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Posts posted by Sibob

  1. [quote name='lwtait' post='89552' date='Nov 16 2007, 06:32 PM']o, i think i get it, he plays with stevie wonder, right? that makes sense when i read through it.[/quote]

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnddddddd there it is :)

    Go get the back catalogue Iwtait! Do it! :huh:


  2. The Decal Shop stuff isn't that great, can't comment on the others

    I got a Fender decal from Trey at brauskoh at hotmail dot com (he has an ebay shop, but just email him)
    And it was fantastic, you can see it in the 'Build' forum under my 'Encore Rebuild' thread on the 1st page.

    He's in America, but it worked out about 3/4's cheaper than The Decal Shop


  3. Oooo very possibly Paul, not sure

    I've tried looking for some pictures of basses from the same era ('79-'81), a 1979 and a '78-'81 on ebay didn't have any other decals other then whats on mine

    Again, i'm not really trying to fool anyone, i just like the way the decal looks. So if i need but can't find the 'contour/patent' bit to add, i'm not fussed really.


  4. Alrighty, better get this up before Jim posts pics of his 1960 Jazz lol

    Heres the headstock with the decal applied:

    The body:

    So there we have it really........
    I tried it at a covers gig last night, and it was great, one thing i will say about the DiMarzio is that is its fecking loud!! Like...REALLY loud lol. So we'll see how it goes, might drop a Wizard in for some Vintage tone if the DiMarzio doesn't work out.
    Its been properly shielded now as well, by a friend, replacing my teenage attempt seen above. You could say that my efforts were 'FOILED'!!!!!! HAHAHAhAHAhAh...hahahahahaha...ha.<ahem>

    So yeah, my first ever bass gets a new lease of life, and is getting gigged for the first time in about 6 years
    Was a fun little project.



  5. So last night i went to visit Holly, my better half, at Kensal Town Studios in London where The Shebeats are doing some recordings!
    Lo and behold the studio had a number of 'house guitars' sitting in the studio in case anyone needs a particular sound.
    The one that caught my eye straight away, and the only really interesting bass (apart from a late 70's Mustang Bass), was this Precision. Like a geek i noted the Serial number down, and it dates 1977/1978.



    I'll try and get some more shots, and have a play if i go back for another visit!
    Just thought it looked quite nice :)


  6. [quote name='Toasted' post='83446' date='Nov 4 2007, 11:16 AM']Si, you're welcome to come to Leeds and try out the cab any time - bring your rig / basses or use mine :)


    If i find myself up there, and its still for sale, i'll definitely pop in! :huh:

    I think me and a bass player friend are gonna trip to The Gallery and try some out, then i'll have a bit more of an idea. I'm loving the idea of the Epi UL's, but its between the 310, 410 and 212 at the moment, but that's simply based on ideologies.


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