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Everything posted by pal1972

  1. forgot to mention it can be used with either active or passive pickups, oh and also comes with prewired output jack!
  2. Just bought this the other week with the intention of installing it into my squier cv jazz, however gas has meant i sold that one and have bought another bass so dont need this little unit now! It is the single concentric pot with bass/treble not the whole system. Its brand new in the box, i can even throw in a chrome stack knob too!!! bought it from here: [url="http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/acatalog/EMG_Pickup_Accessories_for_Bass_Guitar.html"]http://www.guitarandampshop.co.uk/acatalog...ass_Guitar.html[/url] £60 posted
  3. I got one a while ago but took it straight back as it wasn as loud as my then Mag300!!! bought the LG1000 and it was much better, although is till found myself having to drive it hard to compete live! reverted back to a 'big' head (Mag600) now and have to say its much better!! I'd still like to get a superfly1000 though as a backup and also to try out and theyre silly money at the minute too!!!
  4. Generic one sold, gator sold pending payment. thanks for interest
  5. most of these still available if nayone interested in anything!??
  6. very true! only the jazz is a squire BTW
  7. collection would be ok too if anyone near enough to the north east??
  8. Decided it is up for grabs as ive been a bit naughty!!! an committed to another bass so need the cash to do the trade!! £280 posted!
  9. putting up as a feeler at present as theres a couple of basses ive spotted, but seeing as ive only had this 3 weeks not sure if its a bit too short to move it on? Its as new, no marks at all, had a set of EMG vintage pups installed (the ones with exposed poles) wiring is EMG too - blend, vol, tone with the battery simply sitting under the control plate. knobs are the black EMG ones with the upgrades i was thinking £280? dont know if thats a tad ambitious? these are really great basses for the cash and this is lovely to play and i'm more than happy to keep it but like i say ive spotted a few others that tickle my fancy so speculating at present! no 'up close and personal' pics yet but here it is in my group shot! [attachment=38099:Image0085.jpg]
  10. Ive considered tis for a while now, but have no idea of how/what to do!! Ive got an ashdown MAG600 head at the minute and I never use the eq at all! so basically i'm just using input and output volumes! I did have a little giant1000 before as i wanted a compact head but found it was lacking somewhat. I'd still really like a really small head so was wondering about building one myself!? Ideally it would be around the same size as the LG1000 but i'd only need input, output and DI - no eq. How easy/difficult wuld it be to make one? Ideally 500w would do and it would need to be 4ohm. Anyone on here ever built themselves an amp head?? or know where i can go for help on internet??
  11. forgot to mention that when i ordered i had to specify that i wanted two inputs one output as the stock one is the other way round!!! but didnt cost any extra and delivery was VERY quick!!!
  12. i use one of these...http://www.redonionsolutions.co.uk/AB/ABVol.htm. I use it along side a digitech bp-50 so i can program two settings - one for each bass in terms of eq settings before going into my amp. the redonions pedal is great and very reasonably priced too well recommended
  13. i bought one of theie Pbass bodies about a year ago, looked great, decent quality, but when i tried to fit a pickguard, the route was wrong so could be seen peeking out from under the pickguard and the bottom edge near the output socket! things have probably changed by now though!
  14. here's a pic of the other one.... [attachment=37865:Image0087.jpg] [attachment=37866:Image0088.jpg] obviously the bass isn't included!!!
  15. status energy, warwick fortess one, squier cv jazz, fender mex Pbass deluxe, washburn AB10 [attachment=37841:Image0085.jpg] [attachment=37842:Image0086.jpg] my warwick is the main bass at gigs and has been since i bought it new in '91! the others are used on a 'rota' basis as backups!!
  16. got a couple of hardcases lying around that i no longer need/want. Both are oblong cases, the first is black with black vinyl covering, grey fur inside, good nick the odd scuff and tear in the viny; but structurally sound, black plastic corner protectors, 3 clasp locks. the second is a gator ABS oblong case, excellent nick, no holes/cracks, no keys (unless i can find them) will take pics asap, theyre in the spare room but the little 'un is asleep next door so cant get upi to get them out now! theyd need to be collected from sunderland if interested ideally £20 for the vinyl one and £30 for the gator PM me if interested. found pic of the gator on internet - its the same as the one ive got. [attachment=37839:GATGCBASS.jpg] [attachment=37840:GATOR_BASS.jpg]
  17. at the minute i run an ahsdown mag600 head through a schroeder 1212L 4ohm cab. this is very loud, great thump can handle the lows and the highs and its a very light cab. bought my cab off here for a shade over £300! so very good value for money!!!
  18. Sod it!!... just played this at gig tonight and sounds awesome!!! sorry giys its a keeper!!!!!
  19. OK, only just got this this week but spotted a streamer on here I fancy so seeing if theres any interest? Its a mex Pbass deluxe, sunburst finish. very few tiny marks etc, the guy i git it off said he bought it new in 2003 and barely used it. I havent even had chance to do a proper setup yet! plays well, the actionis alittle high for me but like i say havent set it up properly yet. great tone, metal anodised scratchplate. wil take some better pics of anyone interested but heres a one i took last night!! (for reference its the one on the right!!) [attachment=37700:Image0085.jpg] thinking £350 delivered?
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