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Everything posted by markdavid

  1. [quote name='markdavid' timestamp='1462267694' post='3041505'] Hi, has just occurred to me that the scratch-plate is metal, instead of grounding to the back of the volume pot can I just wedge the ground wire between the scratch-plate and use the scratch-plate to ground the volume pot for the p pickup? [/quote] Looking into this a bit it seems like this might be a bad idea as the ground for the bridge pickup is grounded to the bridge pickup volume , would this create a Ground Loop ? [url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_loop_(electricity"]https://en.wikipedia...op_(electricity[/url]) I assume this would be ok as long as I ground both volumes to the metal scratch-plate ?
  2. Hi, has just occurred to me that the scratch-plate is metal, instead of grounding to the back of the volume pot can I just wedge the ground wire between the scratch-plate and use the scratch-plate to ground the volume pot for the p pickup?
  3. Thanks,if i am getting sound from the p pickup when the p vol is turned down and the bridge pickup is turned up then it would be the wiring for the p pickup that i would need to check wouldnt it?
  4. [quote name='Manton Customs' timestamp='1462111348' post='3040333'] It could be that either you've cooked the volume pot, or the first lug that gets grounded to the pot casing is not making contact anymore (via the lug itself or short wire). So check the lug first . [/quote]Thanks, both volumes seem to be working so i think it must be the lug, i have checked the solder joints and they all look ok albeit a bit messy soldering wise so am a bit baffled
  5. Hi all, i have fitted a quarter pound bridge pickup in a p j bass , sounds fine seems to work as it should etc however when i used a screwdriver to tap the pickups when i have the bridge pickup on but the volume for the neck pickup turned off i still got a faint sound from tapping the neck pickup with the screwdriver,it is much quieter than the sound from tapping the bridge pickup with the screwdriver, i am guessing something is up ? What do you think?
  6. Got the zoom 708ii , the aux does work at the same time as the input i definately prefer the amp modelling sounds to the bypass,the amp modelling sounds good, bypass mode seems very midrange heavy. Have been playing around on this and i love the amp modelling on this, what is funny is that the biggest bassiest setting on the amp modelling is titled bright amp, this setting far from being bright sounds huge
  7. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1461857740' post='3038280'] That adaptor is mono, so you'd only get one track of the MP3. If you used a stereo version of the adaptor it should work (I have a Zoom GFX 707 and I am pretty sure it works in stereo when presented with a stereo source, because I think it has a stereo chorus effect, but it has been a long time since I did it so I could be wrong), but any effects used would also effect the MP3. I really do think that it will work as you hope. Edit: A better alternative would be something like a small mixer: [url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-502-Xenyx-mixer/dp/B000J5UEGQ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1461857813&sr=8-2&keywords=2+channel+stereo+mixer"]https://www.amazon.c...el+stereo+mixer[/url] But that's £32 and I hate it when people go suggesting stuff like that like it's nothing, £32 is a lot of money for me, but I thought I'd put it out there. But don't go buying anything until you're sure you need to. [/quote] Thanks for the suggestion , yes if the Zoom does not work out I think I may well get a small mixer but only once I have tried out the Zoom obviously. I hear you on the money thing I was looking at the Vox Amphones with the preamp built into the headphones and liked the idea but I just couldn't bring myself to spend £70+ on a set of headphones + preamp that dont look that solidly built
  8. Thanks, if it turns out that it can only take either aux or bass input at one time is there any reason why I couldn't use a two input socket adaptor like for example the picture below and plug both my bass and an mp3 player into it? bearing in mind that this setup will only be used for practice and definately not for gigging
  9. [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Hi[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I have managed to score a Zoom 708ii and am currently awaiting delivery of the item. [/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Doing some googling I found a manual for the 708ii that mentions using the type keys to select Bass or Aux but no mention of using both at the same time.[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I would like to be able to play along with mp3's when I practice and was wondering if I can use the aux input to play my bass along to mp3's or is the Zoom 708ii only capable of handling either Aux in or Input jack at one time , anyone able to answer this? Thanks[/font][/color]
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1461659993' post='3036452'] Problem with them is they don't typically have inputs with the correct impedance for hooking up a passive bass direct - it will work but will sound very muddy. No problem plugging straight into the line in if you have an active bass, or are using a pedal in between that buffers the signal (which means pretty much any pedal switched on or some are also buffered in bypass mode like Boss pedals). I've used either a DI box into a Behringer Micromon MA400 or a pedal into a cheapo Behringer mixer before with good results! [/quote] thanks, so if i use my boss bass eq pedal this should sort out the impedance mismatch if i decide to go the mixing desk route?
  11. Also i am thinking of maybe using a mixer to practice,i can easily get my hands on a 2 channel mixer, has anyone done this? How did it work out
  12. Thanks i will have to look into the bass buddy Has anybody used the Zoom multi fx pedal as a headphone amp? I wouldn't mind having a few effects to use and if this can be used with the effects switched off then this may be a good option
  13. Hi,am after getting a small headphone amp and am after suggestions,i want something very,very small e.g something that can fit in a small bag,also it must have an aux input. Have been looking at the amplug but i have read very mixed reviews on it and tbh if it sounds like poo then i would rather not buy it,have also looked at the electro harmonix headphone amp but there is no aux input so that is out of the question Any suggestions? Thanks
  14. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1461014260' post='3030738'] Double check the amp at yours with another bass. And take the amp around someone's house and see if it works ok there. If so it's definitely the socket. Have you tried plugging it into another socket at your flat? I'm assuming the bass is the passive version and not the active version with the battery in. [/quote] Thanks, i will try that, yes is the passive version
  15. Have been having an issue that is driving me out of my mind, living in an extremely small studio flat i only have room for one bass, my beloved squier jaguar. Recently i have been having this issue where i will be playing and the sound will just either cut out completely or the volume will drop very dramatically to practically nothing. Sometimes this happens after a few minutes and sometimes it happens immediately,if i take the cable out of the bass and touch the end i get the buzzing noise that you would expect but when i plug the cable back in then nothing. At first i thought it was a dodgy cable but i brought a new cable to eliminate this possibility and still the same problem. I have also plugged my bass in through the auxiliary input and strangely it was fine this way apart from a bit of background hiss, thinking it must be the amp i took the amp and my bass to the shop i brought the amp from to show them and the amp and bass behaved absolutely fine when i was in the shop which leads me to think that maybe it is the dodgy electrics in my flat. I have opened up the bass to check there are no loose wires or ropey soldering and it all looks ok,i am totally baffled, any ideas?
