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Everything posted by Bunion

  1. It’s doing what it says on the Tin 😄
  2. Been after a Blackstone Mosfet Overdrive for such a long time. Finally one popped up on the fleabay “saved search” UK based so I had to jump on it. It wasn’t as cheap as I’d like but considering the condition of it (mint) and the cost of import tax and VAT if purchased new from Blackstone it was still reasonable and less hassle. She’s Definitely little and she’s definitely fierce It’s also exactly what I thought it would be, it sounds very much like an overdriven amp and I’m over the moon with it stock, but theres more! There are trim pots inside that I haven’t explored yet but just to add a twist there are also two capacitors inside that are are designed to be changeable so you can add your own presence and bass if you so choose. Yes I know his bass has too many strings and is tuned too high but it is an overdrive designed and built by a guitarist for guitarists… The external pots are exactly what I want and I think more pedals should head this way, I’m not one to fiddle with stuff, I like to set it and leave it and once set they can’t be knocked or moved unless you want to, although as demonstrated it’s easy enough with a thumb nail or a plectrum. I’ll leave you with some pictures from the manual that are worth a read if your into overdrive I don’t want to swamp the post with to much text, but needless to say there’s a goodly amount squeezed into the little box and I love it (honeymoon phase?) I think I got what I deserved after such a long wait
  3. That could be said for any musical instrument brand that has survived any length of time. The companies are sold and people get old and retire or pass. Would you say fenders are not fenders or a musicman stingray isn’t a stingray, let’s look at Gibson or Spector. Things move in, they evolve but to say ‘they’re not actually really wal basses’…
  4. Shure Glxd16 for me too with the added bonus of a built in tuner to free up space on your board.
  5. Radio 4 for the win 😂🤣
  6. Really loving this set up atm
  7. I’ve played this, it’s super light P with a good easy action. if I hadn’t Come away with the 63 I’d have had this one. hmm do I need a ‘P’ for roundwounds? 🤔 😂🤣
  8. A couple more and you’ll have enough for a ‘pod’
  9. Get yourself a Greenboy Fearless f112 and you won’t put enough power through it before it gets to loud 😄
  10. I haven’t put it up yet I’m working today and tomorrow I’ll get it up Sunday
  11. It’s actually 22.2kg but the Handbox is much lighter of course 😄
  12. Take it to a local tech if he can’t fix it buy another, 15 years is a good run, if it was a car which cost significantly more you’d have chopped it in years ago or you’d just scrap it now and get another
  13. If you didn’t live a 4 day walk from me I’d have lent you mine for a week to try out 😂🤣 saying that you could buy my Mesa eight 88
  14. Probably easier to by a new tort guard
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