts posted by Sibob

  1. Yes its rarely the venue that does any contacting with the circuit my original band is on. Its all Promoters.

    But yes, most bands including us makes a point of sorting out kit shares way before the date, that way theres not surprises and i don't get annoyed at the gig :)


  2. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='81013' date='Oct 29 2007, 08:48 PM']Lovely looking bass, Si! Did the tatoos come with it at no extra cost? :huh:

    How do those play? Like higher quality jazzes?

    (OTPJ=Lakland Noob!)[/quote]

    Ha, the Tattoo came seperately unfortunately and at a rather vast cost lol

    This particular Lakland i wouldn't liken to a Jazz, even after my rather limited playing of it (our gigs tent to be high-octane, so I'm not really paying attention to the nuances of the bass :) )
    I mean, its got a humbucker and is active, so i would say it leans more towards the MM side of things. But it does very much seem to have its own character!

    I'm a Lakland noob to, so maybe i'll do a review after a month of gigs or something.
    Having said that, even after that one gig, and before putting my own strings on it etc, i'm more happy then i was with my previous Fender Jazz Deluxe, so hey! :huh:


  3. Ok so the tuners came!! :-D
    They look great fitted!!



    They're a little shiney, but i have my secret to dulling down hardware :-D

    Next job is to quieten the buzzing electronics, i think i have an earth problem somewhere. I brought a new jack socket, so that'll go in to, hopefully making a difference.

    Then I'll get the headstock decal on.


  4. So on Saturday just gone, i travelled down to Southapmton to pick up this beauty from ShaunB (very nice chap indeed!) and his lovely wife Mandy.

    Its a Skyline 44-02 Deluxe in Cherryburst with Maple fingerboard.
    Heres some rubbish pictures that i took, followed by some great pics that Shaun took





    I even got to use it that night! :)


    "Is nice...I like"


  5. [quote name='Muppet' post='80926' date='Oct 29 2007, 06:44 PM']I agree- what they are saying is 'it is like New Old Stock' rather than saying 'it IS New Old Stock'........[/quote]

    Right, so if they're say "it is LIKE New Old Stock", where is the confusion?? They're not saying it is!

    They describe the NOS as:
    "This bass has been given our “New Old Stock” (NOS) treatment—built (from original tooling) as if bought new in its respective model year and just found today"

    Notice the speech marks around the "New Old Stock" suggesting its a model name rather then actual NOS, and that it has undergone a 'treatment' to attain the effect, and then later on in the sentence the "...as if brought new...", the "as if" highlighting the effect they're going for and nothing else.

    Its seems fairly obvious to me!


  6. Given the context of Fender's Time Machine series.....i don't see the difference between what you think it is, and their description.


  7. [quote name='alexclaber' post='75968' date='Oct 18 2007, 11:45 AM']Just finishing off the artwork for our first release - what do we need to state on the CD and packaging regarding copyright and so on?


    A 'C' with a circle around it denotes who owns the copyright to the artwork, a 'P' with a circle denotes who owns the Music
    Copyright 'C' Alec Claber
    Phonographic Copyright 'P' Song/BMG

    Obviously you might own the copyright to your recording, depends if you're signed, or if you've licensed the release etc. You'd also mention any publishing copyright as well (who wrote and owns the songs (not the recording..thats different)).

    Best thing to do with the rest of the gumpf like "public performance" etc etc, best thing to do is check out another CD and pick the bits that are applicable!

    You don't actually NEED the C's and P's, because once you have a tangible product, and you can prove 100% that you created it, you own the copyright, its just a technicality/backup writing it down.

    Other things might usually include crediting the producer/engineer etc.
    Who it was manufactured by (a lot of CD's are manufactured in Germany cos its cheaper, so often you'll see BIEM mentioned on the CD.....go on...go check lol).

    Umm, think thats about it, hope that helps
    Check back if you need anything else


  8. I kinda see what your saying, but:
    If you want a MIM you wait as long as it takes
    If you want a MIJ ..... the same!

    They're two different products because one will almost certainly be better quality then the other. Like i said, if you want something from Ishibashi, tell them you want to buy it! It might prompt them to make you aware of Stock quantities quicker.

    It looks like you have other basses to gig and practice with, so make sure you're not ordering a potentially inferior product simply because it will be delivered faster!


  9. *SOLD*

    Ok, am putting this up on behalf of my girlfriend.

    Holly was given this by Apple as 'payment' for some endorsement work her band did for them, but she needs to clear some finances up so its going up for sale!
    I've put it up here first cos its the safest place to sell anything imo and hopefully we can avoid the dreaded 'Bay


    Its a Brand new boxed and sealed Mac Book in Black!
    * 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    * 13" screen
    * 1GB memory
    * 160GB hard drive1
    * Double-layer SuperDrive

    Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger
    Front Row
    • Photo Booth
    • iWork '08 30-day trial
    • Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 30-day Test Drive

    She's looking for [b]£700 ono[/b] (they're £949 from the Apple Webshop)

    She's in Swindon, but it can be accessible from Reading/Wycombe/West London very easily
    Collection preferred!



  10. I use a Mini 48 on its own half the time, and with a Mini 15 all the other time, and they're great. Obviously not going to kick ass like a 4x12 or a an 8x10 would, but still nice and gutsy and tight with great tone IMO. I use it with an ABM EVO II 500, i'm not sure if its all UK or not, i purchased them about 4 years ago, and the shop had maybe had them for 6months-1 year. How would i find out?

    The 1x15 is pretty light, but the 4x8 is considerably heavier, i think the newer models are lighter though


    I've never had any problems with any of the Ashdown stuff, nothing that couldn't be sorted in 5 mins (loose knobs etc)

  11. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='80501' date='Oct 28 2007, 05:10 PM']Love the cream binding around the 'board! Get a badass II on that & you're away :) Glad to see someone else bought a bass this weekend. I was beginning to feel selfish :huh:[/quote]

    I brought a bass this weekend to! :huh:
    Theres a clue in my signature!

    A 'Porn' thread is imminent!

    Congrats again on the purchase Weird War, its wicked!


  12. Yeah, I've never heard a bad word said about them, don't know about phoning though, i've only ever heard people talk about e-mail correspondence.

    Depends whether you wanna foot a phone bill to Japan :)

    If you see a good one on Ishibashi, and you've done the maths with regards to shipping and import/ VAT costs etc, then just email them saying you want to buy it!
    Its going to be the same as just ordering blind from Thomann, but you'll have MIJ instead of MIM, probably similar price to! I know which I'd rather have!


  13. My experience of Ishibashi is that their turnover of stock is quite fast. I've enquired about a number of basses, and although they're pretty quick at replying (all things considered) most have been sold by the time they have.

    The Allparts P & J necks are Fender licensed goods, so although the headstocks are blank, they are the same dimensions as basic MIA/MIJ/MIM Fenders.
    They also do a number of different colour options on bodies, and u could choose black/silver/gold hardware, size and shape of tuners etc etc

    My advice if you're buying MIM is to try it first, although there are some great MIM's out there, you're less likely to get a good one ordering blind then if you go MIJ or MIA imo.

    Good luck


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