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Everything posted by Soloshchenko

  1. I can't help myself, I simply had to start this thread. After only a few weeks of owning it I loaned (and instantly missed) my sonic blue Squier 60s CV bass to my best mate who's currently bassless but got a gig with a decent band. Now the gigs are finished and I have her back which means my lovely Wizard loaded Mexican Fender Jazz has hit the gig bag for a few weeks. I absolutely love this bass. It's awesome loaning out a bass to a good friend for their gigging needs then getting it back. It feels like falling in love again. As he was still playing it and doesn't have a bass, I'll loan it back in a few weeks (he has now made me three offers to buy it). Anyway, I suppose the pictures are pointless, we all know exactly what these look like, but what the hell, this thread is pointless. Another reason I love this bass is that I'm a tinker man. If I'm happy with a bass, I still end up pissing about and changing things. I honestly can't think of anything to change on this bass other than the control knobs which are soon getting changed. The pickup is awesome, the bridge is chunky and beautifully hidden by the plate and any other colour scratchplate looks daft. In the words of Tom Cruise, I'm in love. I'm jumping on the sofa and embarrassing everyone by declaring this love. I bought this bass in imaculate condition for £190 with a hardcase, Fender strap and cool strap lock things. it was the best piece of bass related business I ever did.
  2. Personally I'm glad I've never seen one of these fellas on the BC marketplace: [url="http://www.sandberg-guitars.de/basscat-overview/calp-series/calp"]Sandberg P[/url] I'd probably end up having a fight with myself and buying one. I've only ever played the Basics but from that, if quality is what you want, these need to be considered.
  3. Stunning but bloody hell. For that price I'd expect it to do all the housework.
  4. Loads of options for getting a P bass. My advice would be go down the fender route and replace the stock pickups with wizards. The suggestion of saving a few quid and just getting a Squier CV is also a good one. I absolutely love mine and currently play it more than my Fender.
  5. [url="http://www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk/lacquer.html"]This is where to go[/url]
  6. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='1109962' date='Jan 31 2011, 07:52 PM']Wow thats praise! Whats the proccess like?[/quote] I assume you mean putting it together? It was slightly time consuming but really enjoyable. I got my stuff unfinished and in putting it together felt I learnt a bit about guitar construction and loads about wood finishing. Filling the grain was the most time consuming thing.I must have gone through a million different ways in my head on how to finish it. Anyway, the guitar is a thing I absolutely treasure even if I don't play guitar that much anymore. Like I said, my dream bass is to do a Warmoth Jazz and I'mnot even talking their fancy exotic wood stuff, I mean the Swamp ash body/maple neck kind of thing Fender could do for me. I just think Warmoth quality, when you get it in your hands, is far superior and consistent. Here's my guitar, forgive me bass gods. Word of warning though, re sale value is LOW. People don't wanna buy your idea of a dream bass, especially given you might have buggered up putting it together along the way. If I was ever to sell this, and I'd have to actually be starving,but if I did it's normally a good idea to split it back into parts I think.
  7. I really don't get why Fender still piss about putting these things on. Hands up who still plays this way? Me neither, but I do have 2 screw holes in my CV Precision scratchplate that annoy me a little bit and the knowledge that a standard Fender replacement scratchplate probably won't fit. I know it's a small thing but what is the point in the first place?
  8. Is that a good price for these SH? Balls, I think I've really missed out by refusing one in the past as a trade then!
  9. I built a Warmoth tele thinline. Nicest guitar I own. The build quality is unquestionable, as nice as I've seen on anything. As a Fender man my ultimate dream bass is a Warmoth Jazz rather than a Fender custom shop or vintage one. That's how highly I rate them.
  10. That is just absolutely stupid and awful. I just vomitted looking at it.
  11. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/KAY-RICKY-STYLE-BASS-GUITAR-BLACK-V-NICE-PROJECT-/110637765347?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item19c28652e3"]Very rubbish Kay [/url] You've all not mentioned this because you;re secretly bidding for it aren't you? Pretty horrible in every way but a Faker, kind of. 3 hours left!
  12. Yeah, the shipping and import duty is a bit of a lottery. I can't remember the exact amounts but I remember being shocked at how little I had to pay on what is now Muzz's black one. By the way Muzz, why don't you get some pics of the upgrades you've done? They sound cool and I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd love to see what it looks like.
  13. I had one, in fact it's the same one Muzz is on about I think because he bought it from me! Glad you like it Muzz. My only concern and from what Muzz is saying, he's the same, was the neck on the precision I owned was a bloody log! It really was too thick which was why I sold the bass. It was, in fact, the fattest neck I've ever played or seen on any bass. If you can deal with that, go for it because they're very cheap. Personally, I replaced the SX with a Classic Vibe Squier Precision which was far more comfortable for me to play.
  14. Mexican basses are inconsistent. I got lucky mail ordering mine because it's a beaut and has the slimmest neck I've ever played on any Jazz. Perfect for me and I'll never sell it despite it being heavy as a log. Regardless which route you take I'd fully recommend replacing the pickups with Wizards. I put some 84s on mine, haven't played a Jazz that sounds anything like as good as my MIM and I've played a lot of Fenders. Wizard pickups are simply the dogs bollox and they aren't expensive. ALSO, a good setup is hugely important with all Fenders. It seems most guitar shops have given up giving their instruments proper setups! Bizarre. You wouldn't show someone round you For Sale house without having a clean up first.
  15. Ricky GAS is a hard urge to kill. As someone else said, if you're a pick player you might be half way there. You possibly have a greater chance of getting on with Rick basses than fingerstyle players. I find that as unbelievably cool as they look, they are a terrible design for us finger style bassists. I know Geddy played them brilliantly but the thought of woodshedding for 500 hours just to stop me resting my thumb somewhere close to the strings seems a big price to pay for having the best looking bass there is! One possible route might be to get yourself a faker for a fraction of the cost, see how you get on and then if you like it, sell it for a real one, and if not your bag, get rid and you'll be over your GAS. You WILL be able to sell it, I find there is a big demand for good fakers. I'm actually talking from experience, I bought myself a beautiful CMI faker. The sound was awesome, the look was awesome, my band absolutely LOVED that bass but going back to my Jazz just felt so much more natural and I knew it had to go.
  16. Think someone has disbanded a beatles cover band.
  17. [quote name='ialma' post='1102176' date='Jan 25 2011, 02:30 PM']laminate body ?[/quote] It's Hondo mate so yeah, definitely a lammy! All PMs replied.
  18. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1100590' date='Jan 24 2011, 11:32 AM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=119556"]This one's a much better deal[/url] - and no, it ain't the same one! J.[/quote] Aye, apparently the guy selling his on BC is a really nice bloke as well! Can confirm that the ebay one is not me.
  19. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Anniversary-Replica-Bass-Guitar-/180613679083?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a0d6a07eb"]Anniversary[/url] I like these for modern versions. Anyone know what they are like quality wise? (Jon, I'm looking in your direction).
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