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Leonard Smalls

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Everything posted by Leonard Smalls

  1. Heard this on the Craig Charles show yesterday, and surprisingly, considering it's modern R'n'B, I like it. as Mr Charles says, it's got a wiggle!
  2. We did one of those recently and it turned out to be a contest of how many Instagram votes you could muster. Sadly, our Facebook followers tend not to bother with it being a touch older... We'd been told there were three judges, which is why we did it!
  3. Raph's just bought one to replace his unfixable Trace... Shall know how it is tomorrow!
  4. When I were a youth, mind, I was able to wander about and "sing"! Here's proof on the singing part, though I fear that shouting would be a better description - at the Marquee, early 90s...
  5. Tis a thing of beauty - cheers! 😃 Though we're not in an exclusive relationship - I sometimes gig the Parker... And record with the Wal and Lightwave.
  6. Here's my main big gig rig... I split the bass signal in the Helix, left being an octaved guitar effect and right is an overdrive bass sound. Both go into separate channels in the dbx compressor then into the stereo Crown amp with L signal going into the 2x10 and R into 4x10. I'll send the separate split signals to the PA as well. If it's a smaller gig I'll bridge the Crown and feed it from the BBE pre amp with Helix inputs being centred. Works quite well! I'm tending to gig with the ACG Recurve...
  7. It's still going strong! We took part in a Battle of the Bands recently, and there were 27 bands in it, we were the oldest by far... And they were all from a small area of the Welsh Borders, and all were relatively traditional in that they had bass, drums, guitars and vox; musical styles were very varied too. People have been saying "music's not like when I were a youth" since before the days of Methuselah!
  8. Unfortunately, I don't think I have a copy of the original VHS. And even if I did, I haven't got a VHS player!
  9. I blew one up once for a chemistry demonstration video! We found just the shell, someone presumably having put the metal bits in a scrappers horse'n'cart...
  10. Never in unison! Needs to be one forward, one back. However, as it's only me so far it's not a problem. But when other bass and (Gawdelpus!) guitar start doing the same we'll have to employ one of them choreographers, like what Madonna does...
  11. I'm quite excited by the fact I can walk forward and backwards while slappindabass, a bit like a CrapFlea in a Dr Feelgood band! But singing as well would be a step too far...
  12. You'd probably be better off going to the Late Lounge just up the road in Rhyl... I can't imagine Bodelwellyn will have anything more than EZ listening. Though many, of course, prefer the less difficult road to musical nirvana and positively revel in being right in the middle of it!
  13. I thought to myself, "that geezer has got the blues"! So that's wot I done... Me and my (singing) mate had a session with my remarkably smooth Ludlow Stolen Youth "English Spirit" (as they can't legally call it whisk(e)y) and came up with just about every blues cliché short of having woken up this morning... Guitars by both of us, with one sneaky bit being Amplesound Les Paul VST (can you tell which? 😁). Bass is a Lightwave fretless overdriven through Focusrite preamp - no other processing. And drums are Clyde Stubblefield plate mix kit part programmed in EZ drummer. All lightly polished with Ozone 9.
  14. Personally, I refuse to play Sweet Home Alabama... Simply because I'm not interested in compromising my opinion that it's a pile of old stinky poo! 😁
  15. Did a Battle of the Bands last night in Hereford... Apart from me being stuck right in front of the guitar amp and being able to hear little but that, it went well! Good crowd and as we went in the van and I wasn't driving I could even have a whole 2 pints of Real Beer! Both basses coming along quite nicely now, with both players sporting proper punky hairdos - with basses from Cort and ACG, my amp being Marshall Jubilee into Markbass 2x10 via Helix. Problem is, us being oldies, we can barely do Facebook and voting for the Battle is over at Instagram where codgers fear to go! So if anyone feels brave and would like to vote for us (Choked), it's here https://www.instagram.com/stories/thejamfac/3080250387046344714/ Here's a snippet featuring punkdisco bass! ChokedKissThisJamFac13-4-23.mp4
  16. There was an excellent one on every Saturday we used to go to in Leeds - 99. We'd go after the Cosmo club... Meanwhile:
  17. I used to have a neighbour called Jill Ingham!
  18. We're in Hereford next Thursday! Battle of the bands at the Jam Factory...
  19. Y'all will be pleased that a friend who sings in a blues band came to visit this week. And we had a good 'ol fiddle and a rummage through the clichés... Which means a) I don't have to "sing" b) it's not crazed atonal jazz. More's the pity! Next time, eh?
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