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Everything posted by Stacker

  1. I think that's a Cort, made in the far east. No way that's a Steiny. Leave it, mate; it's a dog. Looks like it's had a bad refin, too. Spend your £300 on a Fender Squier or a day at the races but leave that thing alone.
  2. [quote name='The Burpster' post='698086' date='Jan 1 2010, 04:38 PM']I've just had a thought..... If a slightly dodgy party gets in in the next election and we end up going to war, all of these will be confiscated by the government to make Spitfires...... [/quote] No one will be able to afford these - or anything - if the dodgy party get in and hike up VAT and cosy up to the banks again!
  3. The one we want to see is a '65 reissue with the dot-and-bound neck, matching headstock and lollipop tuners but that would be daft coin as well!!
  4. [quote name='Beedster' post='708756' date='Jan 11 2010, 01:05 PM']Mmm, not really a rip-off, they're not only offering a service but taking the risk that they're going to get the money back - I wonder how many items get sent from overseas and never claimed? It's also a service that saves you having to deal with Customs and Excise directly and then either collect yourself or arrange a courier. £13.50 seems OK t o me? Re Customs, not only are they wise to the whole gift thing, they have a guitar expert at Heathrow who knows his stuff re dealers, manufacturers, values etc (I had a very interesting chat with a well-known dealer about it recently). They can cause quite a lot of grief if they small a rat C[/quote] I meant the whole thing is a rip off; it's alien to me if you're not a business or are importing kit privately. And try contacting, let alone getting any sense out of, HMRC if you have a query about duty, etc! Also, I do think the Parcelforce charge is a bit excessive and I don't believe for one minute they don't claw back charges on stuff that is not, or has refused to be, claimed. As for Heathrow, well, they've had guys down there for the past 20 years. A mate of mine came back through there in the late '80s with a '58 Gold Top and didn't even get stopped but a couple of years later he tried it again with a old Gretsch and they wanted to see every document he had on it and he eventually had to declare it.
  5. [quote name='AndyMartin' post='703604' date='Jan 6 2010, 10:41 PM']I've owned both and for me there's no comparison. I guess the stacked pots of the 62RI are a matter of personal taste but the rubber neck and sticky lacquer finish on the back was pretty poor. Even getting it professionally set up didn't make it much better. I also found the sound of the G string to be quite prominent and could never cure it. Nice looker but I wasn't sorry to see it go. I really like the look of those vintage reissues but that's the only thing they've got going for them. The current Fenders are the best they've produced. IMO of course.[/quote] I've always loved the stack config, even though that circuit removes some tone and oomf from the sound of the bass. I have Custom Shop Fretless what I wouldn't sell but, having said that, I must agree with the comments about the necks and the finish, albeit not on mine. Back in the '90s I tech for a band and they had a 62RI as the spare. I was having to adjust the neck every week (it was running .045s and tuned to Eb) due to a recurring up bow. Finally, there was no turns left on the rod due to wood compacting so i used the old Stew MAc remedy of slipping a washer over the rod nut to get extra purchase which seemed to cure it, temporarily. The back of the neck was overfinished and as the basisst sweated like the proverbial, he grew to hate it and all that, combined with an extreemly weak output, saw that dog off to the boneyard. They even tried to flog it to me. Natch, I passed. I love another, but I'll wait until John at Bravewood starts doing comissions again rather than touch the Fender RI.
  6. You're charged import duty on the value of the goods and VAT on the freight PLUS a £13:50 handling charge by Parcelforce Worldwide for paying your fees to HMRC upfront! It's a rip-off. BTW, HMRC got smart a couple of years back. No longer does marking an item down as a 'gift' exclude it from duty; it has to be marked down as 'commercial sample', though I am willing to be corrected on that.
  7. [quote name='berman3313' post='707094' date='Jan 9 2010, 10:12 PM'][size=3][font="Trebuchet MS"]Really nice looking, playing and sounding CIJ Fender '51 Precision Reissue. These are pretty rare finds. Bridge & Pickup Covers, a Finger Rest and an upgraded SCPB2 Pickup by Seymour Duncan installed on this bass. The neck is AMAZING! In fact, some have said it's as close to a Reverend Rumblefish as you're going to find without resting your hand on some Phenolic Resin! Serial Q011048 indicates Made between 2002 and 2004 Current mid-gauge Roundwounds. Small pencil eraser size chip on the input side edge. Out of sight. No Worries. US Retail is £737 - looking to get £450 insured and shipped from the US. Not interested in trades at present. Thanks. [url="http://picasaweb.google.com/toddberman/CIJ51Reissue?authkey=Gv1sRgCIT4tbyylamxuwE&feat=directlink"]Link to '51 Reissue Photos[/url] [/font][/size][/quote] I'm interested but VAT/Import Duty is putting me off. Who would you freight via?
