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Everything posted by warwickhunt

  1. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='224860' date='Jun 23 2008, 11:28 AM']Lovely jubbly - I would go so far as to say if I sell my Duck Dunn, I'll buy this off you.[/quote] Hang on Alan, isn't this Spector just a pretty Warwick Streamer... are you gradually conquering your hatred of all things 'W' It is a cracking looking bass. I'd love to A/B it against the similar spec'd Warwick Streamer!
  2. You can rehearse till the moo moos come home but to be honest nothing tightens up a band like a gig (or even the impending deadline of a gig). I was involved with a band for a while that wouldn't gig until everything was perfect... unfortunately they had me playing bass so that wasn't going to happen In all seriousness though, they wanted everything perfect however we live in an imperfect world and there will always be a reason why one person or another isn't happy with either their part, a song/structure/timbre. You'd never get anything done! I say go for it now; ready or not
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  5. [quote name='Jonny Walker' post='223670' date='Jun 21 2008, 04:29 PM']What the hell does 'Nitro' look like?[/quote] [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='223671' date='Jun 21 2008, 04:33 PM']Thank god someone said it.[/quote] Short answer... It usually isn't as shiny and thick as other lacquer finishes, it can almost have a matt look.
  6. [quote name='Musky' post='224635' date='Jun 23 2008, 12:06 AM']I read somewhere or other about a repair involving the material from a pair of tights and something like nail polish. Or maybe superglue. Never had to try it myself though.[/quote] Sooner buy a new one than be caught dressed up like that again
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='222246' date='Jun 19 2008, 03:59 PM']Well, it looks like my 21012L will be up for sale soon... ..he said, cryptically. [/quote] FFS what now? You're worse than me... isn't he
  8. I've just taken the aforementioned bass in part-ex against my Glock from a fellow BCer (cheers Stuart); the trade was done on the understanding that a bloke from The Toon was itching to buy the Thumb straight from me (he'd seen pics etc). Anyways... I picked up the Thumb this evening and in the interim he's gone and bought a Wal. Apparently he's been trying to contact me all day but as I've been out and about and then went straight up to the borders to exchange the bass/amp, I didn't hear from him. Hence I now find myself the proud owner of a very nice (but totally unwanted) 4 string Warwick Thumb It really is a credit to Stuart (who has owned it for the last 15 years or so) and other than a few 'very minor' marks it could easily pass for a 1-2 year old bass. It is one of the earlier models with MEC pups and the fingerboard dot inlays. I'll get some pics up tomorrow evening (I'm fecked at the minute; been out all day on the bike and then had to dash up to Scotland before getting back to see friends off from Germany). I wouldn't be adverse to trades for a Streamer bass (the older the better and nothing later than 91) or something else of interest (probably not an amp BUT you never know... it would have to be a bit esoteric so no TE / Ampeg / Ashdown type thing). WHY? Cheers
  9. Pics bring out the GAS in us all... don't put them up PLEASE
  10. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='224005' date='Jun 22 2008, 10:15 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-P-BASS_W0QQitemZ320265226408QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item320265226408&_trkparms=72%3A638%7C39%3A1%7C65%3A12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-P-BASS_W0QQit...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url] Check out the questions. He really might not know the difference but i doubt it.[/quote] The latest Question / Answer states it is a Squier
  11. [quote name='RIM Basses' post='223886' date='Jun 21 2008, 11:32 PM'] 4 or 8 Ohms, 900w[/quote] How do they do that then Robbie, do you know? Is it just a nominal label of 4/8 (couldn't be 3/6 otherwise amps would be in jeopardy) or is it genuine!
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  13. Plenty of emails and banter, so to force a couple of hands how about £175 'inc next day delivery' with the case...
  14. Loads of interest but nothing firm! I'll likely as not eBay this next week (though I'm loath to do so as I'm closing my account) if no confirmed deposit/sale. I think offering transport to Europe will get me a decent price but time will tell.
