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Everything posted by nilorius

  1. That is a very hard core question on which i don't have a straight answer.
  2. It started 6 years ago when i bought TC electronics 112'' combo. Later sold it to have an extra money for Hartke 600w head (don't remember model - don't make it anymore) and Hartke hydrive hd112 cab. Then sold the hartke head to get an extra money for Aguilar ToneHammer 500 head and another Hartke hydrive hd112. Finally sold bouth Hartke hydrive heads and bought 2 x Aguilar SL112. Now i am fine. About my pedal board - i have all i need...even too much, just waiting for MXR m82b to arive.
  3. Take a look at George Benson's song collections. You will find a lot of good lover songs.
  4. Wondering, what would be Your favourite 4 string fretted jazz bass player. I vote for Flea.
  5. Would You like or have a ramp on Your bass or do You hate it, or just feel that You don't really care? I have it on my Ibanez GWB1005 and feel pretty useful with it. So i like it. What about You?
  6. Welcome and best regards !!!
  7. Aguilar Tone hammer 500 - All i need is love !
  8. Cry baby bass wah is sounding very ok and is built as a monster which will live forever, though it's too big and heavy for my to cary it in my gig bag to all rehearsals and gigs. Will search for something smaller and interesting, too, like MXR M 82 envelope filter.
  9. The only lessons i have taken was from my dad. We connect our 2 basses through a mixer to amplifier and old speaker. The volume was low, but everything was clear for me. But i think - a teacher who takes money - must have two comboes.
  10. Please share Your thoughts about playing with 2 or 3 fingers (4 welcome too). For me - i like 3 fingers in use. More freedom, less muscles in use, more speed. Best regards...😉
  11. May be You allready know, but be carefull out around here. Anyway - best regards !
  12. Add a bit of mud and predator will not see you at all.
  13. The last rehearsal was the rehearsal of group leader - vocal girl song "knight of the light" rehearsaling for 2 hours. 3 chords mixed up. Inside mad - outside happy.
  14. Only know that both are hum canceling. The humbucker has a switch it gives a power and some more db. The bass was made 2004.
  15. Single coil + humbucker = very universally. I have them on my Italian hand made D'alessandro (Haussell pickups).
  16. Best regards to You ! 😉
  17. As usual - welcome to hell/heaven !
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