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Everything posted by V4lve

  1. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1363715536' post='2016479'] Have you tried a different amp ? Its possible, just possible that the coupling cap to the first stage is leaky and putting DC on to the pot sliders. Early death of pots, and crackly new ones due to leaky coupling caps wasnt uncommon back in the days of steam valve radios. btw, plastic fuel tanks are supposed to be earthed to prevent static sparks igniting the fuel. Dunno how that works though. Maybe a 3 ply scratchplate, with 2 plastic sheets insulated from each other by a different type of plastic, which would act as a dielectric, could build up a charge between the two. Or am I just talking complete bollox ? [/quote] It happens regardless of what I plug it into. In fact it seems to have infected one of my pedals too.
  2. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1363774041' post='2017235'] Title says 'now solved' - how, please? [/quote] Sorry. I hijacked someone else thread. I guess I need to solve it quick.
  3. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1363652647' post='2015459'] Woahh...it can def be caused by a 'plastic' pickguard. It seems that when they get worn they can generate 'staic' type inteference when touched / rubbed. Plenty of info if you Google it. Look for 'shiny' bits on the pickguard where it's been 'polished' by hand movements etc. I had this happen on an Ibanez Strat copy. You can shield with foil and dryer sheets also work to a degree ( they are 'anti static' )- but I got a new pickguard cut at a place in Orpington. [/quote] I think I might get a replacement guard to see what happens.
  4. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1363653617' post='2015468'] Matter of interest, was it a 3 ply one ? Just wondering if it had a different material in the centre. V4LVE, Are the pot casings both connected to the outer terminal on the jack.ie, earthed ? and are either oof them loose ? [/quote] Pots appear to be earthed.
  5. Ok.I wiggled all the wires and checked the solder. All seemed OK apart the plugs on the board. I cleaned them but no difference. But did notice that the static crackle goes away when the guard is away from the bass.
  6. Wrong forum. Wondered where it had gone. Doh!
  7. Tried switch cleaner, earthing, shielding and even dryer sheets. Beginning to wonder if it is the pick guard.
  8. I took the cover off and fiddled with wiring and boards. The main pre-amp board make a lot of noise when I run my finger across the back of it. Should that happen?
  9. [url="http://www.metals4u.co.uk/resources/files/polished-stainless-steel-flat-bar.jpg"]Fretless[/url]
  10. Interesting. I have an ongoing pot crackle thing that I had learned to live with but has started to bother me again. I isolated it this morning. If I play a few notes and then fiddle with the pots they crackle. If I then give the strings a good wipe up and down the neck a few times with the same hand and then fiddle with the pots they don't crackle. It's repeatable. There is a ton of shielding in the cavity and under the cover and everything seems earthed (to my limited knowledge). Is there anything else I can do to get rid? Ta
  11. Been there since Feb 24 so maybe gone. I like it. [url="http://www.trade-it.co.uk/swindon/musical/guitars-amps/bass/status-graphite-5-TT242H093"]http://www.trade-it.co.uk/swindon/musical/guitars-amps/bass/status-graphite-5-TT242H093[/url]
  12. Just got one. It doesnt work well on my E and B string and when nothing is happening just flashes. Is that a low battery warning? I swapped the battery but no difference.
  13. [quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1359797313' post='1960344'] For me a 5 string is all about versatility, I play in church a lot and there seem to be loads of songs in e flat, the low b means that a descending bassline that was written on an organ can be played properly. I also love it for songs in e as it gives me a fretted low e. Matt [/quote] +1
  14. I have small hands and find a 5 easier to play for two reasons . The strings are closer together and because of the low B I can spend less time up the dusty end where frets are closer together.
  15. Email them. Once I had made contact they were really chatty. Quite impressed. I was a bit worried because the courier who picked it up for them couldn't give me a receipt and it was a Friday. I emailed them on Monday to check and they replied within a couple of hours to confirm it had arrived.
  16. Aha. Mine says 'Small minor modification applied.' It did appear to rattle before when I shook it hard. Now it doesn't. And I had forgotten how lovely it sounds.
  17. Just been told mine is repaired and will be sent out to me tomorrow.
  18. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1359418818' post='1954634'] Just re-read the Schechter 7 string blurb, apparently he does the "tuner reorientaion conversion himself". Would that be taking the Tuner out and leaving a big bloody hole? Useful if you are into Clapton era solos, you could stick an e-fag into it.... [/quote] Or peer weirdly through it at the audience? Endless fun!
  19. Wonder what market research he has done. Presumably there are large handed guitarists out there waiting to snap this of a kind of butchery up.
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