  16. Hi Anybody used these? [url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/products/generic-electric-bass-flatwound-strings-45-100-nickel"]http://www.allparts.uk.com/products/generic-electric-bass-flatwound-strings-45-100-nickel[/url] haven't heard much about them and found no info online on them but have ordered a set. At £8.40 a set I figure its got to be worth the gamble, would love to hear some opinions if anyone here has used them
  17. So,on the neverending tone quest and have tried a few brands of flatwounds so far,ghs and labella are both very nice but curiosity has me wanting to try ti jazz flats, the price on the other hand... £50 a set! So before i cave in and fork out the cash i was after some opinions on ti,is the tone from then worth the money? thanks
  18. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1454317934' post='2968422'] Must just be me then, I find Jess Glynn's vocals to be nasal & mumbled, apart from when she "opens up" for the chorus, when she gets "shouty". Adele's a bit better, at least she's not singing through her nose. Just my opinion of course, not that I'm any judge. [/quote] Ahh yes ,nasal and shouty, that perfectly sums up my feelings on Jess Glynn, no offense to anyone who enjoys her music just my opinion
  19. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1454264396' post='2968029'] no vibrato. Straight up beautiful voice and tone, her harmonies are just great . She reminds me of Karen Carpenter. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvYUfwMBCrU[/media] [/quote] Karen Carpenter , now that is a voice, not the overbaked vocal masturbation of some of todays singers, no-one in today's music even comes close
  20. Have tried several brands of flats and the ones i always come back to are labella ,none of the other brands come close imo
  21. [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Am finding that the wilkinson Jazz pickup and the p pickup blended together seems a little honky in the upper mids with the low mids a little scooped, I did not notice this characteristic with the stock j pickup it just sounded like a moderate scoop in the low and hi mids.[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]My question is this: what do you think is causing the upper mids bump ?[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]To my mind there are a few possibilities[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]A) the wilkinson is more scooped in the lower mids which is causing the upper mids to be emphasized, the wilkinson is not overly bright either which could further emphasize this[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]B ) the hotter output of the wilkinson (compared to the stock j pickup) is causing it to be louder than the p pickup (the p pickup is only around 8k if i remember the squier specs correctly) which is emphasizing the upper mids[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]C) the low output of the stock j pickup causes it to have more highs and less mids than the wilkinson which is further emphasized when combined with the p pickup[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]D) the low output of the stock j pickup means that only a touch of the j pickup is added when on full volume [/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I had a local well respected luthier who builds custom basses do the pickup swap so I am sure it is not out of phase pickups issues[/font][/color] [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Fwiw I may well be returning back to the stock j pickup[/font][/color]
  22. [quote name='All thumbs' timestamp='1451999653' post='2945322'] Hi! They are pretty low tension I would say, I've used them a lot (mainly due to them being the only short-scale flats my local shop stocks) and have them on my Chowny CHB-1. I'm not personally a huge fan of Rotosound's short scale strings, although I like their long scale ones. The reason is that they produce their short-scale strings in thin gauges (40-90) but try to pull the tension up a little by using huge central core wires. This leaves them sounding very overtone-y (not in a good way). They also rise in pitch very easily if you play them even slightly too hard. I have to tune my e-string pretty flat to compensate for it! Having said all that, some people like the 'dirty' or 'earthy' quality of them. Here's a video of the Chowny with Rotosounds on - [url="https://youtu.be/vjlip2IpbcI"]https://youtu.be/vjlip2IpbcI[/url] [/quote] Thanks, in that case I may try a long scale 40-100 set instead and cut them down, hopefully they will not be too high tension, the long scale version is notorious for high tension but hopefully the short scale should combat this a little. The other option would be to buy the heavy gauge set, discard the e and order a separate .40 gauge flat
  23. Hi All Am considering a set of these, I have avoided the long scale set for a while due to the high tension but the gauges on these are lighter (90-75-50-40) , was just wondering if anyone has used the short scale set and if so how is the tension on these? how does the tension compare to other flatwounds? also how is the tone? Roto flats are on some of my favourite albums (Pink floyd, Thin lizzy) so would like to give these a try if the tension is not too high, for reference my currennt string are labella 760fl short scale flats
  24. Not much too add other than avoid the Seymour Duncan SPB-2 Hot pickups, I tried them in my p bass and it was like the mids control on my amp was permanently on full , it was not useful mids either , no grind or burp and not low/bass mids just a wall of very smooth mids kind of like listening to bass through a very cheap radio speaker, to make things worse all the low bass was rolled off with this pickup
  25. Heard the news the other day and whilst i was saddened by the news it occurred to me that I hadn't really listened to that much of Lemmy's playing or Motorhead. Listened to some Motorhead and was struck by how surprisingly inventive some of his parts are are and how much harder they are to play than I would have thought, listening to the track The Ace of Spades in particular there are a [b][u]lot[/u] [/b]of bass chords played as well as the awesome signature bass riff. I have to say now that Lemmy is very underrated as a bass player, definately.
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