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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. The last band, i left yesterday via messanger chat....the vocal leader of the band - girl, called me a selfish person. I said i don't want any profanity and everything will be ok, no problem finding a new ok bassist. I just want to go away. The new rules of the band was - band - split in two. The first one going for new 3 hour covers in latvian to have a good money (all band members where amateurs). That was a bit incompatible with my everyday job, so i talked about it. The whole band said - it's ok, don't wory - we will find at that dates some other bassist. That felt offended. The second part of the band would make their own songs. The rehearsals would be 2 hours in weak. I hope next band situation would be better. Cheers!
  2. I would absolutely love to have it, but..........dah............i absolutely can't afford it, never.
  3. Can't vote for 3, couse 2 are missing - Flea and Gary Willis.
  4. I know a guy who plays telecaster for death metal and he feels satisfied.
  5. I preffer - record my part then go with drummer to a nearest pub and take 1-2 x 0,5l live beer.
  6. Some say - they like it and it helps them. May be it's quite indivisual.
  7. Some one - please don't take it personal, but what is it so bad with those small energy drinks ?
  8. I think the variation of simpsons intro song would work fine. Main vocalist could rest a bit.
  9. Maybe We all need to start thinking on buying 6 string baritone guitar ?
  10. Who knows, maybe he could be busy with playing french horn at that time.
  11. I only hate to gig if the gear is allready set up and is not the brand what i like. Sorry for me, but that is the way it happens most. I don't say it is bad, but i don't like it.
  12. He is Harry Poter, and I claim his 10$.
  13. Running a recording studio is like being in virtual insanity all the time !
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