  15. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='222538' date='Jun 19 2008, 10:45 PM']To be honest it looks like it's the other way around! Anyway, assuming there is a little seriousness left in this debate, here are (why do people always say "is"?) my tuppence: Playing covers does not sap your imagination and playing. Playing covers instead of original stuff does. I think striking a balance is important, but if you have to devote all of your practising time to one or the other, playing covers is best for getting gigs and having fun, whereas playing originals is better for improving your creativity.[/quote] I think you talk b*ll*cks! 'MY' £0.02
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='222351' date='Jun 19 2008, 05:39 PM']My apologies for being such a self-righteous bollock-talker. I don't recall doing any mud-slinging at cover bands so [b]I'm curious as to why all this ire is directed at me[/b] - maybe I've struck some raw nerves. Anyway I'll join in the fun by conceding that cover bands do have an important job to do as retirement homes for former musicians.[/quote] Strange that you think it is directed at you I was making a sweeping generalisation about b*ll*ck talkers 'whoever they may be'... probably includes me!
  17. [quote name='funkyjimbob' post='222352' date='Jun 19 2008, 05:44 PM']Hi, I'm new here so hello!! I have a Warwick Streamer Stg 1 5 and I love it, but I'm into wide string spacing and not everyone is too keen on it. The neck is very wide and chunky. Love it though.. [b]I presume thats a second hand price? pardon my stupidtiy....[/b][/quote] No need to apologise, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask. Yes the prices bandied about are used.
  18. Some people sprout a load of b*ll*cks sometimes. I've been in some originals bands that have stifled my creativity more than covers bands 'ever' have! Playing music increases your creativity and playing with other musicians, no matter what the context, can and does expand your knowledge base and your creativity. More importantly, please lets not lose sight of WHY we play music and stop trying to dumb down covers etc
  19. [quote name='BassManKev' post='222245' date='Jun 19 2008, 03:58 PM']is that compressor still available???[/quote] Sorry Kev. Just returned from work and I already had a PM confirming that it is sold.
  20. Why have a cheapie unit when I have an Alesis 2 channel fully adjustable jobbie for sale for less than you'd pay for a stompbox [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21785"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21785[/url]
  21. My instruments are insured on my household contents as named individual items. I was asked to provide valuations when I first took out the policy and the manager at SC Newcastle kindly typed up a 'cost to replace' letter. I'm only insured for one bass away from home at any given time but TBH that suits me fine. The total cost for £60,000 worth of contents insurance (which includes amp cab pedals etc) and 7 basses valued at a separate £14,000, is an annual premium of approx £150... I don't think that's too bad!
  22. [quote name='ianrunci' post='221755' date='Jun 18 2008, 10:07 PM']So learning shakespeare and performing it on stage doesn't make people better actors? To truly learn to play a complicated bassline from any record that you find difficult and challenging to play is a learning experience surely. Many of the worlds most talented musicians and songwriters spent years learning and performing other proples tunes. Sting being a prime example. All those years playing in orchestra pits and swing and Jazz bands surely didn't degrade his creative artistry. I imagine there are only two ways to improve as a player and that is to learn challenging lines or to constantly practice scales. I know which I would rather be doing. I played for years in original bands, I have done session work on lots of records where I have had to create lines from scratch and I have also wrote songs, I personally think that the only way I was capable of writing songs was to have some skill and experience to base them on in the first place. I don't think there is much difference whether your playing in a cover band or playing in an original band as far as playing skills go, but when it comes to writing an interesting bassline, having a good idea of how to string one together helps. And surely it depends anyway on what covers you are learning. If you go from playing original indie music to learning tunes by Pastorios & Clarke etc then how can that not make you a better player?[/quote] You get my vote... some of these others aren't arf talking b*ll*cks
  23. [quote name='JonnyM' post='221581' date='Jun 18 2008, 05:52 PM']Veering off topic, but that's spot on... I love Grado headphones with my iPod, although they reveal the limitations of compressed audio files... Rather like excellent bass gear revealing the limitations of my playing, ([b]hopefully forcing me to improve[/b] ).[/quote] Nah! Use gear that flatters your incompetence... that's what I've done for 28 years
  24. [quote name='RichardH' post='221092' date='Jun 18 2008, 08:19 AM']I'm interested in the Behringer. Any idea on postage cost? Otherwise I can probably organise a collection by a courier company.[/quote] [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='221095' date='Jun 18 2008, 08:30 AM']I'm interested in the Alesis John. Any idea on postage costs to West Sussex?[/quote] Neither items weigh a lot so I'd not reckon on any more than £10... it may be as little as a fiver. Organising your own might be tricky as I can't have stuff collected from work at the moment but not impossible. Cheers John
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