  8. £1250 is great price, considering what Ricks go for now.
  9. get your stuff back in one bit, sell the bass and keep the coin. If she f***** you over, F*** her right back. You might not want to hear that right now, but you know it's the truth. be thankful it's not like what happened to me a few years back. I was out on the road as a tech and mine went QT on me for a week and the told me she'd 'kissed' someone and that it was over. When I got back she had a new fella; been running him behind my back. feel better? Stay with it mate, it'll be ok. Playing bass is very therapeutic. Take care. Stacker. PS: my one blamed me, too. And I hadn't been around for months! Learn to spot this type of dame before you get involved again, for they'll just move onto someone else when they fancy a change. Life is too short for that kind of sh*t
  10. [quote name='jsixties' post='707833' date='Jan 10 2010, 05:33 PM']Take a look here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=72821"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=72821[/url] [/quote] OK, case closed. Thx for that.
  11. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MUSIC-MAN-STINGRAY-BASS-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ290389130663QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item439c8a7da7"]odd[/url] Any idea what the body is from?
  12. [quote name='Rayman' post='701256' date='Jan 5 2010, 08:36 AM']Why on earth hasn't this sold? Bump.[/quote] Probably cos my CS hasnt!
  13. Out of town now for next week or so. Any offers before I go?
  14. I got the modified fretless squir a couple of years back and the build is superb. It's Indonesian but the only gripe I've got is the pups. I also noticed the Biffy Clyro range and played the blue jazz. The only trhing I didn't like about it was the oversized scroll on the headstcok - it's sh*t!
  15. Provo hold removed. Any other interested parties please note I cannot accept paypal.
  16. I may consider a PX on a V63 in any colour except Jetglo, if nobody's up for a full purchase.
  17. Few pix to kick off. Email me for more.
  18. Floated this twice without any takers. Up here again as Clarky is floating his Nash '63 and I quite fancy that! Here's the blurb from the last time around:- [color="#0000FF"]Up for sale is this lovely and rare 1993 Rickenbacker 4001CS outfit, complete with original case, certificate and case candy which includes: the German distributor's hanging tag; the original RIC North American warranty document (still 100% intact); the RIC owner's maintenance manual; RIC polishing cloth. Additional candy includes a large poster of Schindleria praematurus himself along with a review of the instrument and an interview with CS, taken from two contemporary trade magazines. Points to note:- raising of lacquer in upper regions of neck; no actual absence reaction in pickguard around front pup mounts (common on the CS) red leach mark near rear strap-pin; this was a reaction to foam on gtr stand No other issues. The instrument has never been gigged by me and it is my belief I am the second owner, given that I bought it from Germany where it was imported (see dealer's card). This bass has been in my possession for about 5 years and has been kept in its case ever since the reaction with the guitar stand.I don't bring it out much because I'm that paranoid about it getting dmamaged, so maybe it's time for it to go to a player. Please also note that this is one of the models with the slimmer neck and smaller 'cresting wave' on the headstock. There are quite a few that were made with fatter necks and headstocks when RIC, bizarrely and in the middle of a production run, changed the template of the V63, which is the bass the CS takes its footprint from.[/color] HAd it up for £2.3K last time, which I don't think is unreasonable given what Ricks are selling for these days. Whilst that might be a nice price for me I understand it my be beyond what some can afford. Anyone truly intrested please drop me a PM with a reasonable yet sensible offer. Stacker.
  19. I'll take that off your hands, mate, if I can punt my Rick 4001CS. I'll create a listing but I guess there won't be any takers given the coin I'd want and the time of year. I might reduce my asking price.
  20. [quote name='Marky L' post='693484' date='Dec 25 2009, 08:13 PM']What is it strung with? Flats or rounds? Would it happily take rounds? I recall various discussion saying 4001s will get a buggered neck if you use roundwounds on them?[/quote] A 4001 will take rounds, all right. The scare stories come form the fact that a 4001 neck needs to be moved into postion [i]manually[/i] and then have the rods retightened. Most guys back then didn't do this and just cranked the rods, resulting in popped fingerboards and knackered rods and necks. Take a look at at the official RIC site for full details on how to adjust.
  21. [quote name='headless' post='693453' date='Dec 25 2009, 06:53 PM']Cool, it still has your name on it!!![/quote] ohhh yessss............. You flogging any others?
  22. Hey, George! Best of luck with the sale and have a good one. BTW, the Telebass sale didn't go ahead so that white T-bass is back in the sights!!
  23. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='664721' date='Nov 25 2009, 08:47 AM']*An early morning bump*[/quote] They're great little basses! The neck reminded me very much of my old Status Series II. I used to sit on my chair in the living room with the stetho plugged in and zone out the Mrs and Hollyoaks on a Sunday affy! Good luck with the sale.
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