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Posts posted by ern500evo

  1. Used it for the first time this evening. Have to say, I’m thoroughly impressed. Plenty of versatility in the eq, nice depth and warmth to the sound. Used it ‘dry’ and also tried a few pedals through it,  Ashdown Lomenzo hyperdrive, EBS Sheehan sig, and Darkglass X Ultra. Only took my Sire V7 tonight, so yet to try my Yamaha Attitude Ltd 2 or my Warwick SS1 yet, but so far I’m loving this amp 


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  2. I quite often used to use my BDDI into the front end of an amp. Using it more as a drive pedal that I could switch on and off as needed, with the added bonus of having a di box with me if I had any amp emergencies. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, richardd said:

    Is this still for sale Chris? If so which side of Leicester are you.😊

    I picked it up this morning I’m afraid. However, I know that @rhysyjobhas one for sale too. He’s in South Wales but will post. I know this because he messaged me to say he had one for sale, but I’d already agreed to have this one from Chris 

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  4. I should probably give a V2 BDDI a whirl. Had an amp fail on me mid gig last week and was relieved to have my Darkglass X Ultra pedal with me, to use as a DI box for the remainder of the gig. I’ve been toying with getting rid of it, as I barely scratch the surface of what it’s capable of. Don’t want to be without  DI pedal now though, and as the Sansamp is about the same footprint, wouldn’t need to shuffle my little pedal board around too much either 

  5. 28 minutes ago, fretmeister said:


    Is the Paradriver drive sound the same as the BDDI?

    It’s been a long time since I used either. I used the BDDI first, the V1, and thought it was cool, but having no mid control wasn’t ideal. Then I got to use a Paradriver and it was just like “wow, this is everything I wanted the BDDI to be” The sweepable mids control just seemed to make a huge difference to my cloth ears. I think @Lozz196 has plenty of experience with both pedals, and could explain it far more eloquently than me. I think the BDDI has more drive on tap, but I only ever used either on a fairly low drive setting anyway. More of a grit than a overdrive as such 

  6. 40 minutes ago, BassAdder60 said:

    I find on the V2 the Blend control is key in getting a great sound. 

    I run mine now as the image shows 


    I’m picking up a ABM600 this weekend. Sold my EBS and my ABM500 decided to give up the ghost last weekend. Seriously thinking about swapping out my Darkglass X Ultra for a Paradriver too. 

  7. Dropped my EBS TD650 off to it’s new owner yesterday, and with the ABM500 currently dead, I’m ampless for the first time since I started playing at the tender age of 17. I’d kind of made my mind up that I was going for a ABM600, will get the 500 repaired in due course (assuming it’s financially viable), and then from out of nowhere, a GK Fusion 550 becomes available. I’ve gassed for one of these things for years, this is going to be a tough call! 🤦🏻‍♂️

  8. 3 hours ago, uk_lefty said:

    I always think a preamp DI pedal is a good investment, better than a spare amp.

    I was planning on selling the X Ultra and getting a Sansamp Paradriver, safe to say I’ll be buying the Sansamp before the X Ultra goes, to make sure I’ve always got a DI pedal with me. 

  9. Sod’s law that it decided to pack up the night before I sell my EBS amp, which is being dropped off to its new owner today. So for now, I’m ampless! I will get it sent off to Ashdown for an assessment, but I’ve been meaning to get an ABM600 for a while now, so maybe it’s the kick up the derrière I needed 

  10. My very early ABM500EvoRc decided to give up the ghost on me tonight, with a puff of smoke and the delightful smell of electrical burning, halfway through the first set of a gig. One stroke of luck, before the gig I was going to take my Darkglass Microtubes X ultra off my little pedal board and put my EBS Sheehan pedal back on but decided I couldn’t be bothered  to faff about. I don’t usually go through the PA for smaller gigs, but luckily I was able to use the Darkglass as a DI box to bail me out. 

  11. 2 hours ago, SteveXFR said:


    I think the vocals are great, dome of Lemmys best singing. I guess we can't all like the same thing 

    Absolutely! The thread would be pretty boring if someone posted the worst ever cover, and we all just replied “yep, that’s the one”! 😀 These kind of threads are great for dividing opinion. 

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  12. 12 minutes ago, paul_5 said:

    I disagree. It’s a given that anyone taking on Bowie tracks is always going to contentious, but there are far, far worse from that album.

    These threads are fun for seeing everyone’s differing opinions. Granted, it probably isn’t the worst cover version I’ve ever heard, but I just can’t listen to it. As soon as the vocal starts, it’s game over for me! 😀

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